Collecting SW stuff/hurt love life?or not?

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Oh. :eek: Oops. :lol

Well, my best friend's girlfriend just started pestering me about it one night on the phone. "Why do you have those things? Sure, a lot of people think they're cool, but they'd never actually buy them. And you're so open about it. Aren't you even a little embarrassed?"

Just weird how some people just can't comprehend it, y'know? :(

And, uh ... don't ask me why I was on the phone with my best friend's girlfriend...
So Monk, why were you on the phone with your best friend's girlfriend? Just kidding.....I think it's all about personality. If someone immediately starts talking about their collection, then it could definitely be a turn off. I hardly ever talk about my collection- it's not the center of my life and it's something fun on my own terms. But I don't think anyone should worry about what other people think about collecting SS...we all like what we like and no one can change that so they shouldn't try.
Ok, Triumph the Insult Dog must be around this thread somewhere ....

Shai Hulud said:




OMG. Here we go, the Kurgans are at it again. XD
Monk said:
And, uh ... don't ask me why I was on the phone with my best friend's girlfriend...

What's the problem with that? I was on a date with my friends girlfriend two days ago

Me is innocent :monkey3
My girlfriend is cool with my collection. As we are remodeling our townhome we are working around some spots to display some pieces and shopping around for display cases.

Proof she's cool with my stuff? here she is helping me unpack my gray hulk...

My wife is all like "You a dork Posterboy" and than I'm all like "SHUT UP STUPID" and I slap her a man! She never cared, what you gotta dois find the chick that just gotout of a REAL bad relationship, that way any ofyour shortcomings, won't be SO bad in comparison! It works everytime!
My fiancee' doesn't mind, and in fact, already agreed when we buy our house, we have one room set aside for our collectibles. My sideshow/misc/Dale Jr stuff on one side, her figures and collectibleson the other side.

Yep, i've got the most wonderful fiancee.

And I got her Mom a Star Trek pin when I first met her and she has a lot of collectibles too. The question is... how long can I keep the future Mother-In-Law away from my Highlander figures, as well as the 7 of 9 PF...
When my future wife met me, I had every Star Wars thing I owned set up in my bedroom at college. We're talking about ten shelves of Kenner and Hasbro figures, vehicles, deathstars, imperial shuttles, falcons, 12 hasbro figures, and DonPost masks. She entered the room, and never blinked. Her friends told her she was nuts.

The only thing she took issue with was the mask shelf, which was across from the bed, so she'd wake up and the Emperor would be staring at her from across the room. Veeery creepy.

Now that it's just 12" stuff, she's still supportive, and happy not to be dealing with so many shelves, as I've cut the display area down from an entire townhouse in FL, to a single corner of a one bedroom in NYC.

But she's always been proud of the fact that she never flinched, backed away, or ran in horror when she saw my room (where she subsequently lost something she can never get back :D ). She told me that, as habits go, this sure beats smoking, drinking, gambling, and drugs. She can deal with the toys.

These days, she also serves as quality control for my custom figures. Whenever you get a head painted by me, you can rest easy knowing it was "Lisa Approved."
PosterBoyKelly said:
what you gotta dois find the chick that just gotout of a REAL bad relationship, that way any ofyour shortcomings, won't be SO bad in comparison! It works everytime!

That's what I do every friday night at the bars around does work everytime...we should spread the word around to every freak out there. get a emotional chick just coming out of a relationship; you can be her "shoulder" to cry on.....:D :D
congerking said:
That's what I do every friday night at the bars around does work everytime...we should spread the word around to every freak out there. get a emotional chick just coming out of a relationship; you can be her "shoulder" to cry on.....:D :D

Classy. Very classy.
My wife has always been supportive when it comes to my collecting. Back when I was collecting Hasbro figures, she kept a list of the ones I needed, and would look for them whenever she went out shopping. I'll never forget the day I came home from work and she was all excited about finding the 12" Han/Tauntaun set. It was like she had won the lottery.

I think she was actually disappointed when I told her I wasn't going to collect Hasbro figures anymore.
Girl's opinion here (or woman...whatever...) - WhoTF cares what they think? High school girls are idiots and as you get older and meet up with the real women (and not the ones that let out the sound of crickets when they open their mouths OR if they had an intelligent thought, it would die of loneliness), they won't give a rip what you collect and will see it as part of your charm. If it's your passion and something you enjoy, don't let a pair of legs or cleavage distract to the point of turning your back on that!
vespagirl said:
If it's your passion and something you enjoy, don't let a pair of legs or cleavage distract to the point of turning your back on that!
You don't know what it's like being a teenage boy! :lol

No, you're right... Once you find someone who likes you for what you are, and not what you do, you've found the right person.