Casting the MCU Fantastic Four & What Stories You'd Like to See

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Super Freak
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Jul 22, 2006
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Reports are surfacing that Disney's acquisition of Fox studios is a done deal, which of course means the Fantastic Four will be coming to the MCU with a 100% reboot.

Who would you cast?

Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic -- Adrien Brody or Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Susan Storm/Invisible Woman -- Alice Eve or Yvonne Strovinski
Johnny Storm/Human Torch -- Unknown Talent Search/Teen Heart Throb or Boy Band Member
Ben Grimm/Thing -- Grimm: John Cena or Terry Crews /Thing: Performance Capture CGI

Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom -- Tom Mison or Jon Hamm
Norrin Radd/The Silver Surfer -- Voice/Performance Capture
Galactus -- voiced by Ralph Feinnes or Keith David
Mole Man -- Johnny Galecki, Daniel Radcliff or Joe Pesci
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Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

For the first time ever they should cast this right. Reed and Ben are older men. Early to mid-40s. Same with Doom. Sue and Johnny are in their 20s.

I'd cast:

Jon Hamm as Reed Richards
Matthias Schoenaerts as Ben Grimm (Motion Capture for The Thing)
Mackenzie Davis as Sue Storm
Dacre Montgomery as Johnny Storm
Colin Firth as Doom
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Patrick Wilson or Jon Hamm for Reed.
I like Dacre as Johnny.
Dunno about Sue or Ben. I mean, Alice Eve looks smokin in blue, but... dunno.

For Doom though, give me...

Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

A good plot and villain will travel farther than any casting decisions. Really hope they start off with a young cast, plan for success and longevity and the actors sticking around, which they seem to do with marvel characters.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Perhaps he's too old now, but I've always thought George Clooney would make a decent Reed.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Patrick Wilson or Jon Hamm for Reed.
I like Dacre as Johnny.
Dunno about Sue or Ben. I mean, Alice Eve looks smokin in blue, but... dunno.

For Doom though, give me...


no, this guy is better

Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Thing about Doom is that no one cares about him pre-suit. We all want him full suit and green cloak and hood. The rub is that you need find an actor who's willing to be behind a mask throughout the entire film. Only 2 spring to mind that have done so previously; Hugo Weaving (V for Vendetta) and Karl Urban (Dredd). Hugo I think would be a great Doom, but since he's voiced negatively about playing Red Skull, I doubt he'd do another Marvel movie, but you never know.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Tom Hardy/Mr. Fantastic
Tom Hardy/Invisible Woman
Tom Hardy/Human Torch
Tom Hardy/Thing

Get it done!
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four


Thing about Doom is that no one cares about him pre-suit. We all want him full suit and green cloak and hood. The rub is that you need find an actor who's willing to be behind a mask throughout the entire film. Only 2 spring to mind that have done so previously; Hugo Weaving (V for Vendetta) and Karl Urban (Dredd). Hugo I think would be a great Doom, but since he's voiced negatively about playing Red Skull, I doubt he'd do another Marvel movie, but you never know.

Eh, you need someone for the flashbacks. Doom's supposed to be clasically handsome and so driven mad about his mistake that he deliberately mutilated his face.

Tom Hardy/Mr. Fantastic
Tom Hardy/Invisible Woman
Tom Hardy/Human Torch
Tom Hardy/Thing

Get it done!

>Tom "Lil'Cheeto" Hardy
>playing Reed "ThunderCock" Richards
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

"Lil Cheeto" :lol

It legitimately looks like a cheeto. He wanted to show it on Taboo, but they cut it out. There are set-pics though of him naked, and it looks exactly like a shrimp or a cheeto. Dunno why he wanted to do it, really. I get why Fassbender did "Shame", since he walked and the damn thing looked like a pendulum, but Hardy? Why?

My favorite "celebrity leaked ****" has to be DaFoe though. There's a WEBM out there og him in a 70s-esque set complete with a pornstache, just naked, doing cartweels and ****.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

It legitimately looks like a cheeto. He wanted to show it on Taboo, but they cut it out. There are set-pics though of him naked, and it looks exactly like a shrimp or a cheeto. Dunno why he wanted to do it, really. I get why Fassbender did "Shame", since he walked and the damn thing looked like a pendulum, but Hardy? Why?

My favorite "celebrity leaked ****" has to be DaFoe though. There's a WEBM out there og him in a 70s-esque set complete with a pornstache, just naked, doing cartweels and ****.

I creepily remember him having a stunk prick in Anti-Christ.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Thing about Doom is that no one cares about him pre-suit. We all want him full suit and green cloak and hood. The rub is that you need find an actor who's willing to be behind a mask throughout the entire film. Only 2 spring to mind that have done so previously; Hugo Weaving (V for Vendetta) and Karl Urban (Dredd). Hugo I think would be a great Doom, but since he's voiced negatively about playing Red Skull, I doubt he'd do another Marvel movie, but you never know.

I've always said just do the Vader method. Get a suit actor and have a a good actor do the voice dub later.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

I've always said just do the Vader method. Get a suit actor and have a a good actor do the voice dub later.

Certainly the best way to go with Doom. If you do it that way you can get a classically trained thesp to really bring the gravitas. Unfortunately, some of the best candidates have too much Fox baggage.... I'd love to see a Vader sized Doom voiced by the likes of Stewart or Mckellen....

Edit: and another thing.... No offense to my friends In the colonies, but they need to stop making Doom an American. They don't need to go full Count from sesame street, just let him be true to his origins and have an accent. (Rant over, sorry, I'm passionate about this as Victor is my all time favourite marvel villain).
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

Thing about Doom is that no one cares about him pre-suit. We all want him full suit and green cloak and hood. The rub is that you need find an actor who's willing to be behind a mask throughout the entire film. Only 2 spring to mind that have done so previously; Hugo Weaving (V for Vendetta) and Karl Urban (Dredd). Hugo I think would be a great Doom, but since he's voiced negatively about playing Red Skull, I doubt he'd do another Marvel movie, but you never know.

None of these actors make any sense...They already played a Marvel character.
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

I creepily remember him having a stunk prick in Anti-Christ.

I read that that was a stunt-double and it makes sense, really. In that webm his flaccid was a little bit longer than "his" erect in Antichrist.

Edit: and another thing.... No offense to my friends In the colonies, but they need to stop making Doom an American. They don't need to go full Count from sesame street, just let him be true to his origins and have an accent. (Rant over, sorry, I'm passionate about this as Victor is my all time favourite marvel villain).

Well, for one, I doubt he has an accent. The man's a perfectionist. He has a fake British one. In Doom 2099 he mentions that he self-styled himself after Victorian England (the issues where he surfs the 'net). As for the origin, if we wanna be completely honest about this, it's one of the most contrived and stupid ones in comicdom. Making him a Gypsy Roma of Eastern Europe means that he should look like this:


Not like this:


Or this:


So pretty much everyone that's been suggested is out of the question. Dunno what the **** Kirby was smoking when creating that character. I mean, I know the story behind it is due to his service in WWII, but... Jesus man, you created one giant cluster**** that 6 decades later is giving everyone trouble. Do you cast according to realism? Do you cast according to printed pages? Do you even adapt the origin?
Re: Casting the MCU Fantastic Four

So pretty much everyone that's been suggested is out of the question. Dunno what the **** Kirby was smoking when creating that character. I mean, I know the story behind it is due to his service in WWII, but... Jesus man, you created one giant cluster**** that 6 decades later is giving everyone trouble. Do you cast according to realism? Do you cast according to printed pages? Do you even adapt the origin?

Ideally, no. Drown it in vagaries and myths mentioned by supporting characters.