For the movie buffs out there...your top 3 films ever created

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Re: For the movie buffs out there...your top 5 films ever created

1. Star Wars Saga
3. Amadeus
4. Big Fish
5. Pink Floyd: The Wall
Re: For the movie buffs out there...your top 5 films ever created

pixletwin said:
1. Star Wars Saga
3. Amadeus
4. Big Fish
5. Pink Floyd: The Wall

Oh man...Amadeus... what an awesome flick... Loved that movie.

And Big Fish brings a tear to my eye everytime... :monkey2
Re: For the movie buffs out there...your top 5 films ever created

DarkArtist81 said:
And Big Fish brings a tear to my eye everytime... :monkey2

That movie f'd me up after watching it... but I felt okay as this big burly guy sitting behind me was sobbing like baby :monkey3 Its an excellent movie!
Well, I'd have to say mine are;

1. Star Wars Saga
2. Serenity/Firefly
3. Lord of the Rings

It was difficult to put Serenity up there but since I've watched the TV show lately I've become a fan so things have changed. And of course Star Wars is a must just because we all know it is.
Some others that I've not seen mentioned above much:

Saving Private Ryan - WHAM! Hits you like a ton of bricks right from the start.



Rob Roy - I love this film, and Archibald/Tim Roth is absolutely fantastic as the villain.

Harry Potter films......These seem to get better with each new one released.

TOE said:
Ah, yes the Kurosawa Criterion Collections :monkey5 I wish i had the $$$ to get those. Nice set there Tom. Have u seen Rhapsody in August? There is no doubt that you would love Star wars because Kurosawa has a tremendous affect on Lucas's vision of filmmaking.
It's funny watching Hidden Fortress and seeing scenes that Lucas used in Star Wars like C-3po and R2 on Tatooine, plus all the similar editing techniques like the wipes.
Star Wars
Interview with the vampire
The lost boys
Pulp fiction
(and even though it's new..the first spiderman,when i saw how they did peter parker it was like my comic dream come true)

other ones over and over
superman 1&2
back to the future
Tough decision, what had a huge impact on me is something different then what I can watch over and over.
Movies that had the most impact:
The first movie I remember the most seeing in theaters.
Star Wars-
This was my life as a kid
The first horror movie I remember seeing and scared the **** out of me.

What I like to watch repeatedly every year:
Top three:
Aliens (1 & 2)
Star Wars Ep 4,5,3
Lord Of the Rings (all three)

The others:
Star Trek 2
Indiana Jones (all three)
Conan the Barbarian
The Right Stuff
Galaxy Quest
Hellraiser 2
Terminator 2
Frankenstein (including the Bride)
The Matrix 1 & 2
The Goonies
Office Space
Time Bandits
Fight Club
Batman Begins
The Breakfast Club
Spider Man 2
Minority Report
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
Black Hawk Down
Last edited:
My favourites and probably most watched:

1)Blade Runner
2)The Shining
3)North by Northwest
This is a very difficult question, not to say impossible ;-)
So here I go:

1. Barry Lyndon (I like this one so much, this will be in my top ten forever)
2. Ninth Gate (not the best Polanski, but a very creepy atmosphere)
3. Match Point (Woody Allen surprised me)
Not comprehensive but,

1. Seven Samurai (tied with Hidden Fortress)
2. Star Wars -OT
3. Casablanca

1. The Mask 2 (son of the mask)
2. Bring it on!
3. Dunston Checks In

Honorable Mentions...

Home Alone 3
Babys Day Out
Return to Neverland
Are We There Yet?
Breast Men
Batman and Robin
Die Another Day
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark hands down top favorite.
2. The Crow
3. hmmm....tough there's a lot that fall into this space maybe between the original Back to the Future and/or Nightmare on ELm st.
Only Three????


1. Godfather
2. 2001
3. Well... Any LOTR, Solaris, Blues Brothers, Gimme Shelter, Wizard of Oz, Hero, Blazing Saddles, 2046, Private Ryan, T2, Spidey 1 & 2, Requiem for A Dream, Woodstock (The acid is definitely baaaaaaaad maaaaaaaaaaaan)....... lots more not listed :monkey2How can I pick three???????

TC :confused:
Giant Chicken said:

1. The Mask 2 (son of the mask)
2. Bring it on!
3. Dunston Checks In

Honorable Mentions...

Home Alone 3
Babys Day Out
Return to Neverland
Are We There Yet?
Breast Men
Batman and Robin
Die Another Day

I can't believe you left "White Girls" off your list. :cool:
1. Return of the King Extended Edition
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. The Passion of the Christ

Also way, way up there:

Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars (ANH)
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Napoleon Dynamite

...and of course, many others.
Ok, for impact and "watchability" I think I can come up with three, but for all-time faves or classics that is much harder.

1) LOTR - no matter when or where it's on, I can always seem to be in the mood to watch it

2) Star Wars OT - ditto

3) Braveheart, Gladiator, Princess Bride, The Three Amigos, Rocketman etc, etc

I am NOT saying that those are the "best" movies ever made; some are not even close :lol , but I can always watch them.

As for "classics," well my tastes are more:

LOTR (again, it wins with me); Citizen Kane; Casablanca; The Longest Day; Saving Private Ryan; Lawrence of Arabia; Indiana Jones; Ben Hur; well and Rocketman .... :eek:
Biggest Impact:

Star Wars IV
The Usual Suspects

Over and Over (besides the above)

Pulp Fiction

How about listing 3 films you could NEVER EVER watch again? :), or would that be a new thread?