Custom Deckard info and Order thread.

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Same here. I got my Batty and know the feeling :) Seriously though. I am going to start sending out the sets later this week to people, I am still working out the bugs with the holster but I at least want people to start getting these in hand ans working on their Deckards. Work and life has kept me very stressed and crazy lately so it will feel good to get a bunch of stuff out and into peoples hand finally.

:yess: Awesome, obviously this will be a grail for me once I get my Deck all put togeather with Batty. Thanks for the update Ry.

Thanks for the update Ryan! That's awesome news! :yess:

Hang in there buddy. Life throws us all a lot of curves sometimes. Sometimes it feels impossible, but somehow we just have to power through. I know that feeling all to well myself. You rock all the way in my books man! :rock :rock :rock
Ok I am back on-line again. I know I have been spacey lately and not on the board much. Even though this is not like me at al,l I only feel it is fair to my customers to know exactly what is going on with me. Again I have always hated to air my person issues out on the boards but lately me being M.I.A. alot needs an explaination.

Late last year on top of my job being getting busy, my wife started having issues with insomnia. It just came on very quick and was odd because she went to bed every night like clock work. After that she started getting alot of anxiety about not getting enough sleep for work the next day and became very upset about the whole deal.She would panic about not sleeping, and eben started to get chest pains. We went to several different doctors only to get no real answers. Tons of tests, and still no answers. One doctor helped and attributed it to stress due to her very crappy parents that moved closer and won't leave her alone that much (I could go on for hours about this) anyway a few weeks ago she finally stood up to her mother (who is always a victim in everything) pulled the poor me, everybody hates me thing and tried to kill herself (more of an attention getting way) but ended up in a mental hospital to be observed for a few days. Of coarse the did put the stress levels through the roof and the sleep issues started up again. As stated before she went to bed every night at 9:00pm like clock work, then I would work on customs till 1:00 or 2:00 and all was great, now alot of nights are spent trying to take care of her and help her try and calm down. It actually put a bit of a strain on our relationship for a while, but things seem to be alot better now and we are closer for it. Still working on the sleep thing some nights but not as bad as it was. On top of all this I have been trying to finish a contract at work and average driving 1400 - 2000 miles a week to the different locations. Most of my close friends from the board know what has been going on and have been a great help.

The kicker is alot of my projects are very close to being completed or even fully completed and just needing to be packaged and shipped out. Again I really hate coming here and airing all of this out because I try to keep my personal life and customs life seperate, but lately it is not working. The good news is the work contract will be completed next week, so the crazy driving and hotel stays will be finished. My wife knows I am stressed to the max with all of this and actually feels bad for parts of it and has agreed to help me finish (mostly by packaging and mailing things for me) so I can get all of these things out to you guys. Again I am not looking for sympathy or playing the poor me artist card, I just wanted everyone to understand what has been going on. We should get alot accomplished toward this, this weekend and get everyone the updates so long over due. Things will definatly be better soon.

Thanks to everybody,
thanks for the update, ryan. sounds like you've really been having a time of it. i hope things start looking up for your wife soon, and glad the work stress is going to dissipate too. 2000 miles a week for that long is just ridiculous. i can only imagine the physical and mental tension it caused (on top of all the other stuff). as long as your love for customs hasn't gone, you can get back to this stuff when things have calmed down, no problem. i was just worried you were going to say you hated doing this stuff now! :horror glad that's not the case.
I am very happy that things are looking up for you Ryan. I'm sorry about some of the problems that have been going on and can understand how stressful that can be. Ofcourse, 2000 miles of driving and staying in hotels doesn't help things at home. Don't hesitate to ever vent or unload to us, especially if it helps you manage everything.
Being one who got the Deckard outfit, I can vouch for the beauty and craftsmanship of Ryan's work, and the fact that he does deliver.

I'm sorry to hear about the stuff you and your wife have been going through and I hope things work out well.
I found this thread yesterday and I've been working my way through it. To the various craftsmen who have shown off their goods: excellent work guys! Stuff looks fantastic!
Santa Claus came to my house today!
I asked BV to please ship me the clothes even though the holster and belt are still pending from the person he commissioned them from. This is how the clothes look on a Saturday Toys body (true type is too big for the clothes) and with a PaulCarson Deckard headsculpt (painted by me, of course;)):


Two more with different lighting
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Anyone know if paulcarson's custom head is still available? I just left him a PM but I'm not sure if it went through or not...
Not wanting to derail Blindvoyeurs thread with this but just a friendly suggestion, You should maybe get to know the forum and how it works , even show something you've done to get some rapport with some of the Guys on here. You'll find by giving a little it goes a long way.

There are a lot of Guys recently ( especially with the whole Dark Knight figures thing - especially the Joker ) who joined really with the intention of getting as much as they could from others without any thought of putting anything into it themselves.

The Guys who got casts from me were people who have shown that they have a love for the subject and are willing to work with each other to get the best out of their figures. It was the "gimme gimme gimme" mentality that stopped me from offering any more to those weren't members for very long and obviously were only out for themselves. I'm not saying that you are but your comment about making a copy of someone else's custom won't go down very well for those who originally bought one. If I ever made any more it would be those Guys who would get first dibs anyway. ( I had started on a revised headsculpt)

Okay, now let's return to our normal programming ...