DC RELAUNCHING entire Universe in September

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Detective Comics ain't bad.
I have to disagree here....
The first two or three issues were OK, but it went downhill fast after those. With each issue the story/writing became weaker and weaker, and it's got to the point now where the artwork has begun to deteriorate too.
I think Detective would benefit vastly from a new writer who doesn't have to split his time between writing/drawing, which would allow Tony Daniel the time to focus solely on the art instead. The upcoming issues with the guest writer might prove the point hopefully.
Yep, Detective (and Action) really has been pretty sub par....gonna give them both another month or two & then if things don't get better they're off my pull list. Same with JL. I really want to like Superman but that's been really disappointing as well. Dark Knight is only OK.
Snyder and Capullo's Batman is outstanding, and really ruining it for every other title. It's a great book.
^ Yeah, Batman completely blows every other title (that I read anyway!) out of the water at the moment. Each issue is better than the last and every month I'm left eagerly awaiting the next one.

I've only recently got into B:TDK since finding out that Gregg Hurwitz will be taking over in a few months (can't wait for that - should really make this title one of the best!) and it hasn't actually been as bad as I'd heard it was. Not sure where all the hate comes from. The later issues inparticular have been better than Detective...
I like Action and Batman, Justice League's been a 'meh' book, but out of everything, the one I find myself looking forward to over everything, month after month, is All-Star Western, even in the days of Jonah Hex, Palmiotti and Gray delivered quality stories month after month, albeit under the radar. Highly recommended, go to your comic shop, right now, and purchase All-Star Western and Jonah Hex, you won't be disappointed.
I agree, the story has been on decline since issue 2 for Detective Comics, and now the artwork isn't as good either.

Batman, Swamp Thing, and Animal Man are THE books for the new 52.

I dropped Justice League. Sick of spending $4 on something that takes 5 minutes to read and is just really lame.
Issues i dropped so far are, detective, wonder woman and green lantern .
those still good in my opinion are suicide squad, catwoman, justice league and superman
the issues that may drop next issue for me are action comic and supergirl.

just seems like the first issues of the new 52 are either great then drag on, or the suck from the start then get better ...not to say that some are not staying great with every issues but they are rare
I did read the first book in the new Vertigo line; Fairest. It was decent enough for me to probably buy issue 2.
The Flash and Batwoman are becoming my favourites so far. [Just getting around to read my backlog.] Stunning artwork.

Catwoman was brilliant too. But that's all I've read out of my long list so far.
I was thinking of picking that one up

try it out, it's not great by any means IMO. But, decent. You may like it more than I did. 'The New Deadwardians' from Vertigo is the one I'm looking forward to the most.
The Flash and Batwoman are becoming my favourites so far. [Just getting around to read my backlog.] Stunning artwork.

Catwoman was brilliant too. But that's all I've read out of my long list so far.

To each his own, but calling Catwoman "brilliant" is crazy talk. I think it's Ok at best.
To each his own, but calling Catwoman "brilliant" is crazy talk. I think it's Ok at best.

#1-6 were fun reads. My only real problem with it was I didn't care for Reach much. Apart from that I have no problems with it and happily call it brilliant. So far. :wink1:

Looking through reviews I've seen the negativity but I don't really get it.
I'm still digging Action, I just don't get why we had a Brainiac story, took a quick detour with the Legion of Superheroes and now we're suddenly back with Brainiac like nothing happened.

The only books I'm considering dropping from my current pull list, sadly, are the Green Lantern books. I always expected to drop Green Lantern, 'cause I don't really care for Hal, but I'm kind of shocked at how underwhelmed I am by Corps and New Guardians.

It looks like Jon Stewart is going to go on trial for what went down in the last issue. Without getting all spoilery for those show haven't read it, I'm pretty disappointed they're taking Jon down this road *AGAIN*. I do like Guy, and Guy is Guy in this book, but I don't know if I can take the current storyline.

As for New Guardians, I don't know wtf is going on anymore. "Team" members disappear and suddenly reappear with new personalities, not a lot of time is given to explaining what the point of the book is, yet the story still manages to drag. This is the most disappointing for me since Kyle is one of my favorite characters in all of the DCU. :monkey2
I'm still digging Action, I just don't get why we had a Brainiac story, took a quick detour with the Legion of Superheroes and now we're suddenly back with Brainiac like nothing happened.

The only books I'm considering dropping from my current pull list, sadly, are the Green Lantern books. I always expected to drop Green Lantern, 'cause I don't really care for Hal, but I'm kind of shocked at how underwhelmed I am by Corps and New Guardians.

It looks like Jon Stewart is going to go on trial for what went down in the last issue. Without getting all spoilery for those show haven't read it, I'm pretty disappointed they're taking Jon down this road *AGAIN*. I do like Guy, and Guy is Guy in this book, but I don't know if I can take the current storyline.

As for New Guardians, I don't know wtf is going on anymore. "Team" members disappear and suddenly reappear with new personalities, not a lot of time is given to explaining what the point of the book is, yet the story still manages to drag. This is the most disappointing for me since Kyle is one of my favorite characters in all of the DCU. :monkey2

I'm still hanging on to the GL books, as it's my favorite of the DCverse. But I agree that New Guardians is dragging, they just needs to have more Larfleeze. That would solve most of their problems.

Corps was fun for the first 4 issues or so...now It's sort of eh...