any uk freaks got Obi Wan 12" yet?

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so..... whats the status with FP Obi-Wan in the Uk then, anyone received theirs yet or is it not out yet (as I'd thought)
Still waiting for my Obi-Wan from Forbidden Planet, don't think they have had them in yet...shouldn't be too long now though!
thamesvalidude said:
I just ask for her by name or email her using "For attention of Jennifer Bigham"

just got of the phone with ss customer services.:chew yep they combined
the two figures for cheaper shipping.i can rest easy now.

thanks sideshow....:cool:
abstractharmony said:
End of the month for FP Obi-Wan (Same delivery as Qui Gon).

Mace & Han have now shipped!

what, we're getting Forbidden Planet obiwan AND quigon at roughly the same time? ****... my wallet. *thinks of things to sell*
I just received a tracking number for what I belive to be the Han, Mace and Obi pack. Guess Qui-Gon will come near the end of October, and Lurtz early/mid November.
hunky_artist said:
so..... whats the status with FP Obi-Wan in the Uk then, anyone received theirs yet or is it not out yet (as I'd thought)
Obi Wan hasn't arrived in the UK yet. It is due in soon with Qui Gonn and (Hopefully Dream Warrior Freddy). Han & Mace arrived at the end of September, and normally the distriubtors give around 2 weeks notice before they come into stock, and as yet nothing has been heard, but I'm hopeful of some news soon.
Yeah that's where I meant, FPI is Forbidden Planet International, same place mate.

I'm waiting for my figure from there too, hope it turns up sooner rather than later, can't wait for Obi Wan:cool:.
hunky_artist said:
yeah I got mine about the 4th October (the same day they charged me)

Emailed them last night and received a reply today.

It was returned back to them as whoever tried delivering it couldn't locate my address!!:confused: