dls712's - 1/6 Scale Displays - Star Wars & Others

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Ok so I just need you to PM me your address so I can VISIT the museum. Not to stalk your house till you leave so I can steal all your stuff. That would be rude!

Great work bro. I am jealous.
Been working on the Death Star blast door framing for the Early Bird Kit / Original 12 shelf. Still a bit more to do… but probably on hold until the Spring. Can’t spray paint outside in the Wisconsin Winter… and my wife is not too fond of the spray paint fumes in the house if I whip out the spray paint in the basement workshop. :)

Love this display idea and all the displays Amazing work!:clap:clap:clap
Your display got me thinking. SSC should do a giant early bird box set with a giant reproduction of the box. ;D

The display will look stellar with the entire original 12 lined up in it.
Hello All -

It’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread. A lot of real world distractions since my last postings here… but I’ve been able to sneak some 1/6 scale construction time in every once in a while.

I took some status update photos of some of the things I have been working on - will try to get them posted over the next few days.

Let’s start with Star Wars. I haven’t touched the Hoth or Jabba dios in a very long time. I plan on hitting these hard this year. Still probably a couple/few years out from finishing these up and getting them behind glass.

I decided I wanted to add the BG-J38 robot & his gaming stations to the Jabba display. They will be located in the arched area to the right of Jabba.

I printed out a couple of reference photos and enlarged them to the correct size for 1/6 scale. I was lucky to find a couple baubles at a local craft store that look like they will be great eyes for this guy. I’ve never attempted a robotic character like this - should be a fun build, and should add a bit more atmosphere to the display.

generalgrevious - no plans for copies - will be a big enough challenge getting the one done :(


I’ve collected comics since I was a kid. I sold off a lot of them over the years, but I kept the ones that meant the most to me. I built a small comic case for the best-of-the-best a few years ago. This past year I started to fancy up the case by adding my traditional 1/6 scale brick treatment on the ends, and by putting together a simple diorama base on the top. As with most of my projects… still not finished yet! Currently on top I have a couple old 1/6 scale Hulk & Thing models from Horizon framing a copy of one of my favorite comics/comic covers - Fantastic Four #25.

I have a number of other comics that I plan to eventually set out as display pieces. Some are just cool superhero comic covers, some are photo covers of comics based on favorite TV shows & movies, and some are “location” comics with a geographic landmark on the cover of some place my wife and I have been to. Anything to try to tie it all together!

It's incredible how your pictures and your stories toghether creating a fantastic atmosphere!
Thanks for sharing :clap
Thanks Sturtrup - I always like it when people post motivation / behind-the-scenes stuff along with their custom works... glad to see you do too!

And on that note... more updates on some recent (non-Star Wars :() projects.

I’ve always liked those Marvel & DC comics drawings that pack in a ton of characters into them. My favorites are the ones that look like all of the heroes are focused on a common enemy - and all of the characters are in “attack mode”.

I have a couple original comic posters that are themed like this. I picked them up back in the 1980’s from my favorite comic book store.

One of those posters promoted the original Marvel Secret Wars series, and the other was for the comic book title Marvel Team-Up. Both of my posters are in storage… but I grabbed a couple pictures off the internet to show the images:

I plan to eventually put together a custom frame for at least one of the posters and work it into the display… probably near my “Marvel Menagerie” display… a bunch of Marvel Movie themed figures cascading down from the ceiling above… inspired by those posters and by all of these types of super-heroic images that I’ve loved since I was a kid.

This display is still a work in progress… some of the figures are currently stand-ins for future upgrades… and more figures are on order. One of my favorite “figures” here is a custom Mr. Fantastic that is entering the fray from on top of the Ghostbusters Headquarters. He needs more work… but is getting closer!

Wow! That Mr. Fantastic is, well, fantastic! What a clever idea. I really like it.

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This is my first time seeing this thread. Simply amazing. The model buildings and other fabrications remind me of the types of things that I have seen at Disney World. Truly inspiring work.

dls712, you should create a thread in the Show Your Shelves section and call it "A Tour of my Museum"

STUNNED that's all I can say, my god what a beautiful collection, so artistically displayed. My heaven may look a lot like your play room
Ninersphan - :)

To the lower left of all of the Marvel Movie figures is an area that I put together to look “back-alley-ish.” I originally planned on displaying the figures from the Batman v Superman movie - Batman/Wonder Woman/Superman here. But after a one-day-binge-watching-session of the first season of the Netflix Daredevil series a couple weeks ago… and since Hot Toys looks like they might go deep on creating characters based on the Netflix Marvel series… I might reserve this area for the Defenders and the Punisher… and continue the Marvel Cinematic Universe goodness down the side of this cabinet.

Here is a shot of the area with a very grim Batman & Superman. I think they know that their little corner of my world might soon belong to someone else.

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I realized I never dropped a photo of the completed Back to the Future display into this thread. I got the car many months ago. I hooked up the car’s lights to work via remote control to avoid removing the protective display case glass every time I wanted to see the flux capacitor… “flux”.

Pretty simple dio… a basic black box with parking stall stripes painted on the “blacktop” base. In person the lighting gives a good vibe of the parking lot scene where Marty & Doc do their initial time machine testing.

Under the Back to the Future display is the very rough start of my version of the Harry Potter - Dark Arts Classroom. So far just some simple pre-production styrofoam mock-ups to help visualize how I want it to look. This display will ultimately borrow my favorite room design bits from the movies and from the Forbidden Journey Ride queue at Universal Orlando.

All three kids will be in the “tower” area. Dumbledore will be here too. Iron Monger will not be a permanent resident.

And… here is a room-lights-on shot of the current state of this display corner.

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