Am I the only one who finds this annoying?

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Gamestop or EB employees don't really bother me. They are everything you guys say they are however im smart enough to not buy into their bull^^^^ and just flat out ignore them.

However, I do feel bad for people who don't know much about this kinds of things.....parents going in to buy their kid a present or younger kids going in to spend their birthday money on that new game. these ^^^^^^^s have the audacity to try to rip those kinds of customers off and that's what really gets me pissed.

The only time i buy from these type of franchise stores is when I get a game on release day. If not, i just go to target or walmart and get it for a few bucks less and give business to a company that deserves it.
Gamestop or EB employees don't really bother me. They are everything you guys say they are however im smart enough to not buy into their bull^^^^ and just flat out ignore them.

However, I do feel bad for people who don't know much about this kinds of things.....parents going in to buy their kid a present or younger kids going in to spend their birthday money on that new game. these ^^^^^^^s have the audacity to try to rip those kinds of customers off and that's what really gets me pissed.

The only time i buy from these type of franchise stores is when I get a game on release day. If not, i just go to target or walmart and get it for a few bucks less and give business to a company that deserves it.

:lecture :lecture Same here.
The only time i buy from these type of franchise stores is when I get a game on release day. If not, i just go to target or walmart and get it for a few bucks less and give business to a company that deserves it.

Yup. 90% of the time I buy games off eBay because you can get them so much cheaper. However, if I buy a game on release day, I walk in and walk out. The only time they tried the whole, "Buy the opened new game" with me was Elder Scrolls: Special Edition. I passed on their opened one and came back the next day and bought it sealed.
Luckily I didn't have this happen on the only occasion I dealt with GameStop. Although they gave me the worst online shopping experience I ever had. In a nutshell they sent me the wrong game. A simple enough thing to remedy you think. They said I could keep it and they'd refund the shipping. Which I sold on to cover the duty.

It took 5 phone calls to the states to get things sorted, as they resent it, got it held by customs. Then tried to recall it (was only because I called UPS and vetoed that) Had to pay a second amount of duty (which they did pay back). They never refunded my shipping. They never sent the Lithograph which I should have received for the pre-order. They wouldn't let me speak to a manager. They lost the faxes I sent to deal with the refund of the import duty 3 times!

after 4 phone calls, I ended up screaming at the guy on the other end of the phone because I was so pissed off and I'd never do that as I know what it's like to be customer service.

GameStop are the worst company I've ever dealt with, disorganized, incompetent, innatentive. I'd never deal with them again and I bad mouth them at every opportunity to people know just how ^^^^ they are!
game publishers usually don't provide sleeves.

That is BS, at TRU we get these 2ft by 2 ft boxes full of empty display cases with pre-printed game covers on the game cases for all systems; to be placed on the shelf for the customer to take to the front.

I hate Gamestop for this, but this is why if you plan to buy a game new at Gamestop....get it at release so it is NEW.
That is BS, at TRU we get these 2ft by 2 ft boxes full of empty display cases with pre-printed game covers on the game cases; to be placed on the shelf for the customer to take to the front.

I hate Gamestop for this, but this is why if you plan to buy a game new at Gamestop....get it at release so it is NEW.

Another thing that always pissed me off is when a new game would come out the would have us "gut" 7 to 10 copies so that we could make a long row of them on the shelf. Like us gamers don't know when a new game is do to come out. LOL! Then we would have to re-shrink wrap most of the copies after a couple weeks. That's right they are sneaky and shrink wrap that stuff back up.
someone should make a website like to show the public all the trash on these companies.
I remember on 2 occasions they sold my pre-order copy of a game to another customer and had no copies left in stock. The second time it happened the customer right ahead of me in the short line to the register bought a copy of Left 4 Dead (it was the day after release). I walked up to pick up my copy, which I had already paid for, and the employee told me they didn't have any more copies and directed me to another GS store a couple miles down. Of course I got angry and demanded to see the manager. I asked him what the point of pre-ordering games was if your incompetent staff were to just sell them willy-nilly to any customer? I didn't expect compensation so I canceled my pre-order, got my money back and went to a nearby Best Buy.

