ARH Studios two new licenses Frank Frazetta and Tarzan 1/4 scale statues

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And who is the authority about your statement? You?

The state of fact that a good amount of people here expressed the same concern about the paint app gives some weight to the statement.
Customers do have the right to JUDGE what they may or may not buy, and if a good amount of people expresses the same problem, maybe there's a point in their word.
Now, Averone can come here and tell everything's awesome and ARH is growing and is stronger than ever, but THE FACTS are that they expected to sell 200 Conan Sacrifice Exclusives, and they sold 50. They can't move pieces with 150-200 ES, and for a reason.
The Minotaurus has been the most well received one, and guess why - because the paint app on a non human figure impacts less on the viewer, since we don't have real life models to compare the statue to. That's why the painted Minotaurus looks ok, while Tarzan looks extra shiny and smooth to the point to look like plastic, or why the Angel of Darkness looks like a man with a wig.
And this leads me to the following part:

Please share with us your knowledge about color scheme, warm and cold colors and the impact on human brain? Also share with us your knowledge of painting a statue in a proper way to be called as a professional!

Arahom paint is flat. It's not a matter of knowing the most intimate styles of paint or something to lose sleep on with meta-artistic philosophy.
I don't need mad painting skills, I only need to COMPARE what ARH offers with what other companies offer, and the difference with the paint app is clearly visible.
This is an empiric proof to me, and obviously also to others, that if I take Tarzan and put him next to my Sideshow Diablo Overthrown barbarian, Tarzan is looking different. The skin paint doesn't look like skin, the hair don't look like hair and so on. Arahom's style is too basic and unnatural, just a flat paint application.
You can call it "his style" and be fine with it, nothing wrong, just don't tell me not to be critic about it when you try to make it look like an awesome paint application, 'cause I do have at least five amateur painters in a 30km range that could do much better.

"Gentlemen, you can't have opinions in here, this is a discussion forum!"
Why derail a very interesting forum topic with chatter about opinions ? Like it bye it don't like it don't bye it -- art is subjective
The state of fact that a good amount of people here expressed the same concern about the paint app gives some weight to the statement.
Customers do have the right to JUDGE what they may or may not buy, and if a good amount of people expresses the same problem, maybe there's a point in their word.
Now, Averone can come here and tell everything's awesome and ARH is growing and is stronger than ever, but THE FACTS are that they expected to sell 200 Conan Sacrifice Exclusives, and they sold 50. They can't move pieces with 150-200 ES, and for a reason.
The Minotaurus has been the most well received one, and guess why - because the paint app on a non human figure impacts less on the viewer, since we don't have real life models to compare the statue to. That's why the painted Minotaurus looks ok, while Tarzan looks extra shiny and smooth to the point to look like plastic, or why the Angel of Darkness looks like a man with a wig.
And this leads me to the following part:

Arahom paint is flat. It's not a matter of knowing the most intimate styles of paint or something to lose sleep on with meta-artistic philosophy.
I don't need mad painting skills, I only need to COMPARE what ARH offers with what other companies offer, and the difference with the paint app is clearly visible.
This is an empiric proof to me, and obviously also to others, that if I take Tarzan and put him next to my Sideshow Diablo Overthrown barbarian, Tarzan is looking different. The skin paint doesn't look like skin, the hair don't look like hair and so on. Arahom's style is too basic and unnatural, just a flat paint application.
You can call it "his style" and be fine with it, nothing wrong, just don't tell me not to be critic about it when you try to make it look like an awesome paint application, 'cause I do have at least five amateur painters in a 30km range that could do much better.

I agree you should critique. You should give feedback. You should make suggestions.

The way I read what averone is asking is just to be respectful to arahom. Imagine if you were to visit NYCC and got to the ARH booth and arahom asks you how do you like the statues. In person, would you use these exact words or would you try to find other phrases to get your point across? I think that's all averone is asking for. If you are that way in person, keep on rolling, bro.
That is based on original art...the Frazetta is different as you can see in the picture above.
Completely different pose and croc,impaled with a spear through the head.No knife.

That's what I thought. I told myself I was more interested in the Frazetta version, but this is looking pretty good too. If this is 1/6 (1/5?) scale it would go great paired up with Conan FoftB dio. Especially as Troy sculpted both. Tarzan has always been my top fictional tough guy, a hair above Conan, so I'm stoked.
This is why I don't interact here as much. All a bunch of haters and babies. Like the companies, all of them have to cater to the individual needs. Instead of a mass produced statue.
Actually I'd say that's reasonably accurate, and certainly well within artistic license.
Re: ARH Studios two new licenses Frank Frazetta 1/4 exclusive license and Tarzan 1/4

Averone updates bro

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon