Executive Replicas 2001 Space Odyssey Astronauts

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You're entitled to that opinion, but just because it isn't made the way you would personally prefer doesn't mean it isn't well made.

The head sculpts are subpar (many people share this opinion), the figures can't hold a pose, very loose arms (and a bit tall IMO), again a common observation. So yeah, aspects of the line are not well made. The suits are very nice (though quite thick). And everything is too expensive. So I stand by my original comment. The monolith, can't get that too wrong, looks-wise. The base looks a little cheesy though. So again, $300 for a piece of black plexiglass is just silly.

I may pick up the white suit down the road, and possibly the green only because it was partially shown in the movie. But at $300/per they are pretty pricey. Too bad the violet suit isn't purple. I think that might have worked for a concept female astronaut. Retro purple could look pretty cool, however the violet looks too blue IMO.

The monolith is a tough one. I think it's overpriced and the rock base should have been a swap-out lunar/prehistoric (if Moonwatcher is eventually produced and includes a partial zebra skeleton). $199 would have been more palatable. Also is it a solid piece of plexi or hollow? If it's just four glued together pieces of plexi with a hollow center I'm out. For $300 I'd rather get a solid black acrylic or resin cast piece even though it would weigh a ton, because that would feel much more like the monolith. I'll have to wait for more info or first-hand reviews from the cons. It may end up being a home run so don't want to jump to conclusions just yet.

Was there ever an update on the Pod? For some reason I have $1,500 stuck in my head. Not sure if I'd go that high unless it included a couple of extras like HAL and the Starchild (which could be a sculpt encased in a clear lucite sphere).

Just a reminder if enough folks are interested in going in on new head sculpts let me know. I talked to Rocco about this a few months ago and I'm sure he could do an amazing job. I'd really like to head and body swap these. The suits are fantastic but the figures not as much.
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I don't see what the big deal is. I don't like raw onions, and I don't bother thinking about it much... I just ignore them.

If you loved onions but the only grower who sold them sold rotten ones at a high price then you'd care. :D

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If you honestly think the figures are rotten, then why don't you try making your own suits, metal fittings, accessories, molds, etc. and see how much one figure costs you to produce. Good luck.
The monolith is a tough one. I think it's overpriced and the rock base should have been a swap-out lunar/prehistoric (if Moonwatcher is eventually produced and includes a partial zebra skeleton). $199 would have been more palatable. Also is it a solid piece of plexi or hollow? If it's just four glued together pieces of plexi with a hollow center I'm out. For $300 I'd rather get a solid black acrylic or resin cast piece even though it would weigh a ton, because that would feel much more like the monolith. I'll have to wait for more info or first-hand reviews from the cons. It may end up being a home run so don't want to jump to conclusions just yet.
The monolith will be solid acrylic. The base will be solid resin. I used the bluray and many behind-the-scenes stills to make them as film-accurate as possible. The African rock version with bones is a possability in the future.
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If you honestly think the figures are rotten, then why don't you try making your own suits, metal fittings, accessories, molds, etc. and see how much one figure costs you to produce. Good luck.

Ok, so a 24 inch piece of black plastic sounds easy to make. Should be less than $300, I'd think. :)

Anyway, don't take it so personally. I just expressed my opinion that these are overpriced and some aspects, like the head the sculpts, are disappointing (points many agree with). And keep in mind I own one! I paid a bunch of money for it. Too much.

But I offered both critique and praise. It's best to learn to take critique if you're going to be involved with the company while participating in public discussion. If you want to argue for some reason take it to private message.

Anyway- since you aren't really seeing what I said- when I critiqued the quality and price- other companies manage to make products for more obscure films more affordably. There's a guy who makes a 1/6 scale model kit of the Space Pod that isn't too much more expensive than just one of these figures. And all of Executive Replicas products are about 15 years out of date in terms of head sculpt quality (and sometimes accessories). The bodies are also fairly poor. Yet many of their items are priced fairly high - for what is being offered. I'm always surprised by the quality versus pricing on their stuff (see their recent Bela Lugosi as another example). I already said the 2001 suits were nice (though too thick, IMO). I would buy several empty suits if they were more reasonably priced (and the company didn't get angry and tell people to go make their own stuff when someone politely said "$300 for a piece of plexiglass?!").

Anyway- no need to reply to me, we've said all that needs to be said. I'm just a paying customer expressing his opinion. I've been polite. Let's keep it that way.

The monolith will be solid acrylic. The base will be solid resin. I used the bluray and many behind-the-scenes stills to make them as film-accurate as possible. The African rock version with bones is a possability in the future.

That's more encouraging to hear. If it's solid acrylic then the price does make a bit more sense.
Virtually commanding me to take it to a private message, then telling me I shouldn't reply because "we've said all there is to say" doesn't seem very polite to me. Anyway, the guy who makes the pod at AC has a terrible reputation for not delivering the goods. (read his message board) The pod kit costs $525 for an empty shell, with no clear window glass, and the rear hatch doesn't even open. I'd say THAT is overpriced for a piece of plastic, more than the monolith is. I can take criticism as well as the next guy- I just happened to disagree with you on some points, to which you have responded by 'politely' trying to silence me. Honestly, it was a bit much. I didn't try to argue with you, I disagreed. That's all. I think $300 for a 24 inch tall solid 20 pound monolith, and the solid 20 inch wide resin base is the same price point we have come to expect from many companies. You think it's too high, and that's fine.