Normally I'd treat GS with the same consideration as any other retail chain, but lately it's become worse and worse. The only solace to be taken is at least with Amazon, TRU, Gamefly, and perhaps Best Buy taking up used game trade-ins Gamestop's yearly cash rake-in from pre-owned games will drop dramatically. At least, that's the hope.
I remember on 2 occasions they sold my pre-order copy of a game to another customer and had no copies left in stock. The second time it happened the customer right ahead of me in the short line to the register bought a copy of Left 4 Dead (it was the day after release). I walked up to pick up my copy, which I had already paid for, and the employee told me they didn't have any more copies and directed me to another GS store a couple miles down. Of course I got angry and demanded to see the manager. I asked him what the point of pre-ordering games was if your incompetent staff were to just sell them willy-nilly to any customer? I didn't expect compensation so I canceled my pre-order, got my money back and went to a nearby Best Buy.

Normally I'd treat GS with the same consideration as any other retail chain, but lately it's become worse and worse. The only solace to be taken is at least with Amazon, TRU, Gamefly, and perhaps Best Buy taking up used game trade-ins Gamestop's yearly cash rake-in from pre-owned games will drop dramatically. At least, that's the hope.

Yup, had that happen to me with Tomb Raider: Underworld last November. Got the call the game would be in tomorrow, so I called ahead of time as I always do to make sure they did get it....and they said "yup we sure did", then they proceed to look for it and cannot find it in the store, I tell them that I pre-ordered it months ago and they better have my copy there. Anyways long story short, they sold all the copies and admitted selling them to non-pre-order customers......I wasn't in the mood to ^^^^^ and argue with them. So I hung up, went there got my $5 back and bought the game elsewhere.

I think one of the best places to buy games is ToysRus (I can vouch for them as I work there during school), we have a huge selection and don't BS with the customer. The only downside to TRU is that for the lesser profile games, there is a 50/50 chance that TRU will have it on the actual release date....sometimes they get those games a week late or so. But with high profile or even games like Riddick, they usually get them ahead of time.
I used to work at a Gamestop when I was in college (err, college the first time around -_-), and I hated the way they ran their business. I always got in trouble because I wouldn't push strategy guides, reserves, and only sold one item at a time (they wanted you to sell all customers at least 2 items at a time). But the customers LOVED me. They repeat customers (especially the parents buying stuff for their kids) always came straight to me to ask for advice because I wouldn't bull^^^^^ them and just sold them what they wanted and really needed. (everyone else would try to push unnecessary crap.. I always said "you don't need that... just get the game")

And I HATE the gutted game system. I still refuse to buy a gutted game, even though I know exactly why they do it. I also hated selling gutted games to customers (even though most of them didn't care).

I'm surprised to hear from you guys that some people's reserves were sold to customer who didn't reserve the game. My store was at least EXTREMELY strict about reserved games... all the reserve slips were taped to the new, ungutted copies and were placed on a separate shelf (we were told NEVER to guy reserve copies). We only sold the reserved games to normal customers if the person who reserved the game didn't pick it up after a week.

But overall, I only buy from gamestop if they have an exclusive limited edition version of a game, which rarely happens.
I buy from Gamestop but I only buy exactly what I'm there for. If I want a new game sealed, I will only pay if it is a new game sealed. If I want a used game I get it used. I only go in there looking to buy what I want to buy and spend what I want to spend. They always try to push pre-order crap and game guides and all that garbage on me but I refuse it every time. I KNOW what I want. I'm an educated buyer who knows all about what I'm after. They can't pull the wool over my eyes. They never push anything on me. I just don't bite. I get what I'm there to get and that is it. Period.

Still sucks that they are so shady though to uninformed customers and I really only go in there for used games that are no longer sold at brick and mortar stores or aren't cheaper online at eBay or somewhere.
Well I turned my game in yesterday and got a non gutted replacement no problem. Still it doesn't change the fact that I feel cheated the first time around.
Big news! Long read but worth it for anyone suspicious of Gamestop's "new" game practices:

GameStop Sells Played Games As New, Sources Say, Practice Could Be Illegal

4/09/09 - From Kotaku:

"The alleged practice of GameStop lending new copies of games to employees at their stores and then later selling those games as new, unused copies, may be a violation of federal law.

GameStop's "check-out" policy, confirmed to Kotaku by a number of the chain's managers and employees, could fall under scrutiny of the Federal Trade Commission.

Reached for comment this afternoon, GameStop officials declined to comment.

"We do not comment on corporate policies that are competitive in nature," said Chris Olivera, vice president of corporate communications. "As your questions relate to company training, operations and discounting practices, I would not be able to provide feedback."

Kotaku contacted the FTC earlier today to determine if the practice, which sells games already played by employees at the new price, not the used price—used titles are typically priced about $5 cheaper than brand new versions—would be considered deceptive advertising or marketing. The FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection is mandated to protect consumers against unfair or deceptive acts or practices in commerce. Violations of FTC restrictions are a violation of federal law, according to the commission.

"The Federal Trade Commission protects consumers from unfair or deceptive advertising and marketing practices, and we encourage any consumer with a complaint about a company's business practices to contact us," said FTC public affairs specialist Betsy Lordan.

Lordan said she was unable to confirm or deny the existence of any investigation that the commission is conducting. As a rule the FTC does not comment on the conduct of a particular business.

The company's check-out policy, provided to us and verified by a number of GameStop employees states:

Associates are allowed to check out one item of store merchandise for personal use for up to four days. Merchandise checkout is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked at any time.

Hardware, accessories, sealed CDs or software programs that must be altered to install may not be checked out. If the on-hand quantity of a product equals one, the item cannot be checked out. Hot titles may also be prohibited from being checked out, regardless of the on-hand quantity in the store.

Associates may only check out items from the store in which they work. Associates are personally responsible for any merchandise they are allowed to check out.

Merchandise must be properly checked out in the Employee Merchandise Check Out Log in the Game Planner.

If the product is returned in unsellable condition, or if anything is missing from the package, or if the product is not returned, the Associate must purchase the product at the current price less Associate discount.

Copying of the software and/or manuals/instructions is illegal and is strictly prohibited. Merchandise that leaves the store without being properly checked out or purchase is considered to be unauthorized removal of Company property and may result in performance coaching up to and including termination of your employment.

According to a number of GameStop employees and managers across the country, all of which spoke to us on the condition of anonymity, new copies of games rented out to employees are often mixed in with the unplayed display copies. And both are sold at "new" prices.

When a shipment of video games initially arrives at a store, managers are told to "gut" several copies of the game, removing the disc or cartridge from the packaging so it can be displayed on the shelf without concern of theft, according to our sources.

The games are then placed in protective sleeves or cases under the counter. If a customer asks why the game is not sealed they are typically told the the game is a display copy. The game is still sold as new.

When check-out games are returned, we were told, they are placed with the gutted display copies. If a customer asks about these, they are typically told they are display copies, not that they have been played before.

Since the copies are often placed with display copies, even managers and employees typically don't know which of these games have been played and which haven't.

While some GameStop managers will on occasion offer a "Shop Worn Discount" for a gutted or checked out title, we are told by our sources that this is actually against GameStop policy which states:

"Do not apply Shop Worn Discounts to any new, used or checked out games, it may only be applied for damaged packaging and new accessories which have been opened."

Headquartered in Grapevine, Texas, GameStop is the world's largest video game retailer, operating nearly 6,000 stores worldwide. The company's revenue was $8.8 billion in 2008."

I don't know if anything would happen, but I would only hope this info gets out on a larger scale and GameStop stops selling these BS new (gutted) games.

I don't know if anything would happen, but I would only hope this info gets out on a larger scale and GameStop stops selling these BS new (gutted) games.

Yep me too. What makes it funnier is when the employees plead back that they are actually new. I want to say so if I buy a cheeseburger at McDonalds and take a bite then try to sell it is that new?
Yep me too. What makes it funnier is when the employees plead back that they are actually new. I want to say so if I buy a cheeseburger at McDonalds and take a bite then try to sell it is that new?

I'm gonna try that next time I go and they try that BS.

If I buy a condom and use it once can I sell that as new?
I'm gonna try that next time I go and they try that BS.

If I buy a condom and use it once can I sell that as new?

Seriously it is a joke. Once you open ANYTHING that comes shipped sealed it ceases to become a new product. Period! :rotfl
Exactly. If the employee takes it home and plays it then it is used. It has been used at least once so it is now a used game. A new game is a sealed game that had never been played.