Clash of the titans remake

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A few friends and I have a viewing tonight at 8 pm. I had an out patient procedure this morning, I hope the discomfort / drugs don't dampen the experience. Or perhaps the drugs enhance the experience :D

I'll probably see it again on neutral grounds later.
i am seeing this today in about 5hrs...will post a review later,spoiler free of course...
remake or not...i will be going in with an openmind :)
I like Evanesence. :D

btw...just because ONE person didn't like the movie doesn't mean it's bad.

V!C : geez, you sure didn't get banned for long. So now you work for a movie studio? What happened, you lose your license to practice medicine?
A few friends and I have a viewing tonight at 8 pm. I had an out patient procedure this morning, I hope the discomfort / drugs don't dampen the experience. Or perhaps the drugs enhance the experience :D

I'll probably see it again on neutral grounds later.

Hope it wasn't too serious and that you're feeling better soon!
I like Evanesence. :D

btw...just because ONE person didn't like the movie doesn't mean it's bad.

V!C : geez, you sure didn't get banned for long. So now you work for a movie studio? What happened, you lose your license to practice medicine?

No, I have friends that do, and that get screener copies. Oh, and my lil' sis works on broadway too. GOD DAMN it feels to have a successful family and not worry about money.
No, I have friends that do, and that get screener copies. Oh, and my lil' sis works on broadway too. GOD DAMN it feels to have a successful family and not worry about money.

And they don't care that they let everyone else see them?

Yeah, you don't worry about money. :rolleyes:
Is Bubo in this movie?

I HATE the term "mallcore"!!! :banghead

No offense, but it makes you sound supremly pretentious everytime I see you type it Val. :peace

But yeah Evanesence and the like (and really any modern instrumants) don't belong in this movie.

Oh well, its true :D. I never really listen to mainstream anything anymore, it always seems very unoriginal and effortlessly made and gives me the ZZZZZZzzzzz's.
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Hope it wasn't too serious and that you're feeling better soon!

I appreciated the get well thoughts Ween.

I just returned from seeing the flick, I will say it is decent. The story is considerably different with most of the same characters attempting the same task. Some changes good some changes eh....

I didn't enjoy the final battle scene not because it was necessarily bad just waaaaaaay too busy / over the top.

I give it a solid 6 /10.
I'll be seeing this tomorrow night on Imax/3D... anybody see it like that yet? Thoughts?
Just saw it myself. With my brother who is in town for a couple of days. Back when the original came out, we saw it together, and I hated it. I just didn't like it (as an older kid), when my brother was so young and all, so he loved it. Bubo and all. And this go round, he asked me, "Is Bubo in it?" well....not sure how to answer that one.
Let's just say, there is a scene, and it made us both laugh very loudly, and do high fives. It was kinda cool actually. And I'll leave it at that.

For me, this one made up for how bad I have always felt the original was. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Harryhausen, and his effects, even as dated as they were and all, and, the scene with the Medusa was maybe better in the original for reasons I won't go into here, until more of you see it. (Even though in this one, that all rocks immensely!) But for me, this one makes up for how bad that movie was, by being a better movie overall. For me.

All in all, a fun time, and a chance to stare in wonder at two of the best looking women I've seen in movies in a while, the girl who plays Io, and the one who plays Andromeda, (who was also in the second Riddick movie, who is HOT!) so, the female casting was top notch to my eyes.
In fact, the whole cast rocked, Ralph Fiennes kicks some as Hades, with always dramatic entrances, and Liam rocks, as always, as Zeus, even though his hair is troublingly not real....But it's the sidebar guys, Mads Mikkelssen as the soldier that goes with them, WICKED in Casino Royale, and here, really good as a soldier with experience, and watch out for the tall blue eyed dude that I think is played by Ian Whyte of AVP Predator playing fame. Can't see his face, but he rocks every time he shows up. And great bit parts here and there, well played.

Good movie. Not GREAT, but Good! GO SEE IT!
And yes, the end battle is WAY over the top! Almost can't follow it. Almost too much Kraken for one screen to contain!
A local critic said to not bother with the 3D. Anyone have an opinion on that?
