Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Yesterday I sent you something that might cheer you up Les... :D

Get well soon!

I gotta admit, I am curious myself! :D
Thanks Al! :rock Appreciated bro.

Still fighting this bug. Taking some strong meds, and sleeping better, but still weak. Talked a long time to DA Josh last night, and that cheered me up, yapped about all his projects and dreams and I am proud to see him taking on some super and original directions in his customs. He is gonna rock you guys out soon with some super stuff! I know it!
Talked to P!TU also, and that wascally wabbit made me laugh. Thanks guys.

Trying to get back on the horse, despite being tired. Cleaned up some. My room had that sick room quality to it, so it took me all day to wash all the sheets on my bed, and when I put them back on, I laid down for a sec and was GONE! Wore me out just to change the frickkin' sheets!

Anyway, hope I am better soon. I drop in when I can, to read and scope what I can. I am still running behind of course, so all you newbies asking if I can paint up something for you soon, sorry, not in 07! January of 08 is filled too, since I have so much backlog to do.
Trying to ready for the FX show in Orlando still, and to be free of all past work by then. Be nice to have a clear slate for everyone by February 1st-ish.

So, that's the plan. Had a lot of time to think and look at a LOT of unfinished heads that are all looking back and seem a tad angry with me. If I don't get all these Daniel Craigs off my desk soon, I think they will rebel and pack me off!

So, hang loose. Thanks for all the wishes, and keep me and my Mom in your thoughts. She is still coughing to beat the band. I am too, but I don't have diminished lung capacity.

Anyway, take care and until next time, look for some surprises soon.

It's such a shame when such nice people go through so much. I hope you get well soon, and my thoughts and prayers go especially to your mother. Don't work yourself too hard, but keep us updated with all of your progress!!!
Thanks for the talk Les, as always it is an immediate pick me up and gets me rearing to go on my next projects. I always appreciate the kind words and the never ending support you have always given me. You rule man. :duff

And I hope you start feeling better soon, I know how those angry heads on the shelf can get. Don't want a rebellion starting overnight while you are asleep. :D

No, Les, nothing of substance for you yet! Sorry...
But you should check your mail, there's a couple of pics you might find interesting. :D
Images received and APPRECIATED my dear friend! You did indeed put a smile on my face!
Maybe soon, we can share with everyone else what you shared with me. Someday eh...

Just cancelled some stuff with SS. Had to. Hate it, but with the TOY FX show coming, and the need to save money in this loaded first quarter...had to let some go. What scares me is I am thinking of letting the Palpy set go. Already let Shaun and Ed go, that hurt. And the Predalien, but I got him secured elsewhere. Keeping Han and Old Ben, but letting a LOT go.

(By the way...for anyone interested, at the TOY FX show, several cool folks from Heroes will be there, Greg Grunberg and George Takai, as will several from Star Wars, notably, good old Darth Maul himself, Ray Park, AGAIN, so I will get his auto this go round, after meeting him and shaking hands last time...and also, who here is a Shaak Ti fan??? YES! Orli Shoshan will be there! jake Lloyd also. "WIZARD!" And more. More stuff here: FX SHOW GUESTS So, take a look and hope to see you guys there!)

Anyway, still fighting the bug, but better some. Wanted like hell to go see National Treasure 2, but not well enough to get out yet. Dangit!
My Bro and his lot are coming now. Sunday evening or Monday, so that is good. It will be a Christmas around here at least. Trying to feel better.

I have my contest to resolve tomorrow night at midnight, and some other issues here to try and catch up on, but I am still breathing. So is Ma. Thanks for all the kind words folks. Helps a bunch. Hope to be back at the loaded bench soon. Biggest delay on some heads is the dremeling. I am behind on that. Some necks to score out and get back to it. The time off has done one really good thing for me though, I CANNOT WAIT TO PAINT AGAIN! It's been a while since I felt that. Nice to feel the old vibes trying to let loose again.

So, hang in there and keep your noses wiped! :D
Til tomorrow...

Thanks Abake. You take care too buddy!

I felt well enough to shoot the contest coinflip video posted with my Find The Figuremaster contest thread, so that is done. There is a winner! It is in the video on YouTube now. Go see! :rock

Contest forum page with link

I am trying to do a lot of work here, cleaning for arriving family, and still keeping my Mom well. She is still struggling with this bug. I cough up stuff too from time to time, but seem better.

SO...Hope all of you have a great few days, and I will be back to post more stuff when I can. Thanks SO MUCH for all the support lately. I will try to reward all that with posts of painted stuff and more very soon!

Take care and see you all soon!


Thanks for a wonderful year everyone!
Merry Christmas Les, here's to a more promising New Year for you :duff....HEY, GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU *****!!!
How could I have forgotten, one of the better gifts I've received this year, thanks for your friendship Les, you're a first class dude and I look forward to getting to know you better :duff

And that beautiful Hicks head wasn't a bad treat either ;)
Hey, Les! I just wanted to get in my last-minute Merry Christmas wishes to you my friend! I hope your parents, and yourself are feeling better. We had a nice one down here. My daughter got a Nintendo Wii. so she's thrilled! :D

I hope your family had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! You deserve one! Take care, and keep up your incredible work that continues to "blow my mind"! :D
Awesome card Les!!! And a belated Merry Christmas :rock

BTW, that inner jaw item would be great for the caption contest :rotfl
Nice to see your P2 all put together there DS!
I wanna see more pics! How did he go together for you? Any problems?
Glad I could get him there on time.

As for me, the families are all gone now, and it is quiet here again. Many days of loudness and crying baby, and running about with my 7 and 8 year old nephews and lots of coughing, yeah, that damned cold is still there, but slowly dying off. THANK GOD! I am so tired of coughing...

Anyway, I see there is lots of news here, Josh college stuff, the return of Mikey, and more. My PM box is full of unanswered messages (and unfinished trades and whatnots), and since the ratio is about all inbox, I can't delete much yet. I will answer as I can, and delete and save so I can take more PMs. Sorry about that. Got behind.
To all you I owe a message, don't give up yet. I will respond within the next day or so as best I can.

Thanks and hope you all had a great holiday.
Now, Back to the bench! :rock

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