Bring it on: DEAD MAN'S CHEST!

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Josette said:
Of course there aren't any show times wednesday, because the show starts at 12:05 am...that's thursday. If I go tonight, like my ticket says, I will be seeing the movie on July 6th...which is exactly what's marked on my ticket and what it says on the website's listing.

I don't know what else to say, I guess you'll know when you get there tonight, good luck kiddo!
On, for my theater, this is the listing:

Showtime & Date
12:01am the evening of
Thu, Jul. 6th

Even though 12:01 is technically 7/7, they are still counting it as 7/6 at this particular theater.

But as far as Josette's concerned, I don't think she needs to worry, since she has checked it out with her theater and it's also listed as 'Advance Screening' in the listings - it's just no fair that there's none here where I live :monkey2
SideshowDusty said:
On, for my theater, this is the listing:

Showtime & Date
12:01am the evening of
Thu, Jul. 6th

Even though 12:01 is technically 7/7, they are still counting it as 7/6 at this particular theater.

But as far as Josette's concerned, I don't think she needs to worry, since she has checked it out with her theater and it's also listed as 'Advance Screening' in the listings - it's just no fair that there's none here where I live :monkey2

True. Special advanced screening means exactly that, missed her later post pointing that out, have a great time Josette!!!
Yes, yes, Josette - do tell! Spill the beans!! I'm so excited about going to the midnight show that I can hardly concentrate on the newsletter :emperor
We just watched The Curse of the Black Pearl last night and I was impressed with how into the story I was even though I had seen it couple of times when it first came out. I too am anxious to know what Josette thought of it.

ps Dusty... you spill hints like that and it will spoil the newsletter ;) [?]
Maybe her being distracted will reveal stuff in the newsletter we aren't supposed to know yet :lol I'm seeing this tommorrow night at 6:05 at the Jordan Commons (pixletwin should know where that is). I wanted to go to a midnight show but my brother has a soccer game VERY early in the morning tomorrow! My family is coming over tonight to watch the Black Pearl to be re-freshed, so we should have a fun night.
I think Jordan Commons is my favorite theater (despite the endless PC Laptops commercials while you wait for the trailers). Thats where I will see DM'c C too but I prolly won't get around to it until next week. Let us know how you liked it. :D
pixletwin said:
I think Jordan Commons is my favorite theater (despite the endless PC Laptops commercials while you wait for the trailers). Thats where I will see DM'c C too but I prolly won't get around to it until next week. Let us know how you liked it. :D

:rotfl I can't stand those either! I remember when they had the Super Dale ones. Those were bad too. It is my favorite theater too. It makes it even more special since I went to Jordan High (the new one, not the old). If you can, go to a reserved seating showing. I saw MI:3 and Cars that way and it was really nice not having to stand in line for 2 hours. The sooner you get your tickets, the better your choices of seats are.

I will definately post my opinions of the film. I'm so excited for it though, unlesss it is just horrible (unlikely) I'll probably love it. Davy Jones and his crew look so cool and from what I've seen pretty real looking (well as real looking as a octo-beard man can look). Hopefully in about 24 and 1/2 hours of this post I will be standing in line for Pirates!
I can't wait until tomorrow night!! I have my tickets for 7:30 and it could not come any sooner... I think I will watch the original as I pack tonight to get in the mood....

Can't wait to hear what you thought Josette!! :D :monkey5 :D
I just finished re-watching the original. There are two mentions of "Davy Jones' Locker" so it seems they had Jones in mind from the begining. Less than 24 hours now!
Buttmunch said:
I just finished re-watching the original. There are two mentions of "Davy Jones' Locker" so it seems they had Jones in mind from the begining. Less than 24 hours now!

Their using the phrase "Davy Jones' Locker" does not suggest anything. It's used to refer to the bottom of the ocean. Pirate slang.

The sequels were never planned, but after the huge and deserved success of POTC:COTBP they knew they had to.
Well, I just saw the movie, and I'm ready to give a nice and sweet 100% spoiler free review.

It's a fact that I went into this with uber high expectations. I knew I'd be heartbroken to no end if I somehow was dissapointed. I was literally one of the first fans that the first movie had. I was terribley excited in anticipation for it 2 long years before it came out. I was intrigued by the story so damn much. I find fantasy type movies more fun and inventive than anything else they make these days. Simpily put, I like to see movies for the fun of it. Every bit of news that came onto the internet was swolled up by me. The thought of undead pirates that turned into skeletons in the moonlight made me TOO happy. For two years the movie was at the top of my "Must see" list. Goodness knows, the 2 year wait was totally worth it. The movie blew me away, and I was proud to say that I supported it from its conceptions. I had to go into depth of my Pirates "history" here just to show you my passion for this movie series. I'm a big ol' fan. But now, enough about a ship called "The Black Pearl," but instead let's talk about a certain "Dead Man's Chest."

