ANGEL season 6

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yeah i must say that when they killed off wesley i was seriously ticked off. he had such a history that he should have at least made it to the last stand. they could've killed off gunn and i wouldn't have minded the least or even Lorne.. i liked him, but his role wasn't as important to me.
Well first issue came out and unless I'm crazy I didnt see another topic talking about it. So I bumped this one. I'll avoid any spoilers in case no else has read it or decides we need a spoiler topic. Overall it was a decent issue I look foward to the next one.
This Wednesday I think. I heard the guy at the comic book shop telling someone that it had sold out. This was about 3 PM on Wednesday.

I'm waiting for the TPB.
This Wednesday I think. I heard the guy at the comic book shop telling someone that it had sold out. This was about 3 PM on Wednesday.

I'm waiting for the TPB.

Me too. I've just picked up the first Buffy season 8 TPB. I'm gonna start reading it this week. :D
Read the first issue of this, and really, really loved it! I think it has a stronger opener then Bufffy season 8.

I think I'm really going to enjoy this series. :D
The only disappointing thing about this is the artwork. It was a little difficult to know exactly who some of the people were as the likenesses were a little off.
Could we get someone to post a spoilers warning on the thread? I'd like to discuss this a bit more in-depth, but don't want to give away any of the awesome spoilers.
Had the local guys at the comic shop throw one into my pull box, I'm usually a week behind, so I'll get it later this week.

I've been enjoying the Buffy comic, I figure this will be more the same...but I honestly never watched past Season three of Angel, hoping I'll be able to pick up the storyline.

Old thread... RISE!

Sooo just finished issues 2 and 3 and all I can say is wow!

The following contains spoilers:

Sooo Angel is HUMAN now? Well he is certainly not a vamp. But now Gunn is. and Illyria is with Spike... Spike playing good guy... :google I am loving this so far. I cannot wait for the next issue.
I don't like the sound of any of that. Glad I decided to leave them in that rainy alley.

Well I dunno, if we got a real season 6 alot of this is what would have happened in the show, or any motion picture/television continuation. And Joss has these plotted so they are "cannon" and as close to new official stories as we are gonna get again. Overall it's really interesting, and the designs are very much like the show. Give it a shot, it's only 3 issues so far and if ya don't like it at least ya tried. :D
I find Joss's name on the Angel comics a bit suspect. I think it's only there to try and sell comics... to give the whole venture a bit of creditibility. In interviews I've read with Joss, he said he gave the writers only broad strokes to work with and that in the end, the After the Fall story is their story not his.

We will never know what exactly those broad strokes were. :rolleyes:
I find Joss's name on the Angel comics a bit suspect. I think it's only there to try and sell comics... to give the whole venture a bit of creditibility. In interviews I've read with Joss, he said he gave the writers only broad strokes to work with and that in the end, the After the Fall story is their story not his.

We will never know what exactly those broad strokes were. :rolleyes:
they already continued angel a few years ago in the comic called "angel the curse" which was supposed to take place after season 5. it sucked big time.
Well Joss isn't just a 'name' on the comics. Brian has had to run every part of his story lines before Joss for his approval first.

The Dragon for example was Joss idea completely. Many elements in it in fact come straight from ideas that Joss and co had already formulated for season 6 if it hadn't been canceled, including the whole LA goes to hell malarkey.

I myself am enjoyed ten times more then the incredibly dull Buffy mags.
I was REALLY interested in the After The Fall comic series when it was first announced. I was hoping that Joss was going to be as involved with the project as the Buffy comics. But he is only one man. I started reading interview with the man and got these responses:

One interview:

AVC: What's the status of the Angel season-six comic-book concept?
JW: Well, we're not calling it season six, because I don't want to people to confuse it with the Buffy comic. But it does take place after the end of the show. Brian Lynch has delivered a basic arc outline, and he's doing all the heavy lifting. We sat down and talked about where everybody was, and what kind of world it was, and what we were planning to do, and what we could never have done, and wanted to do. He's sort of taking it from there.


Are you still working on the comic-book follow-up, Angel: After the Fall?
The comic book is coming out based on some guidelines I gave them. Again, I’m not overseeing it the way I did the Buffy [comics], but yeah, there is a comic book coming out that I did sanction as sort of a "well, here’s what we would have done and here’s what you can do if you’re a comic book."

I understand that Lynch is a talented writer... I just wanted to someone step up to the plate like Drew Goddard or Tim Minear... some voice I respect in the Wheodnverse.

However, I do think that having Whedon name appear first at the top of every comic of After THe Fall to be misleading.

But I do plan on reading the comic... once it is translated into trade paperback form. I'm just not AS excited as I was.
I just stumbled across this thread and had to drop my two cents in. I've been reading the new Angel comic, and oh my God is it horrible. There's no reason this comic should have been made, and its timing reeks of trying to ride the financial coattails of the hugely successful (and infinitely better) Buffy Season 8 series. Gah... What a travesty After the Fall is. I refuse to consider it canon, regardless of what the "official" word is. Betta George has no place in my Whedonverse, and every major character change just feels like it's been done for the sake of sensationalism. The whole thing reads like bad fanfic to me.

I find the characterization of for example, Angel, Wesley, Connor and Gunn, to be spot on myself.

The whole thing reads like bad fanfic to me.

Thats funny, thats the attitude that I have towards the season 8 comics which I found to be a huuuuge disappointment.

I think Joss has really dropped the ball with this one, as one the whole I find them terrible. Fanfic of the worst kind. I mean fancy admitting that he'd forgotten Killing Warren off in season 6.....Doah!!

I keep buying them though in case they improve.
I'm a big Angel fan, and I gotta say I've been really enjoying these. I think that the characterization has been spot on. Plus having seen the future solicitations, I would say that as usual nothing is what it seems, I think Angel has a huge plan in the works, and that everyone is playing their part. All in all it's been a good continuation of the series, and I look forward to each new issue.