Big Chief Studios BBC Sherlock

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I would hope they try to release these out prior to season three as demand will probably be really high while we all anticipate the next run of episodes.
I hope so too... but considering how long they took to release the 11th Doctor since announcing it and showing behind the scenes pictures of this and that and some more this and that... I would imagine with the expansions and other doctors coming before Sherlock, we might even see these guys after the next season is probably over! :horror
They ought to have them up for preorder - or at least sherlock - when the next series starts filming, because it will be papped all over the place when it does and that will create great publicity. They need to have them in stock when the next series comes out because that two-three week window will be their best chance to sell a pile of them.

If Watson comes out I will buy him... but if he didn't it wouldn't bother me.
Personally, I think they would do well to release at least Sherlock in the run up to the next series (so, Q2 2013). That way, they would catch all the Sherlock junkies looking for that extra fix before we get the next, proper consignment. The chances are that Series 3 will be spammed all over the media from spring onwards (filming starts in January, I believe). But let's see. The prototype looked fairly advanced, but then we know how long it is taking to get Amy finished and out when she looked pretty much done months ago.

If I have the money, and if the quality of the sculpt, paintwork and tailoring are up to it, I will likely buy both Holmes and Watson, but stop there. I am not a completionist (thank the gods for my bank balance and house space).
I can go better than that, I can show you a photo of the whole Sherlock piece (Watson seems to have gone AWOL temporarily), posted by BCS themselves on Facebook a few days ago! I have highlighted the relevant section, but here it is...


I know this is an old pic...but seriously, if they can get a picture of him far away, why did they not walk a few more steps and get a close-up? Not allowed? I'm surprised someone didn't get a pic and leak it...

I hope you guys are right, they better at least show pics by January...
If that's Sherlock why is he standing on a Doctor Who tablecloth?

Did anyone get close enough to actually see the figure in the pic?

I can go better than that, I can show you a photo of the whole Sherlock piece (Watson seems to have gone AWOL temporarily), posted by BCS themselves on Facebook a few days ago! I have highlighted the relevant section, but here it is...

I'm still chuckling about this whole Big Foot hunt styled super blurry zoom in.
That is a good BJD head. Pretty close likeness. For a BJD.

I spoke with one of the Big Chief chappies yesterday and he said that they didn't post proper picture of the Sherlock and Watson prototypes as they were just heads at that stage. The clothing was cobbled together from bits and bobs they found on the internet. So, once the tailoring is seen to, they will give us some teasers to drool over. Release date not until next year, he said. They have so much to do and so few people to do it that I guess they just want to concentrate on getting the 10th Doctor out for Christmas.
I know this is an old pic...but seriously, if they can get a picture of him far away, why did they not walk a few more steps and get a close-up? Not allowed? I'm surprised someone didn't get a pic and leak it...

I hope you guys are right, they better at least show pics by January...

Wow! That's a very demanding theme running through your post. Almost to the point of being aggressive.

That picture...if you even bother to trace it back, is from BCS themselves from their FB page. It was taken to show their booth at the show and I assume they had not set up Watson at that point, hence SH on his own. There is a SHERLOCK backdrop, but you cannot see it from that angle.

Oh, as it happens, I have very good photos of him. Him and Watson both. But I made a promise not to show them so I haven't shown them. That was the only way I was allowed to take any. I made a promise and that was that. Now if some pseudo-papp wannabee lowlife comes along and does it, well they will be living down to their reputation won't they?

I like these guys, and want them to succeed, so I will not be posting any pictures that will spoil any future releases for them, or unless they give me the 'say so'.
That is a good BJD head. Pretty close likeness. For a BJD.

I spoke with one of the Big Chief chappies yesterday and he said that they didn't post proper picture of the Sherlock and Watson prototypes as they were just heads at that stage. The clothing was cobbled together from bits and bobs they found on the internet. So, once the tailoring is seen to, they will give us some teasers to drool over. Release date not until next year, he said. They have so much to do and so few people to do it that I guess they just want to concentrate on getting the 10th Doctor out for Christmas.

You were at the EMS? How was it, How were they?
Yus, I was. It was wonderful. Not busy and lots of stars for me to gawk at. Just the way I like it.

Big Chief had a stand there (of course, given who the main guest was). No new stuff on the stand but it was great to have a chat with one of the BC boys and see the expansion packs, 4 and Amy in the plastic, so to speak (hang on. Wrong thread). They have so much to do with only two of them to do it, so things might seem to be going frustratingly slowly, but I have no doubt that they really are doing their best. I guess they can employ more staff as the line starts to take off.
That is a good BJD head. Pretty close likeness. For a BJD.

