Avengers: Age of Ultron

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I could care less about Hulks pants but ugh a look at Vision! Can I ask if his color scheme was accurate to what reports have said yesterday? Just wanna know how close he looks to his comic book look
These are obviously fake but these are what the figures from Age of Ultron could potentially look like!


Looks good...I could see myself buying both of those!! :slap Would probably pass on Thor though.
I could care less about Hulks pants but ugh a look at Vision! Can I ask if his color scheme was accurate to what reports have said yesterday? Just wanna know how close he looks to his comic book look

See posts 1289 and 1295, posted about Vision's look there.
I thought so too but the silver looks good in the photoshop. If they do an armored version with something extra from the movie I'll probably cave and get it...I'm so weak when it comes to these figures :ohbfrank:

Hahaha noooo be content with your DW Thor save up for all new different figs *says the IM Collector* :lol
I thought so too but the silver looks good in the photoshop. If they do an armored version with something extra from the movie I'll probably cave and get it...I'm so weak when it comes to these figures :ohbfrank:

:lol I say that now...but probably once I see the new Thor figure, I'll probably change my mind and cave in too (always do!!). I am the same also, I just cannot resist these Hot Toys figures!! :gah:
Not yet released for the public so can't share them unfortunately. I also posted about first look at Vision and Hulk's new pants a couple pages back and didn't get much traction, guess nobody cares :confused:

:elefant :ccheerlea :rock2 :ted :blissysmi :fireworks :banana :fest

Having grabbed TDW sleeveless edition, I'm def grabbing sleeved AoU Thor. Gold didn't bother me so much as in the classic comics he has plenty of yellow. I actually thought it was. A nice touch. I'll be honest, it might be hard to say no to a lot from AoU. We'll see how much HT jacks the prices up for all of 'em.
Hey I figured some ppl care about Hulk's new purple pants, least the comic purists would.
Never mind I take it back, I see the logo. It's very small, near the hip to the side, from the angles I have it's only on his left leg, doesn't look tacky.

tight pants, fitted or baggy?


Also for BW fans, her costume looks a lot more tech'd out, with what're probably light-up strips along parts of her clothing, similar to how her stingers light up in Avengers. Looks like she also added to her wrist stingers, could be forearm projectile weapons perhaps. I think it's a decent look for her but the light-up features don't make her too stealthy for a spy. If only they went with a different haircut... *sigh*
Never mind I take it back, I see the logo. It's very small, near the hip to the side, from the angles I have it's only on his left leg, doesn't look tacky.


Also for BW fans, her costume looks a lot more tech'd out, with what're probably light-up strips along parts of her clothing, similar to how her stingers light up in Avengers. Looks like she also added to her wrist stingers, could be forearm projectile weapons perhaps. I think it's a decent look for her but the light-up features don't make her too stealthy for a spy. If only they went with a different haircut... *sigh*

Does QS/SW get different suits towards the end of the film?
Props to a fellow Tatiana fan!

My take on the 42 armor is that it has too much damn gold and that's that. I like the idea of a color-flipped version, but would that be enough to convince me to buy another armor after Silver Centurion? Maybe if Hulkbuster is all kinds of awesome I'd buy that...and watch my wallet die a little.

I really, really want Rhodey in Avengers 2. He's the only US government-sanctioned superhero; it wouldn't make any sense if he sits out yet another major disaster on American soil...plus not only does he have great chemistry with Downey, but I want to see how he reacts to Cap.



It'll be at minimum three. Given the plot point to how Ultron comes into existence I wouldn't be shocked if we got cameos like the House Party protocol before hand and then see him "streamline"

Alright, so frantically checking YouTube for cam footage before it gets pulled down starts around 5:45

I wonder how big of a marathon they'd do. Start with Avengers and hit all the films in between? Or would they dare start with Iron Man 1?

TWS Black Widow was my favorite too.

I'm guessing he'll cameo as both Rhodey and WM, especially if the final climax goes down against bots. Wouldn't be shocked to see Falcon or someone else we're not expecting show up for a brief second.

$799 that's my guess. The Iron Man HT Protocols will dictate it around that value.

"Professor" Hulk has his charm but gets a bit boring after a while. I'd love to see the battle for Banner go on with Gray versus Green in his mind. That was a good arc that eventually led to Professor.

I like the Mk 42 but I love the flipped scheme. I'm in for the whole Avengers line up and will probably drop out of HT Marvel at that point.
I feel ya tho; it's all about as close to comics as can be. Even if they did add that, I would be tempted to try and find someone selling just the pants instead of a whole new Hulk. They nailed it with the first one. Just add a HS and new shorts and I bet those would everyone would gobble it up.