Wow, relax! I never "commanded" you to do anything nor did I try to silence you. I offered opinion which you continually try to write off as baseless, which is why I responded. And since it's going in circles I suggested taking it to private message so as not to annoy others! Hardly the sinister plot you imply! I simply said if you felt the need to continue arguing (over opinions! :slap ) then take it to private message as I'm sure no one wants to read our conversation (not even me!) :) . I also said that we both said all that needs to be said, which we obviously have (though you don't specifically address any critique I provide). I said the headsculpts are woefully out of date, 15 years behind the times, and the product is too expensive. For the prices the product should be better than Hot Toys quality (and even then it's too expensive). No floppy bodies, no early Sideshow era headsculpts with "doll eye" paint, wonky accessories, clothes that don't fit and look like they come from early late 90s/early2000 figures, outfits too thick for bodies to move, etc. Many people agree with my assessments. You disagree. Many people like the products. I even own the Dave figure. End of conversation.

I would much rather have a $250 kit of a 1/6 2001 space pod than a $300 black plastic 20 pound rectangle (and there seem to be plenty of satisfied customers who buy from that guy, BTW). I can make a 24 inch rectangle for under $20. Plus I wrote to the guy who makes the space pod kits, asking specifics about detailing it, wiring it for lights, etc, and he was quite polite and informative. Also, he didn't argue endlessly, nor did he become offended and condescending should someone offer critique - I agree- some companies can learn a thing or two from that, if you really want to talk about "reputations".

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Let us know how your less-than-$20 monolith turns out. Post photos, but don't bump into it while taking them.

As for the 'conversation', your reply was over the top. A bit control-freakie.
I'll lead by example and delete my previous messages for the benefit of others.
Guys, don't argue! ;-)
I think the truth is pretty much in the middle. All of these are nice, but each should have been (at least) $100 cheaper. Figures, suits and monolith for that matter.
But especially the suits are great (though yes maybe a bit too thick) and I'm also pretty sure you can't make a monolith of this quality at home for $20 - and if so not without spending hours and hours - and well, time is money. So if I was looking to get a monolith of this quality I would buy this one instead - though again I would feel that I was spending at least $100 too much on it.
...and regarding the head sculpts. I don't think they are 15 years behind. Maybe half. ;-).. It's the paint job or the lack thereof.
To each his own. Its cool one of the boardies is involved in this line. SOOO is there a chance theyll release the POD???

Yes, that IS cool and he's not the one setting the price point or painting the heads ;-)
All he does is making the products better and more screen accurate so cheers for that!
Let us know how your less-than-$20 monolith turns out. Post photos, but don't bump into it while taking them.

As for the 'conversation', your reply was over the top. A bit control-freakie.
I'll lead by example and delete my previous messages for the benefit of others.

Why are you always trying to put these little insults and slights into each response? Seriously, calm down. I said nothing that should have set you off so badly and nothing "over the top". If there's a control freak here it sure ain't me. You accused me of "commanding" you into "silence" (which is false), and were repeatedly condescending. "Control freakie" defined.

See this dead "horse"? Stop beating it. :D

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it wasn't intended as an insult, it was a challenge. If you can make a monolith for under $20, let's see it. It's you who have insulted the makers of the monolith, and that includes myself. I acknowledged your criticisms, and disagreed with some of them. I get a very odd feeling when people use phrases like: 'We've said all there is to say", and "end of conversation". I wonder if you see the inherent problem with them.

How is your post above exempt itself from 'beating a dead horse'?...

I'm just passing the time on a lazy Sunday afternoon... sippin peanutbutta cookies n' eatin lemonade...
it wasn't intended as an insult, it was a challenge. If you can make a monolith for under $20, let's see it. It's you who have insulted the makers of the monolith, and that includes myself. I acknowledged your criticisms, and disagreed with some of them. I get a very odd feeling when people use phrases like: 'We've said all there is to say", and "end of conversation". I wonder if you see the inherent problem with them.

How is your post above exempt itself from 'beating a dead horse'?...

I'm just passing the time on a lazy Sunday afternoon... sippin peanutbutta cookies n' eatin lemonade...

With reasoned argument, I expressed my opinion on product that I actually OWN (both negative AND positive). I wasn't rude or insulting towards anyone. You clearly had a problem with the negative critique, as you just confirmed, and as is evidenced by the condescending attitude and rude remarks. And now if you're implying that critique isn't allowed, that we can do nothing but offer blind praise, then who is trying to silence who?

The "end of conversation" was written after I summarized our exchange to that point, where I said we pretty much said all that we can say. You seem to be taking things I say out of context and misunderstanding them, purposely perhaps. In any case- I'd say this is done. Can I get a "hell yeah"?

Oh, and....

So, I take it you're not accepting the challenge?
If you have decided that you can't produce a monolith for under $20, it's ok to admit that.
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