Godzilla Collectibles Thread

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Saw it. I wanted it badly. There's so much there. They had this great Leonidas statue from 300 I almost bought.

Lol @ yellow with a black stripe
Necas godzilla looks great because it's from the digital file (but then so are many of the other toys out there of legendary G, like the Japanese cup topper, a simplified jakks, etc....this explains the shortcomings of the other godzillas shown by neca....

That said, even though Sakai's G isn't accurate, he has done a decent job....for a sculpt that's not from the digital file, and it being "sculpterly" in his usual render, it's pretty good considering the other hand sculpted items we got from bandai America (excluding the hyper sized G from the destruction series and the new vinyls -u.s. And japan- coming out)

The artists who have typically captured Godzilla with great success,
I'm talking about two masters, Art Adams and Yuji Sakai have both had difficulty in capturing a really definitive likeness of Legendary G.
That's a good sign of its uniqueness and that time will still determine for us what makes that godzilla truly stand out......

It's like when vader first appeared....all anyone saw was the triangular mouth, black silhouette and samurai dome. And that was enough to depict him....still is for some. But now we've become so familiar, with him, the nitpicks are rather intense....down to details we know to exist but are perhaps never seen on screen.

For me, the stance for Legendary is really characteristic of his design.....the way the arms can hang down vs the typical bent elbow look of the Heisei and millennial G's....one reason the sh monsterarts looks weird....always in outlandish poses to showcase the articulation, but it doesn't help to establish his uniqueness as legendary G.....

The broken glass look of his dorsal spikes which are symmetrical all the way down his back on both sides, the short, square muzzle, small eyes, square head, webbed fingers, turtle legs and feet, armored hide vs the tree bark "burnt" texture of the skin we've become so familiar with....tapeworm-like segmented tail, vs the long flexible fat tail we've gotten used to.....these are things that seem to define his look

Well said man.
I have to wait on BBTS since I've got 3 other items waiting in my Pile. Hurry up dammit! :D
Thanks to everyone for posting. It encouraged me to call TRU and blam, they had one in stock and they said they'd hold it.

Little did I know that it would be a battle when I got there. Rofl, so I show up after work and they don't have it on hold, can't find it, and every TRU nearby is showing a -1 quantity of stock.

Pfft, so after a lot of waiting, dumb stares, and a feeble attempt to "check the back" I decided to just wander around. And shazzam, there that big guy is in the electronics department just sittin', chillin'. I was so freakin' happy!

Plus, now I feel like the money is spent and settled rather than worrying about when BBTS is going to charge me. Woot!
Wait, Godzilla was in the Electronics department, not with other Godzilla or NECA figures?

Might have to check my local TRU again tomorrow.
Wait, Godzilla was in the Electronics department, not with other Godzilla or NECA figures?

Might have to check my local TRU again tomorrow.

When I got the 6 inch neca G.he was near the cash register in electronics.they had a case of him sitting there waiting to be put on the pegs at the action figure isle.
Yup yup, every now and again they shift the Neca action figures over to Electronics and then back to Boys. Weird but worth a peek!


There you go MF.
I've seen that kit a lot on eBay, it's tempting for size, but the pose looked odd in most photos, looks pretty good there though.
Has anyone here bought the giant Jakks Godzilla and repainted him ? Would love to see some mod pics