Glass doors + mirrors + spotlights = frustration

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Mighty Galactus

Super Freak
Jul 11, 2010
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So, my current setup consists of Bestas with mirrored backs and bottoms, glass doors, and track/spot lighting. The problem I run into is simple, yet maddening: I cannot get the glass to not show streaks/residue.

I have tried everything I can think of - different sprays, different cloth types, but something about the direct lighting and mirrors makes every little imperfection show.

I don't care how long it takes, or what it costs, but I HAVE to find something that gives me a crystal clear view with the spot lights on. It's like the Telltale Heart....slowly driving me insane.

Any recommendations? Better/professional/homemade cleaners or cloths?
Here's a simple yet effective way that I use to this Day on glass one shot of Windex and newspaper yes newspaper, when I used to be in the Car Shows I would use this method to get the streaks out of anything glass. That's my Method
Here's a simple yet effective way that I use to this Day on glass one shot of Windex and newspaper yes newspaper, when I used to be in the Car Shows I would use this method to get the streaks out of anything glass. That's my Method

Nice! I'll give it a shot.

Is that wisdom from Mother Russia there, Piotr? :)
Here's a simple yet effective way that I use to this Day on glass one shot of Windex and newspaper yes newspaper, when I used to be in the Car Shows I would use this method to get the streaks out of anything glass. That's my Method

I second this! when I worked at a body shop, I always finished cleaning with newspaper to the windows. If I didnt and parked the car outside you could see streaks a mile away and have to redo it.
Obviously you dont eat the newspaper! :slap

****ing hell now you tell me. :gah::gah:

I had the same problem with glass showing streaks no matter what i used. So i had a go with LCD screen wipes and it cleaned them great. No streaks just crystal clear glass. :yess:
I just started using "Invisible Glass" cleaner in a spray can from a company called "Stoner" - best stuff I have ever used. Works amazingly well with almost any cloth, as well as newsprint. You have to make sure to keep changing over to a new piece of newsprint, don't use one that's gotten totally soaked through.

I've had two people in the past week remark that my big glass sliding doors look invisible. Exact words: "it doesn't look like there's any glass there."