Media Death Stranding: a Kojima Productions game

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I'll get it anyway, it will sell out for sure, and if the game sucks ass, there's always some fool whom I can re-sell it to, at a profit *rubs hands together*

It will be pretty to look at, that's the only thing I believe it will have going for it. Of course the Metacritic Kojicucks will say otherwise.

This might be the first time I pull a RIDDICK and just watch playthroughs of it on YT and not buy it.
I'm the wrong person to talk about that Pliss :lol I'm still riding hard on that Ruse Cruise.

My expectations are pretty hard, I expect some Arthur C Clarke sci-fi/Old testament level stuff.
I won't say it will be outright bad as I have no way of knowing that given we've seen next to nothing so far, I just have no expectations whatsoever. The game has been in the pipeline for two years now and not a thing has been shown other than trailers made with a different engine in all likelihood.

Even if it turns out to be what you hope it is, I think I'm still skipping it. I've given enough time and money to Kojima, no further. The guy has really changed in 16 years for the worse.
Even if it turns out to be what you hope it is, I think I'm still skipping it. I've given enough time and money to Kojima, no further. The guy has really changed in 16 years for the worse.
C'mon Pliss, you won't be skipping it :lol nobody will, and I don't blame you, no matter how much you hate all of this, Kojima stuff is our Star Wars and Kojima is our Lucas, you hate/love it or at the very least love the memories and that alone will make you not miss it.

And you don't trust reviews, because you know no review will say it's bad, so you have no way of knowing in advance, only by getting it.

My expectations are probably unhealthily high for this, I know it, I don't think I have higher expectations for anything, movies, toys, or stuff, than this game, this is most likely fan fiction, but if it's anything like this, it's sci-fi fawp material for me.

C'mon Pliss, you won't be skipping it :lol nobody will, and I don't blame you, no matter how much you hate all of this, Kojima stuff is our Star Wars and Kojima is our Lucas, you hate/love it or at the very least love the memories and that alone will make you not miss it.

And you don't trust reviews, because you know no review will say it's bad, so you have no way of knowing in advance, only by getting it.

My expectations are probably unhealthily high for this, I know it, I don't think I have higher expectations for anything, movies, toys, or stuff, than this game, this is most likely fan fiction, but if it's anything like this, it's sci-fi fawp material for me.

Will see, but I've never considered swearing off a Koji game until now. I honestly think I would of liked Phantom Peen a whole hellva lot more if you weren't the unnamed jobber medic... I believe it was the most blatant slap in the face in a game in recent memory.

For your sake, I hope you're right about it. Sure he is our Lucas, and he did the same thing which was essentially deconstructing their respective series in the most harmful way possible with redundant sequels (minus MGS3, and MPO to a degree)

I just feel I no longer have a dog in the fight in regards to Kojima since I just don't want to take a step back into that world and just get annoyed and irritated with more ****** storytelling, or just bad story in general.

As much as I have projectile diarrhea'd on TPP, there was fun to have in there. But it was pulled down by so many utterly retarded choices in gameplay and a story that I honestly didn't give a **** about.

With MGS being dead, I feel like I can just move on and not get all bothered with this crap anymore :lol


"Forget about us. And find a new lease on life."
So, if The Rock were like an MGS movie, who'd be Solid Snake? Nic Cage, or Sean Connery?
Sean Connery is BB obviously.

Nic Cage is a very crappy Solid Snake.

Either that or Connery is Solid Snake and Nic Cage is a crappy Meryl/Otacon.
Nicholas Cage as Liquid Snake.
Nicholas Cage as Solid Snake.
Nicholas Cage as Otacon.
Megan Fox as Meryl.
Nicholas Cage as Revolver Ocelot.
Nicholas Cage as Frank Jaeger.
Directed by Michael Bay.

I'd watch that.
Nicholas Cage as Liquid Snake.
Nicholas Cage as Solid Snake.
Nicholas Cage as Otacon.
Megan Fox as Meryl.
Nicholas Cage as Revolver Ocelot.
Nicholas Cage as Frank Jaeger.
Directed by Michael Bay.

I'd watch that.


Cagiest Snake: A fallen Legend, who refuses to accept his Male pattern baldness.
[a nanomachines helmet has been placed onto his head and nanomachines are being poured inside] OH, NO! NOT THE NANOMACHINES! NOT THE NANOMACHINES! AAAAAHHHHH! OH, THEY'RE IN MY EYES! MY EYES! AAAAHHHHH! AAAAAGGHHH!

"Your new Sneaking suit uses electro fiber technology, a by-product of fiber-optics research. The texture isn't far removed from
rubber but the material protects against a wide range of toxic substances. The suit itself has a wide array of built-in sensors.It is referred to as "Smart Skin" in military R&D. Data about damage to different regions of the body, including blood loss, is exchanged between the suit and the intravenous nanomachines to create a bio-feedback system."
I preordered the 1000toys Ludens. It's an awesome-looking astronaut designed by Yoji Shinkawa, and brought to life by an amazing toy company. That's enough for me to want it.

(Jesus, I'm starting to develop some expensive tastes :lol)