David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Should be the emo alien. Dude was so unhappy looking through the whole thing. Guess he didn't like the face that his second movie was hijacked by two other heroes.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

The love story between Superman and Lois kicks ass in STM 1/2, even if he did save Ms. Teshmachers's mom first. :lol

Love story in MOS and BvS is pretty bad.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Well, they anchored his death on sexy Lois.

I don't know, I did like it when WW and Batman lowered his carcas to the ground. :lol

I really can't get enough or WW and Batman in the Snyderverse, so he's doing something right I guess.

Now i'm in the mood for a BvS/SS viewing. :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Even though the movie as a whole didn't "earn" Superman dying so soon I actually loved the immediate aftermath of his death. Amy Adams' reaction when she arrives was very well played, loved the somberness of WW, the music, that badass moment of Batman emerging from the opening in the rubble. In a better movie that very same scene would have been legendary. It's still a highpoint of the film for me. Too bad they had to overshadow that intimate moment for the heroes with such prolonged and unnecessary funeral sequences.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Those slow motion funeral scenes are absolutey eye rolling torture to sit thru, almost as bad as TWS Falcon diving into a helicopter eye rolling torture.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Wait, what's going on here?

I could have sworn Khev and Jye loved BvS.

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I absolutely love parts of it. But it definitely dropped the ball in major areas. Still thumbs up overall but it could have been so much more.

Suicide Squad I straight up love though and have very few issues with.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I absolutely love parts of it. But it definitely dropped the ball in major areas. Still thumbs up overall but it could have been so much more.

Suicide Squad I straight up love though and have very few issues with.

I have to watch the ultimate cut again, I had to watch it in 3 viewings just to get through the whole thing.

Just for that pturtle...

Pee Jar > X2


:lol :lol :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

There is no greater death in cinema than Spock in WOK, and i'm not even a trekkie.

Maybe when Cap dies it will achieve that status.
That one's hard to top. Lessened a bit, for me though, by the fact that I knew there were other movies with Spock in it before I ever saw Star Trek 2. My favorite movie deaths might have to be the three dudes in the opening scene of Once Upon A Time In the West. Such a perfect way of capping off (no pun intended) the greatest movie opening of all times. Jack Torrance is another one that's up there for me.

Based on what criteria? I can think of quite a few movie deaths that had more impact for a variety of reasons. Ellie in Up, Jenny in Forrest Gump, Giovanni Ribisi in Saving Private Ryan, in addition to the main characters in films like Million Dollar Baby, The Green Mile, etc. Even in sci-fi Spock gets trumped by Uncle Bob in T2 and Han in TFA.
Some of those are way too melodramatic for me. But Jennie did get me back in the day, I'll admit.

So did pturtle. :lol

I'm sure WB was all "they're totally killing Cap off in Civil War, quick let's steal their thunder!" And then CW comes out and Cap lives and WB has a dumb prematurely dead hero and they all look like a bunch of idiots. Again.
I bet that's exactly what happened :lol

:lecture The next time a movie needs a major sense of threat what will they do?

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I felt bad for Gump's dumb ass, but not for that ***** Jennie. Her death is almost as satisfying as Rachel Dawes in TDK. :chase

Yeah...she had a bad childhood...whatever.

hated her when saw the movie. i know her childhood was bad but it was like she had no feelings of remorse at all. like if she had no feelings or guilt whatsoever lol.