Alita: Battle Angel

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Got my tickets for the 8th.:woo

Let see if we can get her to #2 at the B0 this weekend.

Awesome that people are actually taking up the alita challenge!

Like I said in my post before, it's hard to quantify how much of an effect anything truly has over the net, but it'd be amazing if the box office shot up by a ton on March 8th :lol

Eh let's just say that my enthusiasm for TLJ has been on a bit of a downward trend after Rian Johnson himself started lashing out at fans, lol. Plus the whole copying the OT but not actually equaling the OT has been bugging me as of late as well. I just largely consider it to be a mixed bag that I can still enjoy while watching it but that never seems that great after the fact, lol.

As for FR, RO, and Alita I might be inclined to rank them like this:

1. RO
2. Alita
3. FR

We'll see as time goes by.

Yeah it seems to be a common thing to hear. The movie was already divisive but I've heard from alot of people that their stance shifted after the name calling and lashing out began. It's a good way to turn off anyone with a conscience/morality. The only people who see that kind of behavior as a show of strength are the you-know-whos lol

And you bring up a good point about the OT similarities - I know that you and many others dislike the PT, but if someone wants their PT fix, they need to go to the PT because it's entirely different and 'unique' (in both the good and bad connotations of that word lol, it's not like I'm blind to the flaws)

Whereas if someone wants their ST fix, you may as well go back and rewatch the OT which already did the same stuff so much better. I wish they had told a truly new story. That's how I see it anyway, but I understand others may/will disagree.

As for my ranking, it'd be:


Fury Road and alita are not too far off, but I give the edge to FR because it has your blood pumping all the way through. The soundtrack is killer too, and I know Junkie XL did Alita's as well, but only one a section of one tune was still in my head after I left the theater, whereas I could never forget 'Brothers in Arms'

The first time I watched the Fury Road trailer the hair on my arms was standing on end and I was thinking 'what madman/god did all this?' The visuals, the music, the intensity, it was nuts.

George Miller really needs to make more movies like that instead of fare like Babe: Pig in the City lol

Awesome that people are actually taking up the alita challenge!

Like I said in my post before, it's hard to quantify how much of an effect anything truly has over the net, but it'd be amazing if the box office shot up by a ton on March 8th :lol

Yeah it seems to be a common thing to hear. The movie was already divisive but I've heard from alot of people that their stance shifted after the name calling and lashing out began. It's a good way to turn off anyone with a conscience/morality. The only people who see that kind of behavior as a show of strength are the you-know-whos lol

And you bring up a good point about the OT similarities - I know that you and many others dislike the PT, but if someone wants their PT fix, they need to go to the PT because it's entirely different and 'unique' (in both the good and bad connotations of that word lol, it's not like I'm blind to the flaws)

Whereas if someone wants their ST fix, you may as well go back and rewatch the OT which already did the same stuff so much better. I wish they had told a truly new story. That's how I see it anyway, but I understand others may/will disagree.

Yeah, exactly. I think I mentioned in the TLJ thread that the last time I watched the movie and listened to Rey telling Kylo in the elevator, "I know there is good in you, you can still turn" I thought "why am I listening to her quote Luke's lines from ROTJ? Shouldn't I just be watching ROTJ? And I can just ask that about almost every scene in the movie. Do I like Ach-To more than Dagobah? Crait more than Hoth? The super slow Star Destroyer chase more than Han being chased through an asteroid field? Luke's Crait duel over his ESB and ROTJ duels? And it's not that a new SW film has to be outright "better" than the OT, but to copy the OT *so much* and be inferior? I don't know, what's the point I guess.

Like you said if you want to watch Sith acrobatics you can't go to the OT for that, you need to revisit TPM. If you want a big SW land battle with something other than Stormtroopers and Rebels well again the PT delivers, for better or worse. RO justifies it's existence by having a vibe that's more 80's Cameron-esque with space and land battles that *do* trump the OT and a reverse ROTJ ending with everyone dying instead of celebrating.

But the ST is just so freaking note for note. And then add to that RJ going full "Chuck Wendig" (who I despise) and lashing out at fans with juvenile and petty insults.

