Asmus Toys: Arwen

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The preorder is up on the website now! Wow that was a quick turnaround. Also is says January release. Between Bilbo, Thorin, Eomer and Arwen, I am going to have a very expensive three month span not to mention Christmas. I preordered but I wouldn’t mind if she slips to February or even March.
More photos over on Asmus's Facebook page. Haven't got time to post them but she definitely looks better when viewed from the right side of her face. :)
Hmm not feeling it. Something off with the nose and upper lip. Face too stretched. I mean it looks like Arwen in small shots, but not like Liv Tyler in close-ups.
Face proportions are wrong. Eyes are small, nose is to narrow and the form is not exactly Liv Tyler's face, it is too prolonged.
12 (1).jpg

It looks like the sculptor painter were only referring to this pic:

I really want Arwen, and this is the best sculpt there is in 1/6, but it is close to be amazing if tweaked, and now it is just fine. Have mixed feelings about the sculpt.
Now that the dust is settling on my initial excitement, I agree the sculpt could definitely do with some fine tuning. I mean, I'm getting it regardless but after seeing those photos of Liv, I'd love to see the sculpt as close to her as possible. Those big eyes would make me charge into all the Orcs of Mordor if it meant getting back home to her! 😂
With a expected release in Jan. I highly doubt they will do any fine tuning. Like most of their figures it’s not 100% likeness but I think it’s better than most. I’m more worried about how the mixed media hair will look.
I don’t see any tweeks or changes coming. I can instantly tell who it’s supposed to be so while not perfect by any stretch, I’m happy. Just make sure the eyes are proper color....
yep. this is the version i like. takes me right back to seeing the toybiz pics of the original line up :) could def be tweaked but it does look like shes coming soon. im looking forward to her and thorin! :)
I wonder why she's branded as a Battle of the Five Armies figure? Are that limited to X anything of figures per Tolkien movie, so they shuffle it to leave room for others?
I wonder why she's branded as a Battle of the Five Armies figure? Are that limited to X anything of figures per Tolkien movie, so they shuffle it to leave room for others?

That's obviously a mistake. Every other pic has the LOTR logo, it's only the last one showing her sword that has a Hobbit:BOTFA logo.
The box mock-up also has a LOTR logo.
That's obviously a mistake. Every other pic has the LOTR logo, it's only the last one showing her sword that has a Hobbit:BOTFA logo.
The box mock-up also has a LOTR logo.

Yes, it is a mistake...
you can tell the person who did that picture isn't a Tolken fan...
We are so sorry about that,
I have taken it off the websites, however, what was out was already out....
She looks good to me! Eyes and mouth could be scaled up a smidge, but on balance I think she looks good. If Gimli is an A+, I'd say she's a solid B. I'd prefer ankle articulation, a slightly better likeness and fully rooted hair, but I have no hesitation ordering this. Good looking figure!

The one TINY quibble that does kind of irritate me though ... is that she seems to have loose sword-gripping hands. This seems to be a recurring issue with Asmus. Thranduil had this same issue for me (as did several others, but I'm at work so I can't get to my display cabinet at the moment to be specific).

It makes sense when you have a figure that uses generic hands -- your standard Hot Toys TrueType hands aren't likely to grip unique accessories properly because they weren't designed to. Sure. I get that.

But in the case where you have a figure like this, with unique hands, sculpted specifically for this release, it's weird that they don't grip their accessory properly. Now, I know there are tips and tricks to alter the hands once you get them home, but it still bugs me that you have to do that. Since they make the hands out of the more flexible, rubbery plastic, it seems like it would be easy just to design them in a slightly more closed position in the first place.

Okay, that was WAY more words than such a microscopic complaint called for! It's honestly not that big a deal!

Anyhow, back to Arwen!

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IF they tweak the sculpt a bit I think the thing throwing it off the most is the tip of the nose. The tip is a little too bulbous and looking straight on her nostrils are visible. Maybe upturn the nose a bit. I will be getting it though even if this is what they are sending to be cast.
This looks amazing

But this looks strangely different. Maybe it's the angle, or paint, or lense distortion. And this one looks more prolonged than the one on official pics.

And I know what is strange in this sculpt, in the movie Arwen is almost always expressing some emotion and this is absolutely emotionless sculpt. This may give an impression I have.