Asmus Toys : Gandalf the Grey

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I'm not too fussed about Gandalf having rooted hair. I agree that the raw sculpt with sculpted hair was fantastic and I would have signed up for that in a heartbeat. That said, rooted could work with this character, too. The prototype in the picture should probably have bushier and curlier hair, but it's only one picture and it's early days yet. They've earned my trust at this point. I'm interested to see where this goes ...

The hair definitely needs to be fuller and/or curlier. They can fix that quite easily, so I really hope they do. If they can, I'm all for the rooted. If not, give me the sculpted. It will definitely lose a point. I'll still love it, but not as much.

For me, any character with long hair needs to have real hair. It just adds another level of realism; and makes a figure look less like an action figure and more like a piece of art. :lecture :gandalf
Is this still supposed to come with an updated Gandalf the White head sculpt?

That was the idea, but I don't think there has ever been a picture of the GW headsculpt. Supposedly it was being done by a different sculptor. I wouldn't care if they just did a hair color change on this one.
Ooh. It just occurred to me that the rumored replacement Gandalf the White head might have rooted hair. That would work very well for that character. Like Saruman, he's got long, straight hair. Eager to see how that works out!
Ooh. It just occurred to me that the rumored replacement Gandalf the White head might have rooted hair. That would work very well for that character. Like Saruman, he's got long, straight hair. Eager to see how that works out!

That would work. Rooted for the white, sculpted for the grey?
oddly, ive never been much of a gandalf the white fan, he's cool of course in any form, but i always loved gandalf the grey. he was a little more playful.
My vote is for sculpted hair by default, but this has a lot of potential to look great with rooted. I think the unwieldy nature of rooted hair may work in favor of the character. If I think of the Age of Ultron Black Widow's hair, that texture would be a place to start for sure. That being said, I don't think one can capture the hairline perfectly unless it is sculpted. That's proven with the original sculpt.

I think the fingerless gloves could be a bit more slim fitting, but I realize this is a prototype.

Otherwise though I think they're doing a bang up job with this figure and I can't wait to get him. Gandalf is my favorite character so Asmus can take their time and perfect him, I don't mind.

So Asmus, what is the plan for the hat? Tailored fabric or sculpted? If plastic I would much prefer a harder material, no rubber. Will he come with his sword, Glamdring? Any other neat trinkets he will come with that you might let us see? Thanks!
Asmus just posted this on facebook
I love how nice and grimy his fingers look...I hope we see that kind of detail on the final product. The long stem pipe is a nice touch. :clap
I can't wait to see who is displayed at STGCC! I'm hoping we'll get a peak at Legolas and maybe even something only hinted at.
Way behind on this thread. As a stupidly ridiculous McKellen Gandalf fan I can't wait to see this. Haven't read through everyone's post after the early Proto was shown a few days back. But things I hope to see and things I hope to see different:

-his actual belt
-his cloak
-his magic scarf
-a correct staff (I read that Asmus just posed him with the SSC one, but looking at that Singapore photo the staff is different and still not correct to any of the films.)

I was definitely looking forward to the sculpted hair, but I'm confident that Asmus will do his hair justice. Either way can't wait to see more.
That staff does look a bit like an Alien egg opening up... which would be an interesting take on LOTR.

Can't wait to see this previewed! Hope they show a lot of their upcoming figures.