Aquaman (2018)

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I mean it's really not that unrealistic that this can do well. Wonderwoman did fine after everyone trashed bvs. And aquaman will actually be something quite different.

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Wow so this movie will be what saves the DCEU very interesting.

So no one went out to watch the JL team saving the world together but they will now go out to watch the same Aquaman from the JL movie saving the world on his own?

*note to self do not invest in WB stock lol
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Does anyone thing WB might just toss this movie in the garbage and never release it? Who really wants to pay theater prices for this?

Wouldn’t it hurt the DC brand a LOT if this opened at like $20M?
He’s got a point. I mean it’s freaking aquaman. Why the **** would u make an aquaman movie before things like flash, a new green lantern, a new batman, Martian manhunter. Even teen titans go trailer made fun of this. WB really hates there characters.
Lets look at WB overall track record shall we:

Batman 89

Superman Returns (some might say add to Garbage list)
BvS (some might say add to Garbage list)
SS (some might say add to Garbage list)

Superman 3
Superman 4
Super Girl
Green Lantern

So yeah this studio can’t be trusted.

Sure they gave us the single best in the genre and some don’t even think TDK is but look what we also have to tolerate.

Hell some of you might even say remove STM1/2 and Batman 89 from the Great list so you’re left with just BB/TDK LOL

Speaking for myself sure TDK is best villain ever but the action in TDK is severly lacking lol

Tell me sbout Aquaman chances again.
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Aquaman test screening reactions say it's emotional and tonally similar to Wonder Woman


But then, they also said Suicide Squad was good...

I liked JL enough but know it was a horrible release for WB and pr for the DCEU in general- something has got to turn this ship around and soon. Aquaman should just be released with little fanfare and see what happens.
The Batman film is still going to be the BIG one for WB
But people go to see Guardians, Black Panther, or Suicide Squad? Thinking it'll bomb is just retarded wishing.

1 is a from a franchise that can barely get off the ground and another is from a established universe. It’s definitely not retarded thinking
1 is a from a franchise that can barely get off the ground and another is from a established universe. It’s definitely not retarded thinking

I'm talking concept. Why would a hybrid king of the US and Atlantis that is able to take on any hero in hand-to-hand, and an army at his back - be a joke? Because he "talks" to fish?
- But I suppose a talking sentient tree with 3 words in his vocabulary and a cybernetic-augmented raccoon is not absurd?

Black Panther is successful for 2 reasons: a Marvel film, and a pro-black film during another high in tension between ethnicities. I overheard people saying that Bucky is White Wolf, the adopted brother of T'Challa...if that doesn't make you cringe, I don't know what would. True, people watch these films for entertainment, just like I don't know anything about Transformers, but I enjoy watching them. But that is why BP is doing well not to mention that currently nothing is out to really challenge it in the box office.

Guardians did well after release due to soundtrack and cast. But just like BP, most were or are oblivious to the cosmic universe and wouldn't know anything about them. Yet it still did well, but August was also a quiet point in the box office.

Suicide Squad - the only people anyone knew (outside of fans) are Harley Quinn and Will Smith. Not even Deadshot, but literally just the fact Will Smith was in it. You have a meta-pyro, hybrid Croc-humanoid, boomerang slinging thief, guy that climbs and uses rope, a Joker after the death of one of the best antagonist portrayal, a witch/sorceress, a traumatized widow samurai, and Harley. Despite the fact that people would not care for 85-95% of what I explained; it still did well.

Overall, thinking Aquaman will bomb is retarded. Especially since many took a liking in the character after JL.