DC RELAUNCHING entire Universe in September

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Although about half are on pure curiousness alone.

Don't forget Demon Knight.

I'll be also buying Green & Red Lantern. Never a fan of the lanterns but I like to see the beginning. Finally, I can really start to collect Batman:
Batman: The Dark Knight
Detective comics
Ummm... arent the digital books the same price?
And, didnt we just see the "mystery girl" in all the books looking to make things right? You might not want to count them eggs before they hatch there. This could still end up being one of Johns "events" and we'll have ourselves a good ole fashion AoA where we get parts of the "DCnU" mixed with the DCU proper. If this simply turns out to be the same stuff repackaged, hopefully for the money we'll get some good stories and concepts out of it. I, for one, cant stand the endless events, but I have decided to see where some of this rabbit hole goes and picked up some #1s, which I'm being told at the LCS that most peeps are doing, just getting #1s, reading them, and deciding to move forward or not next month.

Yea, mostly #1 for me. But besides that, I'll like to keep Batman going.

Only Hulk, Batman, and maybe Uncanny XForce. Not sure about Superman yet. I find him to be all power and not enough story. Just IMO.
Ummm... arent the digital books the same price?
And, didnt we just see the "mystery girl" in all the books looking to make things right? You might not want to count them eggs before they hatch there. This could still end up being one of Johns "events" and we'll have ourselves a good ole fashion AoA where we get parts of the "DCnU" mixed with the DCU proper. If this simply turns out to be the same stuff repackaged, hopefully for the money we'll get some good stories and concepts out of it. I, for one, cant stand the endless events, but I have decided to see where some of this rabbit hole goes and picked up some #1s, which I'm being told at the LCS that most peeps are doing, just getting #1s, reading them, and deciding to move forward or not next month.

Digital copies will go down in price starting next month, only the no1 issues were priced the same as paper copies.

and that lady that you talk about is the same thing that DC did when they had superman earth 2 , superboy prime and so on in that pocket U, and with that person who remembered everything that had happen during the crisis, this is DC comics way of keeping an exit door open but if sales are strong enough , they wont go that way and will end up killing the lady or something and move on with the reboot...
lets be realistic, it would be a :cuckoo: move on DC comics to not have an exit if things went bad with the reboot.

anyways , with everything that they did to promote the reboot, and with all the talent at hand, im sure that it will last for a good 20+ years before another major change , keep in mind that nothing really ever goes back to what it was, it cant, so see this as the next step in the era evolution that started with the golden, the silver, the modern, and now the new era , things always needs to move forward and above all it needs to keep up with its younger readers since this is after all aimed at them first.

those of my generation had the end of the silver and the modern and with that we got superboy with that funcky leather jacket, and so many more 80s-90s clothing and style influence at first then it went into a more modern looking style with artist bringing in some more recent looks into the comics, and the mind set of the characters also reflected what was happening and what the readers wanted.

now the same is happening with readers wanting everything to look more realistic due to the films influences so they decided that it was time to suit the heroes up to fit the demand , and with that also comes a more realistic take on the mind set of the characters , something that dc took noticed that the readers wanted out of the books.

also we need to look at one character only to see why this will be the main DCU for a long time and that character is superman...

every time a big change takes place, he is somewhat at the base of the why, and with the lawsuits still going on, they needed to change things up to work around who the character is, that includes removing the origin that we know from is current version and first issue, and they did that, they also needed to change the suit a little bit and they did and so on.

and like the first crisis , they changed the rest of the dcu along with him , ok back then it was due to the supes family being too large and they wanted to shrink it down a bit so they created the crisis to make it happen.

bottom line, this aint the first reboot if you will and it wont be the last, its needed to keep readers and its needed to keep up with readers and their taste , and some might say that the visuals are not a big deal but they are for most everyone, and notice the a crappy cover wont sell as well as a cover that has a very stylistic look to it.

i think i said all that i wanted for tonight/morning/ lost track of time... so thank you for reading this long post high :hi5:for me for posting...:wave
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The guy who used to own my LCS (closed in '09) stopped reading a long time ago. The one thing he did mention when it came to the last stuff he really enjoyed was Crisis on Multiple Earths. This makes me wonder if they're thinking along the same lines. If you're running out of stories to tell about your characters, change whatever it is about the character that's in your way. If its a whole universe, make a new one. If you can change that, the number of stories you can tell is only limited by a character's name.

I never bothered reading the books because the reason I read these stories is because the characters are who they are. They have limits which make the name inseparable from the unique person.

