A disturbing, vicious trend among collectors...

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I'm not saying that I require constant praise for my collection.

I'm simply saying that going out of your way to trash someone else's seems a bit excessive to me... not to mention unnecessarily rude.

I see tons of stuff on the internet that is not my cup of tea. But I don't take the time to insult the poster (who may be proud of their achievement) or to tell them that their achievement does not appeal to me, and they personally do not either.

My mistake was assuming that I might be dealing with mature-minded individuals.

But judging by the number of complaints about the length of my initial post (coming from people with short attention spans), and judging from the tone of even some of the posters to this thread, I'd say I was definitely wrong about that.

My initial post may have been "long-winded". But at least it was contientiously, articulately, and respectfully written. I could have lashed out and attacked people by name. But I didn't do that because it would serve no purpose.

It was my intention to bring light to this issue in general as it exists (and worstens) today... not just the flaming session that happen to me here a year and a half ago.

But I've taken down my initial post now, and as I said previously, forget I said anything about this.

Golf clap
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A golf clap is a quiet form of clapping performed by lightly and rapidly clapping the fingers of one hand against the palm of the other. It is patterned after the sound of distant clapping heard during televised golf tournaments, and is sometimes used as a sarcastic form of applause, used to show indifference or disdain.
During a golf tournament, a golf clap is an audience's normal show of appreciation via clapping, but done quietly to not disturb people golfing at other nearby fairways.
The term "golf clap" was popularized by the movie Men at Work (1990).[citation needed] It has gained popular use on online forums such as fark.com.[citation needed]
Another sarcastic form of applause is the 'slow handclap'.
I was born in a log cabin, the son of poor sharecroppers. I started my collection with the discarded wrappers of other kids toys. I would walk sixteen miles to and from the dump, uphill both ways in the snow. Twelve feet of snow, with holes in my shoes just to collect the little cardboard circles punched from the SW packages. Every once in awhile I was lucky enough to find the blister pack and I could actually smell the aroma of star wars plastic. I would trudge home with joy in my heart where I was forced to eat a bowl of freezing cold poison before my father would murder me in my sleep.
My collection was the envy of every other sharecroppers son, and they would routinely beat me up and try and make me trade my star wars packages for Mego superhero packaging but I wouldn't give in even when they would gouge my eyes out. After my dad started pimping my mom out we were able to afford to move into a shack in the better part of the slum where I was actually able to find pieces of actual action figures. I then assembled the jewel of my collection, a reassembled Tie fighter pilot with a right Zuckus leg, which I painstakingly resealed in its package. Tragically this was heisted from me by a dishonest social worker that made a small fortune on ebay.
Star Wars have always had to overcome adversity and ridicule, but with Yoda as my witness, I will never go hungry again!!

Loved this post... :rotfl

But now... what the hell was in the original post that started this thread!!?? Inquiring minds would like to know! (I only read first and 8 and 9th page)

I'm not saying that I require constant praise for my collection.

I'm simply saying that going out of your way to trash someone else's seems a bit excessive to me... not to mention unnecessarily rude.

I see tons of stuff on the internet that is not my cup of tea. But I don't take the time to insult the poster (who may be proud of their achievement) or to tell them that their achievement does not appeal to me, and they personally do not either.

My mistake was assuming that I might be dealing with mature-minded individuals.

But judging by the number of complaints about the length of my initial post (coming from people with short attention spans), and judging from the tone of even some of the posters to this thread, I'd say I was definitely wrong about that.

My initial post may have been "long-winded". But at least it was contientiously, articulately, and respectfully written. I could have lashed out and attacked people by name. But I didn't do that because it would serve no purpose.

It was my intention to bring light to this issue in general as it exists (and worstens) today... not just the flaming session that happen to me here a year and a half ago.

But I've taken down my initial post now, and as I said previously, forget I said anything about this.

You have now made 3 posts total on this site. And everyone has been about YOU, your collection, and how you feel about other people posting about it.

