Bonus "Flash Fiction" Board Member Contest

Collector Freaks Forum

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Blue Flame of the West/Mod
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Sunny California, USA
OK folks, these are some great entries! In order to encourage more people to post their stories, I have a little deal for you...

I was lucky enough to have my story chosen as the first runner up, and was awarded a very generous $450 gift certificate from Sideshow. In honor of the $75 "honorable mention" prize that Sideshow is offering through their "Collector's Choice" poll, I would like to share part of my gift certificate with one lucky winner from the board. I would like to purchase one in stock item worth up to $75 and mail it to the author of one of the stories posted in this thread (LINK). (A few entries have been posted in other threads--post a copy in the official thread as well!)

Will this be a competition? No!! It will be a celebration of the creativity and enthusiasm of our board members. Therefore, instead of having a vote, I will take the post number for each story shared in this thread (LINK) and choose one number at random out of my Sideshow hat, and that person will be the winner. Sideshow is a company that has shown a great deal of generosity and love for their fans, and hopefully this will be a way of extending that generosity just a little further. The winner will be chosen and posted in this thread next Thursday evening. (I should mention that any of the ten entries currently in the running for the official honorable mention prize will not be eligible here.)

So share your entries here (LINK), and don't forget to head to this link before next Wednesday night to cast your vote in the "Collector's Choice" poll. I look forward to reading your stories!
Tom, your generosity never ceases to amaze me..:clap
That is very generous of you. I was too lazy to enter though. Perhaps I'll just come up with something for you guys to read (I won't particiapte in your contest though since I didn't officially enter). Good luck for you all!
As a past winner of one of your overly generous contest's I stand and cheer your generosity!!!:joy :joy :joy

Great idea and good luck to all who take part!!!!!!!!!!

tomandshell said:
I was lucky enough to have my story chosen as the first runner up,

Damn Tom,just read your entry.......:bow literaly brought a freakin tear to my eye:crying...Who knew 500 words could hit so hard....that was GREAT!!!

Last time I blubered like a baby Optimus Prime died....I was like 4.........Hell of story.:D
I have to agree that it is a very cool gesture. Its nice to be on a board where people are actually NICE to each other and not just complaining and picking on each other all the time. And very good story Tom, I thought mine was a bit of a tear jerker.. gotta love the forbiden shelves.
Thanks Tom! You da man:bow . And thanks in advance for picking my number out of the hat;)
I've posted it before, I post it now and I'm sure I'll post it again: Much love to Tomandshell!
Collector Freak said:
tomandshell, your story is very.... sorrow. Why?

Actually, I tried to give it a happy ending! It's basically about a kid who grows up without his dad and is given back a little something to remember him by, courtesy of Sideshow. I think the main character is happier at the end than at the beginning--he has regained some tangible memories of his departed father. At least, that was the idea! I know my kids will inherit my Sideshow stuff, and it will mean a lot more to them than it ever meant to me. (And that's saying a lot!)
Excellent read Tom, I thoroughly enjoyed it; it had some parallels to my own life experience. What a great move of generousity as well. :banana
Personally, I thought Tom's entry was better than the Grand Prize winner. Then again, I have no clue as to who would be making the choices. Heck, out of all the ones I've read, only Tom's stood out. To be fair, none of my entries made it in. But I am somewhat disappointed with the quality of the entries chosen. Even Monk's were more entertaining than 90% of the ones chosen . . .
Awesome idea Tom, and very very generous of you! I am waiting for my story to be found.... (hopefully anyway... If the Force is with Dusty..)

Another reason why this place is awesome!
Tom, great story you entered, congrats on the prize!

I think it's awesome what you're doing here, many thanks!