Avengers VS X-Men

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the avengers may be too much for the xmen. eventhough I like the xmen more

As much as I hate to admit it, you are probably right.

A few things that may turn things to the mutant's favor:

  • Magneto is a powerhouse
  • Colossus is cranked up on Juggernaut's power atm
  • There are some VERY powerful mutants who could show up; if Iceman or Elixir are in the fight, the X-Men win
  • Does Namor still have one of the Infinity Gems?

If they are in a city, Magneto could probably hold down the entire Avengers on his own. I think Emma could lock Thor down mentally.

Cyclops is a master strategist and would plan to take Thor and Hulk out of the equation. If they focus on taking these two out of the fight, they could easily pick off the rest of the Avengers.
I love the X-Men. However, unless Phoenix pops up, I have to say the Avengers win. If Jean was still around and had the Phoenix force, she could smoke ALL of them.

Phoenix and Mags alone would destroy the Avengers in an instant. Without Jean, I don't see them overcoming a God and 2 Hulks.
Both Magneto and the Submariner alone have done damage to the avengers. Iron man and cap should be removed from play instantly. The avengers have no counter for mind control. After the last defense of XIsland Cyclops is on a really high tactical level. He has been doing this since he was a kid.
If you look at the roster, Cyclops is now siding with Magneto, Emma Frost, Submariner, Colossus (being the new Juggernaut), Danger, New Phoenix etc.. Looks like Cyclops team is shaping up to be the antagonist to me, and we all know the antagonist looses in the end. I wouldn't be surprised if Cyclops' X-men becomes the new Brotherhood once this is all said and done.

Also, for fans of the X-men, we are talking about (Avengers + Wolverine's X-men) vs Cyclop's X-men if I'm not mistaken. Beast, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde , Armor, Pyslocke (AoA? not sure), Rogue, Gambit, among a few others are siding with Wolverine and will probably fight along side the Avengers. Cyclops' X-men is now consist of mostly past villains like Magneto, Danger, the new Juggernaut, new Phoenix, Submariner, Emma, etc.. with the exception of possibly Storm and a few others keeping them in line.

I'm siding with the Avengers, I speculate that the theme would be where Avengers tries to stop Phoenix while Cyclops wants to use Phoenix to his advantage.

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If the Phoenix Force indeed chooses Hope from the X-Men, that could be the game changer plus lets not forget Scarlet Witch who will be making an appearance as well. Just not sure which side she's on.

They have green & red. :lol

Seems insanely lopsided if the Avengers have two Hulks and Thor.

:lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly: Unless Hulk's somehow less powerful than he was in WWH. He's already beaten everybody.
Can't Xavier just make think they are all hungry and have them hit big kahuna burger instead of fight :dunno

Not sure about Hulk though, i seem to remember in WWH that he couldn't?)
Just some more teasers...
:lol Namor would beat the living hell out of Luke Cage!
Can't Xavier just make think they are all hungry and have them hit big kahuna burger instead of fight :dunno
Not sure about Hulk though, i seem to remember in WWH that he couldn't?)
Hulk (and I am assuming Red Hulk) are invulnerable to telepathy because of their rage. That is why Emma turned diamond against him in WWH resulting in her being smacked around like a...wait for it...nevermind. :wink1:

To everyone mentioning the Hulks, here is my prediction: if Omega level mutants are in (Magneto, Hope/Jean Grey, Elixir, Iceman), the X-Men have it. If they are not in, the Avengers have it. There are simply no mutants that can go toe to toe with two Hulks.

Magneto could probably handle one Hulk by folding the entire damn city around him and throwing him in space just to take him out of the fight, but not both Hulks and Thor.

I personally think this entire 'event' is going to be used to reintroduce the Phoenix in Hope Summers; then Marvel can have another Phoenix $aga.
He couldn't in that meeting, he left on his own but not before letting Juggy go running down the ocean.

I want this variant cover.

Oh man :horror :yess:

I hope that variant come in HC when the time comes :pray:


okay i was pretty shocked when i first heard about this but check it out for some WTF LOLZ... #2 on the list.


"Truth, Justice and the American Way are all diametrically opposed to Mom Rape, which is why this crap doesn't fly with most superhero teams. If someone had tried it with the X-Men, you would need a mop to pick up his adamantium-stabbed, laser-burned remains. Lucky for Marcus Danvers, he tried it with the Avengers."


i think you know which team should win AvX (based on this anyway) :lol
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Avengers. Better books with Cap, IM, and Hulk over the last five years. Haven't read Thor stuff, but even that has some critical acclaim.

Love me some Uncanny X-Force though :rock

I have my expectations set extremely low for the writing, but extremely high for the art. Some pretty badass covers have been solicited.
i want to get back into comics so ill start with this event but what comics should i read before this event to catch up and not be completely lost on whats going on?
i want to get back into comics so ill start with this event but what comics should i read before this event to catch up and not be completely lost on whats going on?

This event is a great place to start if you're remotely familiar with Phoenix, actually. Nothing is too out of whack in the Marvel U: Steve Rogers is Cap, Osborn doesn't control the U.S, Asgard isn't floating 2 feet above earth, ect. Only thing you might find curious is Wolverine on the other side, in which you'd have to pick up Schism to know why :)
i want to get back into comics so ill start with this event but what comics should i read before this event to catch up and not be completely lost on whats going on?

Well there's a handful that you could pick up in collected trades.

- Avengers Disassembled
- House Of M
- X-Men: Messiah Complex
- X-Men: 2nd Coming
- X-Men: Schism
- Avengers: X-Sactioned

The 1st four on that list explains as to why the whole mutant populace is in the situation it is now & Schism tackles as to how the current line-up of the X-Men is at the moment. Lastly X-Sactioned is a prelude to the coming event. Hope that helps.

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