I spoke with one of the Big Chief chappies yesterday and he said that they didn't post proper picture of the Sherlock and Watson prototypes as they were just heads at that stage. The clothing was cobbled together from bits and bobs they found on the internet. So, once the tailoring is seen to, they will give us some teasers to drool over. Release date not until next year, he said. They have so much to do and so few people to do it that I guess they just want to concentrate on getting the 10th Doctor out for Christmas.

Anything more than next year? In other words, Q1, Q2 etc?

Now that we're (probably) over the half way mark til the next series I decided to trat myself to a big old Sherlockathon, and itw as a pleasure to watch A Study in Pink from the point of view of what I want in an action figure.

I'm buying two (or possibly even three) Sherlock's so I hope we get the suit underneath the coat so I can display them separately. For accessories I want a riding crop, a brown coffee cup, a phone with words inside clear plastic that you can attach to it (like 'wrong!'). Oh, and tiny little nicotine patches that you could stick on his arm (three, for a three patch problem).

Watson has to have his stick, army revolver and sister's phone. They should do Watson in half the quantities they do Sherlock to make him super rare and desirable (he's an Oscar Goldman type figure - not the obvious choice for an action figure, yet weirdly desirable for completists).

And some 1/6 scale rolls of wallpaper with the print on it from their living room would be cool.

Going back to sherlock, any sherlock is better than none but to make him really perfect the tailoring needs to be sharp - his coat has very sharp shoulders, and God knows how they're going to make his collar stand up - and they'd need a very spindly body, because Cumberbatch is very, very thin. Even the body they used for 11 is too heroic as a body type.

I don't know what I want to see more - a BC sherlock or series 3. I seriously hope they release him early next year.
Wow! That's a very demanding theme running through your post. Almost to the point of being aggressive.

That picture...if you even bother to trace it back, is from BCS themselves from their FB page. It was taken to show their booth at the show and I assume they had not set up Watson at that point, hence SH on his own. There is a SHERLOCK backdrop, but you cannot see it from that angle.

Oh, as it happens, I have very good photos of him. Him and Watson both. But I made a promise not to show them so I haven't shown them. That was the only way I was allowed to take any. I made a promise and that was that. Now if some pseudo-papp wannabee lowlife comes along and does it, well they will be living down to their reputation won't they?

I like these guys, and want them to succeed, so I will not be posting any pictures that will spoil any future releases for them, or unless they give me the 'say so'.

Haha. I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm not being serious. It's no personal attack on the creators, I don't know them. And I respect that they need time to do these things properly. It's more of a: I'm just super excited I can't contain my (light-hearted) whining. I'll shut up now.
Haha. I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm not being serious. It's no personal attack on the creators, I don't know them. And I respect that they need time to do these things properly. It's more of a: I'm just super excited I can't contain my (light-hearted) whining. I'll shut up now.

:lol Fair enough then. Please don't shut up! Just throw in the odd smilie so we know what's a joke and what isn't (most of the time).

DGTWoodward, no more precise than "next year". But a lot of the other things I was asking about were "next year" (Amy, expansion packs, 4) so I get the impression that they are just working hard to get stuff out bit by bit at present. The tailoring isn't done yet and I didnt get a chance to find out how far it had progressed (small children were pressuring to go and get Matt Smith's autograph whilst I was trying to have a conversation with the nice man from BC). Certainly no indication that we would get even a teaser before the New Year. If they are at Expo later in the month, I will grill them again.

I would like the velvet jacket combo, a skull (although it is possible to get 1:6 prop skulls elsewhere, so not essential with the figure) and leather shoes. Sherlock's style precludes moulded plastic shoes, I think. I like the idea of the hideous flock wallaper being somewhere. That should be the design on the backing card of the box.
DGTWoodward, no more precise than "next year". But a lot of the other things I was asking about were "next year" (Amy, expansion packs, 4) so I get the impression that they are just working hard to get stuff out bit by bit at present. The tailoring isn't done yet and I didnt get a chance to find out how far it had progressed (small children were pressuring to go and get Matt Smith's autograph whilst I was trying to have a conversation with the nice man from BC). Certainly no indication that we would get even a teaser before the New Year. If they are at Expo later in the month, I will grill them again.

I would like the velvet jacket combo, a skull (although it is possible to get 1:6 prop skulls elsewhere, so not essential with the figure) and leather shoes. Sherlock's style precludes moulded plastic shoes, I think. I like the idea of the hideous flock wallaper being somewhere. That should be the design on the backing card of the box.

This is what makes the hobby interesting, all the different views. Sure, I like real shoes, but they don't attract the eye for me. What really counts for me is the head sculpt and the overall 'silhouette'. If those were excellent and it wouldn't cost much more than I could excited about leather shoes. But yeah, I understand the appeal, having owned some really fantastic 1/6 boots.
I found out recently that the swimming pool scene at the end of Sherlock series 1 was filmed in a swimming pool less than a mile from where I live. When the figure is released I can go and photograph it in the actual location!