I just revisited From Dusk Till Dawn the other day and Harvey Keitel has a great line to George Clooney: "Are you such a ****ing loser that you don't know when you've won?" That was in response to Clooney escaping the US with all of the stolen money and being a rich and free man but nevertheless being furious that *one* idiot biker put his hand on his shoulder to the point where he couldn't let it go and was about to put their lives at stake by lashing out at the guy. Except Clooney's Seth Gecko character realized the stupidity of following through with his anger and relented. Rian Johnson? The moron fulfilled a life long dream of writing *and* directing a SW film, and not just any SW film but the continuation and ending of Luke freaking Skywalker. AND it got rave reviews by critics AND made over a billion bucks. But...apparently he's such a ****ing loser that he doesn't know when he's won and had to lash out at every single fan who didn't like his movie for any reason.

That's where I was like dude you're on your own, you and Chuck Wendig can go fly a freaking kite for all I care because at this point I think they are both a disgrace to the brand. But I digress.

I don't know that I'll have time to catch Alita tomorrow but I *will* at the very least buy a ticket online to support the challenge. :rock
I recently rewatched AOTC and ROTS (and had watched TPM late last year at some point) - I found them to still suck, most particularly ROTS and AOTC - but I agree with the point you're both making - they are a different experience to the OT, the stories are very different. In better hands (sorry George) they would have been very worthwhile.

The Sequels? All this we saw before. Even though they're better executed than the PT they feel pointless. And if I accept them as canon then the OT was pointless because everything achieved in those films has ultimately been undone and things went right back to how they were at the beginning of ANH.

TFA and TLJ are, to me, the definition of 'tacked on'. It's like how I feel about Alien went to the trouble of conceiving a way to bring back Ripley...for that? Or Terminator 3 - you've shat on T2's great and neatly tied ending...for that?
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I recently rewatched AOTC and ROTS (and had watched TPM late last year at some point) - I found them to still suck, most particularly ROTS and AOTC - but I agree with the point you're both making - they are a different experience to the OT, the stories are very different. In better hands (sorry George) they would have been very worthwhile.

The Sequels? All this we saw before. Even though they're better executed than the PT they feel pointless. And if I accept them as canon then the OT was pointless because everything achieved in those films has ultimately been undone and things went right back to how they were at the beginning of ANH.

TFA and TLJ are, to me, the definition of 'tacked on'. It's like how I feel about Alien went to the trouble of conceiving a way to bring back Ripley...for that? Or Terminator 3 - you've shat on T2's great and neatly tied ending...for that?

I know right.

I'll always appreciate the ST for bringing back the communal SW cinematic experience with "new" movies. But unless Episode IX does something beyond imagining I think that might be the extent of TFA and TLJ's appeal. They were like new Star Tours rides or something (big shocker considering LFL's new parent company.) A fun new way of experiencing SW again but not so much a part of the actual Saga.

I just don't know what Episode IX can ever do to overcome the fact that so far the ST has:

1. Negated the victory of ROTJ (and the entire OT)
2. Repeated 80% of the OT's sequences, but never even equaled them let alone surpassed them
3. Without even providing the joy of reuniting Han, Luke, and Leia on screen together

So I'm just left with "why?" and more and more I just find myself without a valid answer to that.

And lastly:

Spoiler Spoiler:

I know right.

I'll always appreciate the ST for bringing back the communal SW cinematic experience with "new" movies.

And even that we can get from the standalone films now, which, for me and for you at least, have yet to disappoint.

I just don't know what Episode IX can ever do to overcome the fact that so far the ST has:

1. Negated the victory of ROTJ (and the entire OT)
2. Repeated 80% of the OT's sequences, but never even equaled them let alone surpassed them
3. Without even providing the joy of reuniting Han, Luke, and Leia on screen together

So I'm just left with "why?" and more and more I just find myself without a valid answer to that.

Number 3 was the whole raison d'etre of the sequel enterprise for me and they, unbelievably, threw that opportunity away. Even if Carrie hadn't died - they killed Han off first chance they got! So by the end of TFA you already knew that reunion was never gonna happen - unless they were planning to change the rules so that non-jedi can become Force Ghosts.

And lastly:

Spoiler Spoiler:


Unlikely to happen because I'd be going alone and it'd be a commute. My town used to have a cinema but it closed down back in 2007 - Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer was one of the last films it was showing. There's a new shopping centre development being built right now which will bring a cinema back to the town but it's still some time away. When it's only a walk up the road I'll be more inclined to go see new films by myself if need be. But when I have to commute...meh.