Best 1/6th Luke Sculpt Ever?

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Super Freak
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Central Florida
Look at this new Mask Magnet series from Kotobukiya. Is this not the best sculpted 1/6th Luke ever? What would you pay to get that face on a 12-inch body?


Original story:
While these are pretty cool looking, especially the Vader... I'm not really seeing the likeness in the Luke sculpt? Looks fairly generic to me.
I don't know why some people have such a hard time sculpting him. I think the best Luke sculpt out there is on the GG X-Wing bust.
What would I pay?.................


1 million trillion bazillion dollars......................

Or nothin' cause it sucks.:D
Sorry just dont get it .... unless your looking at a different image to me ?

theres absolutely nothing remarkable about that sculpt at all
NO FRIGGIN WAY!!! LOL! I hope your joking. :lol:lol:lol

But if you want my vote I will have to say Medicoms hands down. LOL! :lol:lol:lol

Ok all joking aside I will have to say Sideshow's Jedi Luke is the best so far.
I was trying to find an image of Luke in the c o c kpit for a comparison, but all I could find was the Snowspeeder from ESB in which he already looked different.

But, still not seeing the likeness... can't wait for the rebutt :lol
I was trying to find an image of Luke in the c o c kpit for a comparison, but all I could find was the Snowspeeder from ESB in which he already looked different.

But, still not seeing the likeness... can't wait for the rebutt :lol

Exactly my problem. Only image is from ESB. Anyone have an image of Luke just as he is shooting the torpedo in to the deathstar shaft? That's the image I am looking for.
i'll repeat whats already been said: the jedi luke from SS is the best 1/6 head sculpt out right now. hopefully SS will improve on it when they release the Jedi Luke PF.
I look forward to the rebuttle but for now I think your nuts.:D:monkey3

And yes, the ROTJ SSC Luke is by far the best Luke sculpt out there. Not the best expression but definitely the best sculpt.
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