GOTHAM - BATMAN Prequel TV Series

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got to say I'M really diggin' Barbara in these episodes.She smart,devious and very hot.And now she knows Cobblepot's true love secret.Time to B*tch slap that boy around.
Agree 100%. Love Barbara ever since she went "bad". This is the best comic tv show on at the moment, IMO. WB shows are juvenile and too soap opera-y for my tastes. AoS isn't bad either.
Again the Devious Barbara is the best part of the episode.This is a lady with a plan to be Queen Bee.

Because of Barbara Nygma now knows the truth about Oswald and wants to see him suffer.A Barbara and Nygma partnership I'M not sure about that but it will probably cause some mayhem.And Oswald,how many rock bottoms can the guy have.

seems like Bruce and Selina are in over their head with this heist.

the whole Gordon,Mario,Lee thing really felt forced for a Fall Finale.

And guess we know who is coming back when the series returns..Jerome

Until Gotham returns.
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Wasted talent and beauty Barbara was in past seasons. Very happy with her dominant roll this season!! Not to mention she is one beautiful woman!!!
As much as I like this show, I hope from the last episode they aren't going to put Gordon through hell again like last season. The man needs a break.
second half of the season started last night.Ghosts episode was so so.. Nygma started his revenge plan to drive Cobblepot bonker's :cuckoo: using Clayface to impersonate his dead dad and it seems to be working.Not enough of Barbara in this episode.

The writers really need to think about changing their game plan for Gordon,he seems to be trapped in an in trouble out of trouble loop.

Falcone puts a hit on Gordon for the death of his son.So Gordon dodged a lot of bullets from Zsasz last night.And funny how Zsasz brags about how he never misses?

Weak point:Lee goes from grieving hate filled widow back to normal Lee in the blink of an eye,just because she talks to Barnes and realizes how crazy he is.She convinces Falcone to call off the hit.Too easy.
She should still hate Jim for killing Mario.Even though nothing of the knife is ever mentioned.And Falcone seeing that Lee still loves Gordon should have made Falcone want Gordon extra dead.

New group of re-animators has the Dead Walking.. and they are working on Jerome and an army of baddies.

Bruce needs to get back to training because it seems that they don't have much for him to do except babysit Selina.And now we have a new scenario involving Selina's Mom.

Hopefully things will pick up with Jerome and the re-animated baddies.
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The Joker's henchman in The Dark Knight is Jerome's new henchman.

Yeah' Dwight is the easter egg.Or was.

best part of this episode was re-animated Jerome waking around without a face for most of the Episode.

the whole Mom Selena thing seems to have been a waste.Except to maybe give the Selena character more of an emotional arc.Also seems like Ed's plan for Oswald has taken a back seat for now to the Jerome Cult craziness.
The Joker's henchman in The Dark Knight is Jerome's new henchman.

Yeah' Dwight is the easter egg.Or was.

best part of this episode was re-animated Jerome waking around without a face for most of the Episode.

the whole Mom Selena thing seems to have been a waste.Except to maybe give the Selena character more of an emotional arc.Also seems like Ed's plan for Oswald has taken a back seat for now to the Jerome Cult craziness.

The episode is out already?
Dwight (David Dastmalchian) was one of the Joker's Henchmen in The Dark Knight.Too Bad Jerome blew him up in Monday nights episode after he stapled his face back on.Guess he "really" didn't like Dwight wearing it.
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