I'm not above an elseworld tale, but I don't want 2 (or 20) years of it. I want new stories invented within the confines of the character's identity. I don't want new characters with old names.
Flipped through a few #1's. Would have gotten the Lantern stuff if I was a fan of the material. Skipped this week and picked up Animal Man #1 from last week (and Fear Itself 6!).
I'm still waiting to read action comics 1 and detective 1. Ordered them a while ago, just waiting to get them in the post. But reading some opinions I'm really excited about detective. That and batman are the two main titles I wanna check out, but getting action comics and superman to see how they are. Never really read much superman so thought it might be a good place to start.
Suicide Squad #1 was cool. I'm onboard for at least one more issue. This title has real potential.

Next on the reading agenda:

Demon Knights
Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
Green Lantern
Batman and Robin

And, not DC, but I also picked up the Supergod TPB by Warren Ellis.
Let me know how that one is, IJ. So close to picking that one up myself.

Will do. Will try to read that tonight. If not, tomorrow.

Here are my quick takes on the other New 52 books I picked up this week:

Suicide Squad #1: See above post. Liked this a lot. I'm in.

Demon Knights #1: A good read and very different (which is also a plus). I've just never really gotten into reading anything that takes place during this time period. A well-written book and interesting character. Just doesn't appeal me personally. Not sure if I'll pic up the next issue.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1: This was very cool, if hardly original in concept. A fun read. I think the Creature Commandos have potential to be popular. And I liked the dynamics between the characters. Definitely on board for Issue 2.

Batwoman #1: I wasn't even gonna give this a shot, but I did... And found it pretty "meh". Not a terrible read, and the art is good with interesting layouts... I just couldn't get into it at all. And when
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. Probably sitting this one out from here.

Batman and Robin #1: Pretty good read with good art. And I like the small changes they've made, particularly
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. Pretty outside the box thinking by Tomasi if you ask me, and I can dig that. The new Nobody villain seems like he/she might be interesting. But I really, really do not like the Damian character at all. He's just such a little a-hole. A pure unlikeable twat that makes me wish for another Death In The Family event. Screw him. Still, I'll give this book another go.

Green Lantern #1: Geoff Johns redeems his Justice League #1 punt a little with this. While there isn't much that happens in this issue that we didn't already know about you can definitely feel a foundation being laid for multiple arcs that will go somewhere. Oh, and
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. I'm on board, for now.
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I'm going to have a short box filled with these New 52. Looking at my stack I don't even want to think about how much reading I have in front of me. :lol
suicide squad was great , interesting and with small twist on the characters here and there.
its an interesting origin to this version of the group and its fun to see all these second hand criminals, first rate psychos and guns for hire team up in this version.

and the last panel of the comic really sets up how big the missions are going to be from now on and just how crazy you need to be to be part of the suicide squad
Agreed. I'm actually one who thinks that the Harley Quinn character is overrated and has been egregiously over-used. But she really works here.
and the last panel of the comic really sets up how big the missions are going to be from now on and just how crazy you need to be to be part of the suicide squad

I feel this is the theme for alot of the books. Most of them are "nothing special" except for one splash page in each.
Frankenstein was my favorite character in Seven Soldiers of Victory and I've always wanted to read more with him. Suicide Squad is usually pretty great, and no matter how overused Harley gets, she has deep potential.

So much for bowing out...
I feel this is the theme for alot of the books. Most of them are "nothing special" except for one splash page in each.

That's just the hook to try to get you to buy the next issue. Like a serial, almost. It's also a long-standing comic tradition that when done right is quite effective. Semi recent series like Y: THE LAST MAN and GIRLS used this to great effect in pretty much every single issue. You couldn't wait to read the next book, especially after that final splash page.

What's is interesting is that with these New 52 books so far the reveal has either been "meh" or jaw-dropping. No in between.
Demon Knight lookin good. I'll probably continue a few issue till it gets boring.

Red Lantern look kinna 1-2 dimensional. Disappointing IMO, although I never really got into the lanterns stuff.

Green Lantern is promising.

Can't wait for Batman, SuperGirl, and Wonder Woman next week!
i am actually more interested in catwoman then batman next week, i all ready got my batman story going with detective comics , i dont want to get into too many batman stuff , since none of it is set in the same time frame , plus i want to see how they treat selina and how they will go about her origins and all that and also to see if anything from the upcoming dark knight rises film will reflect on this version.

wonder woman is my second pick for next week , so basicly a woman of dc week for me.

then for the last week its superman time, and i hope that this will be his title to really shine since action comic left me saying WHY??? , why the hell is he like this, and why is he wearing this....
it just felt like it was a good concept but it felt like superman was treated like he was a second rate hero instead of the big guy that will one day lead a generation of heroes to shine on