ENTERBAY: Men In Black

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Looks yuck, cheap, & amateur. Might as well use bubblegum.

There is no way scotch tape inside a knee joint could be considered a professional fix. I mod a lot if myself and I wouldn't be happy doing that, unless it was just going to stand on a shelf afterwards and left there.

What about resale? These are still faulty goods? Badly manufactured plastic figures fixed with superglue and scotch tape?
There goes the resale value, MIB will not be Mint. In. Box.

No way, I would accept this.
If something has been manufactured badly and sold as new, it should be replaced with a perfect body. Simple as that, anything else and it's a rip off.

400$ for scotch tape and superglue?

My feeling is that its hidden, and not seen, if the fix is to attach bits of plastic to key areas then its a fix.

Like I say, I understand that it looks butchered and on the face of it, this does no favours for EB, but once the suits etc etc are on K and J and they aint toppling over like rag dolls then I don't see the problem.

Really mate?? I'm surprised to say the least.
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I'm sorry but that is totally half-assed and not a very good way to redeem yourself. Made my decision on whether to get replacements or a full refund an easy one.
There is no way scotch tape inside a knee joint could be considered a professional fix. I mod a lot if myself and I wouldn't be happy doing that, unless it was just going to stand on a shelf afterwards and left there.

What about resale? These are still faulty goods? Badly manufactured plastic figures fixed with superglue and scotch tape?
There goes the resale value, MIB will not be Mint. In. Box.

No way, I would accept this.
If something has been manufactured badly and sold as new, it should be replaced with a perfect body. Simple as that, anything else and it's a rip off.

400$ for scotch tape and superglue?

Really mate?? I'm surprised to say the least.

Well I'm not really fussed... maybe its my nature...


Well examples..

EB. MIB - any probe with figs. i usually say to customers, ok, send it me back and I will give you my e.g. Jacket, hands or Shirt etc etc

HT. 89 Bats - had prob with face plate, gauntlet, boots, grapple hook etc

I swapped all with my own, I end up with less than perfect figures saves me time and hassle dealing with the makers.

I'm easily pleased!! so maybe you guys can disregard my posts! Lol
Well I'm not really fussed... maybe its my nature...


Well examples..

EB. MIB - any probe with figs. i usually say to customers, ok, send it me back and I will give you my e.g. Jacket, hands or Shirt etc etc

HT. 89 Bats - had prob with face plate, gauntlet, boots, grapple hook etc

I swapped all with my own, I end up with less than perfect figures saves me time and hassle dealing with the makers.

I'm easily pleased!! so maybe you guys can disregard my posts! Lol

Frankly? Your posts on this issue would make me cautious about ever being one of your customers. You, me, everyone who pays three or four hundred dollars deserves NIB.
Frankly? Your posts on this issue would make me cautious about ever being one of your customers. You, me, everyone who pays three or four hundred dollars deserves NIB.

I'd have to disagree here. The fact that he is going out of his way to help his customers out would give me great confidence . It isn't his fault that figures arrive damaged etc . Also the fact that he is prepared to keep the faulty items for his own personal figures speaks volumes to me. I'd say a big thumbs up for customer service. I agree that customers should receive Mint In Box figures .

( and no I haven't bought from OSB, but will be in future knowing that customer service and satisfaction is key to them )
I'd have to disagree here. The fact that he is going out of his way to help his customers out would give me great confidence . It isn't his fault that figures arrive damaged etc . Also the fact that he is prepared to keep the faulty items for his own personal figures speaks volumes to me. I'd say a big thumbs up for customer service. I agree that customers should receive Mint In Box figures .

( and no I haven't bought from OSB, but will be in future knowing that customer service and satisfaction is key to them )

Yeah, okay. Of course I do appreciate that he would go out of his way. But that he wouldn't recognize the manufacturer's responsibility to replace a faulty figure, rather than scotch-tape it, was what would concern me. Again, these are not $9.99 children's toys, but expensive collectibles which need to be kept in as pristine shape as possible. What the heck kind of theoretical resale value would a J or K with tape on his knees ever have? Can you imagine the Ebay listing?
Frankly? Your posts on this issue would make me cautious about ever being one of your customers. You, me, everyone who pays three or four hundred dollars deserves NIB.

OK thats fine :)

I go above and beyond to make sure my customers are as happy with OSB.

Just to let you know, I sold almost a pallet and a half of MiBs, that around 45sets...

I went through every single MiB, to make sure all the arms are ok, nothing really I can do about loose knee joint issue, I even broke a couple just sorting the arms out (EB already sending replacements).

Just now I picked up a MiB body from a customer as the ankle snapped, I exchanged for a new body (in fact I sure the customer is a member on here) No questions asked.

Out of the MiB sales so far, no one has come backed to me to complain, any prob I sort out the best I can.

But thats enough about me...
OK thats fine :)

I go above and beyond to make sure my customers are as happy with OSB.

Just to let you know, I sold almost a pallet and a half of MiBs, that around 45sets...

I went through every single MiB, to make sure all the arms are ok, nothing really I can do about loose knee joint issue, I even broke a couple just sorting the arms out (EB already sending replacements).

Just now I picked up a MiB body from a customer as the ankle snapped, I exchanged for a new body (in fact I sure the customer is a member on here) No questions asked.

Out of the MiB sales so far, no one has come backed to me to complain, any prob I sort out the best I can.

But thats enough about me...

I'm glad to hear that you DID send the broken ones back.
If its a small issue, i don't really bother, but bodies warrant a send back!

