A New Hope Han!!!!

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Wow. I'm not digging that prototype paint job AT ALL. But the sculpt is definitely there. The paint app and photography make it look much softer than it is, too.

And before anyone freaks out over this preview pic... I'll remind you that the initial preview pic of Bespin Han had everyone in a panic but the eventual pics of the finished prototype a few days later were much better.
Wow. I'm not digging that prototype paint job AT ALL. But the sculpt is definitely there. The paint app and photography make it look much softer than it is, too.

And before anyone freaks out over this preview pic... I'll remind you that the initial preview pic of Bespin Han had everyone in a panic but the eventual pics of the finished prototype a few days later were much better.

Now, that I've had time to actually study the sculpt, I'm thinking the same thing. It's looking more like a lighting/paint apps. issue.
I'm wondering if the Lucasfilm style guide says Solo has blue eyes? Wasn't this a problem with the first Han?


They certainly seem blue grey more than brown, but figures are a challenge. I think sometimes you need to go darker to capture the look of some characters. Human eyes are reflective and have transparents qualitys and the color shows differently than paint and sometimes going for the flooded light, pure color of a person's eyes doesn't look right because in most eyes you never see it that way. Most of the time, For'ds eyes end up looking darker than the pure color they really are.
And before anyone freaks out over this preview pic... I'll remind you that the initial preview pic of Bespin Han had everyone in a panic but the eventual pics of the finished prototype a few days later were much better.

I was actually the opposite, I thought it looked very realistic when the preview image posted with him and the mask on and the Falcon in back, then the full images weren't so engaging, still love the figure though. Both Obi-Wan figures definitely rocked in the preview images, but some aren't as good at first, Palpatine was just ok at preview, then full images and, well we know how that went :D
Scary thing is, it makes you wonder on iffy sculpts, how much was struggle with the likeness, and how much was LFL ****ing it up.

It's almost always Lucasfilm. And it's not people like George, either, it's pinheads in the LFL Licensing office. :emperor
I haven't dared go over to RS and check in because I know exactly the routine that happens over there... same group, same comments, every time. These days I only go there to see if any of the pictures we post here have made their way over there.

They'll all be online for the PPO on Dec 14th with the rest of us.
I lurked over a few of the posts referencing a promo pic of Harrison from NH, and thats just what they are... promo pics. This is a great sculpt of Harrison from the "actual movie", particulary the Cantina Shot where he introduces himself for the first time, "I'm Han Solo, Captain of the Mill....". The reference photos and the movie stills don't look anything alike, more than likely because they were taken quite abit of time from one another. This sculpt looks like it was taken closer to what the movie actually came out to be rather than the reference shots. Remember the Cantina sequence was reshot. I like how they nailed Harrison's full head of hair, especially the tuft in the middle and the sideburns. This was a good job!!!
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Anyhew, looks like alot of folks take exception to the overall sculpt. Well my .10, is that's it's just .10 less than I have to contend with and melting the server next Friday!!!

See you there....
Ok, So, my only complaint is the shirt. the material looks... I donno, Wrong somehow. It might actualy be a little too thick? Can't wait to see more pics.

My vote for exclusives? from most likely to least likely

1 Yavin Medal
2 Stormtrooper belt and rifle
3 Gloves and headset
4 The toolbox
If its the medal I will eat my boot. The Stormtrooper blaster should be standard and the tool box is in ESB not ANH. That leaves the gloves as the most obvious but not necessarily the exclusive.
I don't see the Stormtrooper belt and blaster being exclusive seeing as Leia has already gotten the blaster, not to mention the Stormtroopers will have them as well as ANH Luke most likely. I'd be surprised if he doesn't come with them standard though.
I would totally vote for the gloves and headset! The Yavin medal would be nice but it would have to be a completely different shirt around the collar. And the toolbox, while usefull, just seems kinda lame!
I have to agree with WG and King, that this would be the last figure of Han I would need. I'm sure a Hoth version would be awesome... but I don't think I can go that deep into the line without eventually taking over my whole collection :lol

Although if there is a Carbonite, I'd probably get that too... afterall its not technically a "figure". And for the record I'm actually really happy with the Bespin Han, for all the complaining he's a really cool figure.