Simply put, I give my grandest rate of approval. Of course, I have no ratings scale myself, so I guess you could say that I loved it to no end. No fan of the first one should be dissapointed by this one. It's a fact that no movie is perfect, and this one isn't perfect. It was a REALLY long movie. Aye, but that can be a good thing, OR a bad thing. For those of you who say "the longer, the better" will be very happy. Those who like movies to be on the short side, you're outta luck. But I don't think there is a single person on this board who has a problem with movie length. We all love our LOTR, and have no complaints about length. Hell, we beg for thing like the extended edition's cause we just want more. Also, there never really was any downtime like some parts in LOTR (that's not a complaint.) The movie is filled to the brim with action and comedy. Never really is a dull moment.

I loved everyone in the movie. The acting was damn fine I think. It won't be winning any academy awards, but that means jack squat these days. The academy doesn't care about these kinds of movies. (I've said it before and I'll say it again. LOTR was an exception. I firmly believe they didn't want to give it ANYTHING at all, but only did because they would have TOTALLY lost faith in the common movie-goer, which actually happend some 4 or 5 years ago anyway.) My favorite addition to the cast most certinaly would be the devious Davy Jones. I can say with full honesty that Davy Jones is easily the best looking piece of CG I have EVER seen in my life. NO joke. Hell, everything about this movie looked spectacular. Might be the best looking movie I've ever seen.

If you were a big fan of the story in COTBP, fear not. We still have more imagination in this story than anything else that's been made since... well... the last Pirates movie. It's a hell of an adventure story. In this story you see lots of new, and also familiar faces. In some of the last moments of the movie you will be reintroduced to a character you'd never expect in a million years. It sure made me happy.

FYI, this movie sure as hell itself sets up for the next movie being released next year. There is most certainly stuff to be done. They really did pull a Matrix with this one. One part of the story completed, but the overall story is not yet finsihed, ya know? Course ya do. I dare say that the end made me sad. It did. It takes a lot to make me sad in a movie.

Us fun loving movie goers will eat this movie up. I can see why the critics have problems with it. Sorry if it lacks drama n' such, ya damn critics. These days, it's fashionable to hate on these kinda movies. They just don't understand that movies like this are meant for the entertainment value. I bless the souls of the people who made this movie, cause they weren't making it for the Academy, they MADE it for the fans. The movie exceeded my expectaions on every level. I'm sure that not everyone will agree on this board on the movie. We all have our opinions. Everything I just said is MY opinion, and nothing more. Critics think they tell you the facts on movies. Mere opinons. I beg of you that you don't jam stuff down our throats on this board that what you say is fact. Have some courteousy. I'm gonna get mighty upset if one of you says in a post, "It sucked." No, it's just your opinon that it does. You SHOULD say, "I think it sucked." That's fine and dandy. If one person says that it was totally great, but another person says that it sucked, we face a paradox. A movie cannot be good and bad at the same time. OPINONS! Savvy?

By the way, Sideshow needs some Premium Format POTC. Bless my soul, I'd give anything to have a PF Davy Jones and Barbossa. Hell, if ya ask me, you'd think they would have saved the big guns like Boba Fett PF for the SDCC. They must have some MAJOR license revelations at the SCCC if ya ask me. Pirates? Hope so. That Cinamaquette Jack looks awesome, but is WAY out of the price range for most of us. POTC PF would be a dream come true.
Yep just got back from the midnight showing as well and I wholeheartedly give it a thumbs up, more action, more humor, more everything.
That's great news, guys. Of course the audience is always the final judge!

Btw, you 12" Jack collectors may want to check out the Medicom Sparrow coming out later this year. It looks incredible...
pjam said:
That's great news, guys. Of course the audience is always the final judge!

Btw, you 12" Jack collectors may want to check out the Medicom Sparrow coming out later this year. It looks incredible...

Yeah I have that Jack figure on order, it looks great.... I really like the sculpt, which for Medicom is a lot better than normal.
I watched the midnight movie and I LOVED IT!
Easily the best movie this summer - Dead Man's Chest is easily as good as the first one. It gets five Jolly Rogers out of five.
And I so want the Medicom Jack Sparrow. . .
Wow, SSC_Nerd, that was an awesome review! You make some very valid points, for sure.

Well, after working myself up so much, and anticipating this movie pretty much more than anything since The Phantom Menace (and we all know how THAT turned out), I got back last night at 3am in a state of.....








PURE GIDDY-NESS! True, this movie is pretty long, but I honestly didn't really notice until it was over, and I was shocked to discover that it was 2:30! Seriously, this flick is the most creative adventure story I think I have ever witnessed! From the sets, to the costumes, to the make-up, to the special effects, this POTC shows you things you would NEVER have thought of (Davy Jones' crew is pure genius... I'm going back to watch it again tonight just to see the crew again - oh, and also to see an EXTREMELY hilarious sequence of scenes that had me laughing to the point of tears - I won't spoil it for you!).

True, like all stories, this one combines parts of other classic stories (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Princess Bride, The Odyssey, blah blah blah), but manages to put a brand new spin on them. I love how they played with the characters and made some of them do unexpected things (Elizabeth most of all, and Jack to a certain extent - I think Will's time is coming in the 3rd).

