Custom TTM18 figures on eBay

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 17, 2012
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Hales Corners, WI
Has anyone ever purchased the custom, not real Hot Toys, TTM18 figures I have seen on eBay? I'm looking for another body to use for my Honor Guard Joker and the real HT bodies can be pricey. These knockoffs are almost half the cost. I know you get what you pay for, but want to know if anyone has any comments of this. Thanks.
I have 4 or 5 of them. They tend to have some loose joints which is easily fixable. The skin tone is darker than the ttm but i only use thesefor fully clothed figures. Then I use official ht hands.

I'd never buy an official ttm18 again.
I have 4 or 5 of them. They tend to have some loose joints which is easily fixable. The skin tone is darker than the ttm but i only use thesefor fully clothed figures. Then I use official ht hands.

I'd never buy an official ttm18 again.

So all the official HT parts that come with the figure will work for these? Any issues with these neck joints working with official HT heads.

Thanks for the quick reply.
The only thing is you will have to use the wrist pegs that come with it. The ht ones will not fit into the arms. But ht hands fit the pegs perfectly. I've never had an issue with the neck plugs. If in doubt, use the ones the body comes with. Which I have done.
I just wanted to add to what UltraMarknus had to say. I have a few different knock offs, and yes, the joints always seem to be loose. There are limited ways to try and tighten the joints, like tightening the screws at the joints. But with mine, tightening the screws does not tighten the joints as well as I would like, or to the level the HT True Types are. It might also depend on the specific figure or batch you get. But be prepared to have to possibly do the glue trick (drop some super glue in the joint and work the joint continually so the joint doesn't set but creates more friction) to get those joints tight. Personally, I'm ready to give up on the knock offs because they're a little more trouble than they're worth, and just stick with HT True Types at least for the more important figures. If it's for a background figure then the knock-offs are probably fine.

And ditto with what UM said about the wrists and neck.
I stick to the hot toys true types myself, I really prefer the quality of them over the knock offs. The joints are tight, the skintone matchs, and now the bodys have a nice matte finish so they don't look so shiney. I have bought from other companys bodys that fit my needs thought that are differant than the truetype all together like the aci andrew, cm toys rubber muscle body, and Kaustic plastic too, but for a basic build male the truetype is worth the price IMO.
Hmmm, handy stuff. Was looking at those headplay bodies myself...won't bother if they're slack.
I haven't had any problem with them myself and honestly, if you're going to cover the whole thing with clothing anyway, who cares what's underneath?

They stand on their own and hold the poses I want, so they work for me at half the cost. A win-win.
I haven't had any problem with them myself and honestly, if you're going to cover the whole thing with clothing anyway, who cares what's underneath?

They stand on their own and hold the poses I want, so they work for me at half the cost. A win-win.

EXACTLY. I don't know why people are so down on these. I mean, does this look bad? This is also using the hands the body came with.

EXACTLY. I don't know why people are so down on these. I mean, does this look bad? This is also using the hands the body came with.


No it does not look bad at all, and I say get them if you want them as they are a cheap alternative to the truetype as advertised. I personally just prefer the hot toys truetype, but I don't make lots of customs so the demand for alot of bodys on my wallet is not to bad.
Not getting off the subject but that Gordon is fantastic. Where is the sculpt from if you dont mind me asking?
The headplay bodies look good. They're pretty much an exact duplicate of the Narrow Shoulders True Types except for how the wrist pegs go into the arms. But they are loose. The degree of looseness varies, and it also depends on your own personal tolerance of how loose is loose.

So yes, they look good and function okay once all is said and done. But they don't have tight joints--certainly not as tight as real True Types. They can hold poses for the most part, but I don't think I'd trust them to stand on their own without a stand. Think original Pros like Sideshow's Indy. For me, tight joints is important so I would only use these knock offs on secondary figures that I don't mind being a little loose.
I didn't have any looseness with the 2 I bought... for me they are a good alternative to the pricey HT bodies.