Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

Not bad, not as blown away as I expected but cool little vid. Odd choice I reckon with Strange

I think Strange is interesting from a story angle, he knows Bruce's secret & it's that threat that is so good, he can strike at Batman through the people Bruce cares about. I'm looking forward to seeing where they take the idea.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Not bad, not as blown away as I expected but cool little vid. Odd choice I reckon with Strange
Oh man, how come you're not blown away by that vid? I think it's the best game related teaser vid ive seen!
Re: Batman: Arkham City

All depends on what he was expecting really !!, To be honest though i kinda thought all the "exclusive" VGA trailers were a bit over hyped, don't get me wrong they're good, just not "cream your pants" good.

I thought the Uncharted 3 trailer was "cream your pants" good.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I thought it was wipe drool off your face good. AA never ceases to impress with the graphic's.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Strange is A villain. Jokers still there, Harley, Two-Face, and whoever else was confirmed. Black Mask was hinted, as was Penguin. Croc, Scarecrow, and Bane are still loose. I'd also be surprised if we didn't hear anything about Quincy.

Huh, all 3 are loose? Where is that confirmed at.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I can't wait for this. I hope there are just as many secrets and collectibles to find. The replay value of the first game was great.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

The endings of the first game....

Yeah, but you only see one villian in the river, not all 3 at the same time. Unless the producer confimred all 3 got away? I kinda don't wanna see all (3)of them again as bosses, since there are so many more villians who we didn't get to see in the first game.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

The only one that makes any sense is Bane. Croc and Scarecrow were in Croc's lair AKA cell. So it wouldn't be a very good cell if they got loose after Batman locked them in it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'd be fine not seeing any of them. I didn't care for the Scarecrow levels, and he seems like a difficult villain to use as a boss. Bane and Croc I fear would be a variation on the last fight.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Hey all, first time poster here. Gotta say seeing Hugo Strange with his weird Christopher Lee esque voice was way more creepy and bordering disturbing than I ever imagined the villain to be. Never read many stories so I'm biased by the Animated Series interpretation which was menacing but by no means as scary as the one portrayed in the trailer.

Can't wait!
Re: Batman: Arkham City


I agree, Hugo Strange is going to be a great villain for this game.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I already want them to announce action figures for this game so I dont have to wait until 2 years after it comes out.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I think the 2 year wait gives us a good idea about how long it really takes to get an action figure line off the ground. I don't think anyone except Rocksteady really knew how awesome the game was going to be, and most everybody was caught off guard by its success.