I'm pretty mad at the critics. I think some have been totally unfair, and most of the ones who've given it bad reviews seem to just have copied each other, line for line. Also, about people saying that they hate how earnestly Orlando Bloom delivers his lines - well, that his CHARACTER, sillies! Will is the earnest, optimistic, naive, true-hearted side to Jack's selfish, indecisive, jaded, lying side. And I think we may see a turn-around of Will's character in the third one, after what he witnessed at the end of this one (sorry to be so oblique, but I really don't want to spoil it for anyone! I went in pretty unspoiled and enjoyed the HECK out of the surprises.) Oh well, I loved it, and that's the most important thing, right? :D

On another note, I have read some reports from viewers who didn't love the first saying that this one was better for them. I, on the other hand, LOVE the first (love it), and think that maybe this one is a TINY notch below it, due to some minor editing issues. Plus, the suprise of Captain Jack will never be the same. Our first-ever glimpse of him in the leaky boat in CotBP is classic. I would give it a DMC a 4/5 - there are definitely faults, but they are easily overlooked for the pure entertainment value that this film possesses.


Captain Jack, of course. ESPECIALLY in any scene that had him running. I LOVE that ridiculous arm-flailing run! And you can just tell how much Johnny Depp LOVES this role.

The recurring rum theme. Pirates love their rum!

The ENTIRE cannibal island sequence of events - AWESOME, from beginning to end!!!! If you don't love this part, something is seriously wrong with your inner child, and you should probably have that checked out. Even though it is pretty useless to the entire plot, it's totally hilarious. It's also WAY over-the-top (but the difference between over-the-top in this movie to over-the-top in something like the Superman plane sequence is that this movie KNOWS it's over-the-top and is doing it purely for the laughs).

The brawling scene on Tortuga - Jack loves his hats!

The Kraken. And the way they call the Kraken.

Davy Jones' crew and ship. And organ. And music box. And Davy himself - I couldn't take my eyes off him everytime he was on screen.

The final shot (not the one after the credits - which was cute, although not necessary - but the one right before the credits roll. I'm not going to spoil it, but the audience reaction to it was very very very cool).

There are some incredibly quote-able lines in this one, just like in the first. I can't think of them right now, because I need to see it again - plus I have a horrible memory for movie lines - ha!

The scenes on the voodoo priestess' island - very cool set. It's almost straight from the ride, with the fireflies and the old house in the swamp. The actress was wonderful too.

And please allow me one little, tiny fan-girl moment - I sqeeee'd like an adolescent girl when Orlando's shirt was torn off him :eek: I can't help it, I love that boy.



Oh, I didn't like that they kept dredging up some old jokes from the first movie. Some of them went over well, but others fell flat.

And, whenever Johnny Depp wasn't on screen, part of me was sad, so it proves that the movie would really be nothing without him. But, luckily, it DOES have him, so there's nothing to worry about :lol

And, some parts were a little confusing, but it's all explained by the end. So if you get easily perturbed when plot points are not explained RIGHT AWAY, this movie WILL frustrate you.

Addition on edit: The after-credits scene was pretty dumb and worthless

Oh, and, um, well, that's about it :)








Three questions:

1) What the HECK was that dice game about? I had no clue what the rules were, and what did lying have anything to do with it? How can you lie, when it's a game of chance and you have no idea what dice you threw? I'm thinking they must have cut out a fair bit of the explanation part to make it move faster. It was a great scene, establishing character and what-not, but I was fairly confused by the rules of the game.

2) What was that island that Jack was on at the beginning, when he stole the drawing of the key? Was it a 'pirate torturing' island? I wish it would have been explained better. But it sure did look cool, along with pretty much every other set in the movie!

3) Will Jack hardly be in the 3rd one? Since the whole deal is that they have to travel to the end of the world to find him (how exactly will that work anyway? I hope he tears apart the Kraken from the inside, like the guy at the end of Brain Dead/Dead Alive!!), I would expect that they don't find him and the Pearl until the end. Although Barbossa is rockin', I will miss Jack if he's not in the 3rd very much :(

I don't think I can wait another year to find out what happens!!!
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I'm not reading the spoilers, but it seems the consensus of the critics that there's too much happening in the film and it's non-stop. To me that doesn't seem like a reason to put down the movie. I think all the critics were desperate to hate the first one, (a film based on Disneyland ride? Has to be horrible!) but they were unable to critize it, so they've taken it out on this film.

I'll see it tomorrow, but I can't see not liking it.
Darklord Dave said:
... but it seems the consensus of the critics that there's too much happening in the film and it's non-stop.

Non-stop -- in an action-adventure film? Who would have thought?

I think a lot of critics forget that that's the whole point of a popcorn adventure movie. Its a "movie" not a "film". There's been way too many action "epics" that spend way too long on character development that is unnecessary and usually backfires by slowing the pace. I keep finding myself saying "come on, let's go"... Sounds like POTC 2 got it right. I'll know tonight.