Why do you think they are crudely fixing rather than replacing the bodies?
Its very obviously not ok with their customers.
Surely that goes completely against their "passion for perfection" moto?
Greed or desperation?

I find it weird to be honest.
What was that?


A personal question I would like to ask after all these fan questions is that you seem like a person who enjoys the finer things in life. You seem very passionate about Ferraris and If Im not mistaken a lot of collectors actually dont know that Enterbay also make model cars. Please tell our readers more about this passion of yours.


Ever since i was young i remember I have always love Ferrari, and I used to dream that I would be able to buy my own Ferrari when I grew up. Ferrari is my motivation, and I believe that everyone should have some sort of motivation to help them to move forward. At the initial stage of ENTERBAY was to produce a series of the Ferrari licensed model, and it was the first concept that I had in mind for modelling products: low price, high quality, high precision and have exactly the same paint used on a real Ferrari and paints look like semi-finished model. Only need to simply joint the parts together and it could become similar to those top fine quality Ferrari models. The whole Ferrari concept received a very positive respond after the announcement, unfortunately our lack of experience resulted in the betrayal of the factory and lots of pirated products were in the market before we even launched the product. The entire plan was a failure and I lost a lot of things. This bad experience did not stop my passion of love for Ferrari. I love Ferrari is not because it is a luxury product, but the Spirit of power, grace and refinement form the inspiration of Ferrari. I talk openly about owning a Ferrari is not because I want to show off my wealth, but I would like to express my pursuit of ideals, enthusiasm for life, continuous efforts and movement, like Ferrari.

I think anything less than a near perfect figure, tight joints, clean clothing, clean weapons, is unacceptable and warrants a return/refund. These figures are not cheap kids toys from Walmart, I expect them to be ready to go %100 out of the box. Seems they're very passionate about perfection with these body fixes.

Has EB no shame fixing bodies like that? Did they think no one would take photos and post them for the collector world to see? Congrats EB, keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into a ____ hole. Someone tell me those "fixes" are a joke? :lol

A personal question I would like to ask after all these fan questions is that you seem like a person who enjoys the finer things in life. You seem very passionate about Ferraris and If Im not mistaken a lot of collectors actually dont know that Enterbay also make model cars. Please tell our readers more about this passion of yours.


Ever since i was young i remember I have always love Ferrari, and I used to dream that I would be able to buy my own Ferrari when I grew up. Ferrari is my motivation, and I believe that everyone should have some sort of motivation to help them to move forward. At the initial stage of ENTERBAY was to produce a series of the Ferrari licensed model, and it was the first concept that I had in mind for modelling products: low price, high quality, high precision and have exactly the same paint used on a real Ferrari and paints look like semi-finished model. Only need to simply joint the parts together and it could become similar to those top fine quality Ferrari models. The whole Ferrari concept received a very positive respond after the announcement, unfortunately our lack of experience resulted in the betrayal of the factory and lots of pirated products were in the market before we even launched the product. The entire plan was a failure and I lost a lot of things. This bad experience did not stop my passion of love for Ferrari. I love Ferrari is not because it is a luxury product, but the Spirit of power, grace and refinement form the inspiration of Ferrari. I talk openly about owning a Ferrari is not because I want to show off my wealth, but I would like to express my pursuit of ideals, enthusiasm for life, continuous efforts and movement, like Ferrari.


Ha, you found the story. The truth is that Bill wasn't betrayed. More like he screwed someone and now the factory is out of business because of him. One of the reason why you see a lot of bootlegged EB BL heads, body, clothing set, other factories are doing that to screw him back. Mind you these are not bootlegged but came from the actual mold from the original factory.

I believe all the inconsistency with EB has to do with how little factories in China is willing to do business with him these days.
Hi Guys,

I received the MIB figures and I just have to say that they are awesome !!!
I think I'm one of the lucky owners who has none of the reported issues.
The only thing I had were those rather stiff arm joints. But after a little bit of physiotherapy (in moving gently the arms back and forth in the beginning) everything now works perfectly !!
The paint job and the headsculpts are the best I have ever seen. Unfortunately it is hard to get this faithfully on the picture......






Man, those fixes are totally bogus! Tape? Seriously? :lol And they want people to pay to send these back for that? I'm almost glad they haven't responded to any of my emails so I could escalate my Paypal case to a claim now. I think this whole fiasco could really hurt Enterbay in the long run. I know I won't be buying from them again and their TDK 1/4 figures looked so tempting too.
Hi Guys,

I received the MIB figures and I just have to say that they are awesome !!!
I think I'm one of the lucky owners who has none of the reported issues.
The only thing I had were those rather stiff arm joints. But after a little bit of physiotherapy (in moving gently the arms back and forth in the beginning) everything now works perfectly !!
The paint job and the headsculpts are the best I have ever seen. Unfortunately it is hard to get this faithfully on the picture......


Nice pics, great headsculpts, but can they stand without the stands?
Nice pics, great headsculpts, but can they stand without the stands?

Yes, mine can stand on their own. I just use the stands, because I quite like them. The snap system for the height, the movable joint and the nice adjustable claw that holds them gently...... I don't know.. I think the stands also make them look more valuable..... and frank has a nice place in the middle :)
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but can they stand without the stands?

Mine also stand just fine without the stands.

The paint job and the headsculpts are the best I have ever seen. Unfortunately it is hard to get this faithfully on the picture......
Yeah i've not seen any picture do justice to just how good these headsculpts look in person. Congrats on your set. :hi5: