Gloss finish, WHY???????

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Sep 14, 2005
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I don´t really understand why some fingures have a gloss finish. It makes them look so unrealistic even when the sculture is fine (Van helsin, Faramir...)
I´d like to know why most figures have a mate finish and why and who decides to do the gloss finish (maybe a mistake...)
creature4000 said:
Gloss takes away from the realism.

I don't think it does at all. I mean after all Anakin sure did look like he was wearing real lipstick. LOL! :rolleyes:
unlesss a character is supposed to be heavily' sweating, i prefer my figures to be completely matt.... no sheen at all. And that's how i paint them.

If you get a figure you like but it's shiny.. get a can of the matt varnish DullCote. it dries TOTALLY matt.... and its what i use on all my figures.
It's not intentional, but a trade off for certain types of paints. They pointed out at the CIV or ORC that it's really car paint that the factories are using on the 1/6 heads, which is needed for durability. It appears that some factories are better than others at sourcing non-gloss paint that still has the required strengths.
Very light shine is alright.

Sweat oozed from it's shiney skin.

Is everybody in?

The ceremony is about to begin...
Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom look!
She's coming in here
stickman said:
The ceremony is about to begin...
Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom look!
She's coming in here

The ceremony is about to begin...

WAKE UP!! you can't remember where it was! has this dream stopped? :D
tylerd said:
The ceremony is about to begin...

WAKE UP!! you can't remember where it was! has this dream stopped? :D

dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum doo doo doo doo do da da dong dong dong dong DONG!


Darklord Dave said:
It appears that some factories are better than others at sourcing non-gloss paint that still has the required strengths.

If that is the case, you have to wonder then, why not have one governing body in charge of paint and material acquisition so that when you find the right ones, you consistently use them accross the board in all of your factories, that'd be the best way to assure yourself as a company, and your customers of consistently getting a fine product, instead of leaving them crossing their fingers that a prized piece was produced in the better factory.
MaulFan said:
If that is the case, you have to wonder then, why not have one governing body in charge of paint and material acquisition so that when you find the right ones, you consistently use them accross the board in all of your factories, that'd be the best way to assure yourself as a company, and your customers of consistently getting a fine product, instead of leaving them crossing their fingers that a prized piece was produced in the better factory.

in a perfect world, that's proabably the case, but SS doesn't own the factories that make the product, and what the factory choose to do is kinda outta SS's hands. Sure, they can take away the business, but finding new factory or negociat increase production runs generally takes time. Most likely nothing will be done about the defect paint batch IMO and more energy will be concentrated at new production runs.
minivader said:
in a perfect world, that's proabably the case, but SS doesn't own the factories that make the product, and what the factory choose to do is kinda outta SS's hands. Sure, they can take away the business, but finding new factory or negociat increase production runs generally takes time. Most likely nothing will be done about the defect paint batch IMO and more energy will be concentrated at new production runs.

So you're suggesting that Sideshow doesn't own factories but hires them out so their control is limited?
MaulFan said:
So you're suggesting that Sideshow doesn't own factories but hires them out so their control is limited?

if you own the factory, then you get more direct control, (the closer the location, more control.) with the amount of products SS is cranking out now, something will slip thru the QC, and most factories dont just work for one single company, they are cranking out multiple product as well. Its unforturnate, but nothing is perfect. And if SS's products are made in china (where most toys are made now a days), then they can't own a factory even if they want to, they have to have a chinese co-owner/partner with the majority of the control lies with the chinese owner.

Personally, I'll be very surprised if SS actually does own a factory. If they do, then the quality control of the product rightfully falls on their shoulders and they got some explaining to do with some of their big screw ups.
But if you are paying a factory to paint your figures, and 2 out of 5 items look subpar, you go to another factory.
No US company that makes things out of plastics owns factories in China. A factory could be doing SSC 1/6 one day and industrial cheese graters the next. Unfortunately it's up to the factory to find the paint that most closely matches the prototype.

And if a factory screws up they do find another one, but there aren't as many as you may think.
Yep, them's the hard facts. It's not only the paint that is out of Sideshows hands, but it's also the production. If the factory decides the cheese graters they make, are more important, due to the sheer amount of cheese graters wanted by the world at large, in comparison to how many figures they make, they may employ a factory down the road to help make some of these figures, to meet their deadlines.

As far as Van Helsing goes. I have the regular and it's face isn't glossy. From comments made years ago, it seems to me that the exclusives suffer from the gloss paint, moreso than the regulars.