Do you not see the inherent irony?

If you want to discuss the hobby, then do so and be welcome. But quit with the histrionics, man.
thats being a bit harsh on us. if you were a fellow freak and showed us your collection then we wouldnt have been so hard on you. thats what we do in our little "club" here. we were just having fun. i know it was probably mean but you dont need to join the board to call us on something that happened over a year ago. ive never seen your collection myself. i must have missed that thread.
You have now made 3 posts total on this site. And everyone has been about YOU, your collection, and how you feel about other people posting about it.

Do you not see the inherent irony?

If you want to discuss the hobby, then do so and be welcome. But quit with the histrionics, man.

"Histronics"? Yes, I started a thread about lack of respect for one another.

The main reference I used for making my point was a flamming session targeted at me from a year and a half ago.

I wholeheartedly agree that it was ancient history.

However, in all fairness, I would have happily replied to the thread back then... had I known about it. I only discovered it two days ago when a friend brought it to my attention.

In any case, this thread here is proving my point beautifully.

Once again, I haven't attacked anyone, yet the hostility is pretty strong.
Once again, I haven't attacked anyone, yet the hostility is pretty strong.[/QUOTE]

You haven't seen hostility till you've been in a SW Medi vs. SS thread!!

A word to the not so wise,just stop....stop now!
Talk about one of the worst starts for a board member.
You should try to make friends instead of call out everyone that posted an ill word towards you before you were even a member.
But trying to change or make people feel bad for their posts ain't cuttin any mustard round here.
Law don't go round here., Mr. Kansas Lawdawg.
You said your two cents.
People know you have been hurt.
It is the internet.
People do not know who you are yet.
Give them a chance and maybe the will think you are the coolest sumbiotch there is.
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What you did was bring attention to a thread that was long dead and no one cared about anymore (You said you didn't find out about it yourself until recently). It only had 50 posts, and more than half of them had nothing to do with you or your collection.

Sorry it bothered you that much that you felt you had to bring attention to it once again... But what did you expect everyone's reaction to be? You should have just ignored it. I forgot about it long, long ago... In a galaxy far, far away.
Dude your first post here was about how some MEMBERS HERE made fun of your collection. People you never met, 18 months ago were mean to your toys and collecting habits and you come here addressing the people here, linking the original thread so everyone could be aware of who was 'mean' to you because you want 86 tie fighters. If that isn't aiming your criticism at anyone in particular, I don't know what is.
I'm a grown man with a toy collection, so I expect some ridicule. If you have noticed, up until last week there were fans of a particular company that ridiculed Sideshow fans about armored figures. So what!! Somebody thinks your stuff is silly, so what! Now if they posted your address and what time you would be away from home and wanted to 'heist' your stuff, then I might see your issue.

In case no one told you, this is the internet. But along with praise can come ridicule. If you are afraid of ridicule you should avoid the internet. When you post your affinity for something for all the world to see, you are inviting the world into that part of your life which, like it or not, might not be received well.
"Histronics"? Yes, I started a thread about lack of respect for one another.

The main reference I used for making my point was a flamming session targeted at me from a year and a half ago.

I wholeheartedly agree that it was ancient history.

However, in all fairness, I would have happily replied to the thread back then... had I known about it. I only discovered it two days ago when a friend brought it to my attention.

In any case, this thread here is proving my point beautifully.

Once again, I haven't attacked anyone, yet the hostility is pretty strong.

I have a hard time believing that you are really as sensitive and thin-skinned as your posts portray. Hence, the mention of histrionics.

If you truly believe that the previously-linked thread was "a flaming session" then you need to stop reading and posting on the internet, post-haste. That isn't even a smidgen of the amount of "attacks" other (myself included) have encountered at times. It just goes with the territory. This site is not different. Heck, if anything we're actually a tighter community than most. Even if many of us give each other a lot of grief I have always observed an underlying sense of commaradarie and respect among us. And when things have gotten heated (and they often do) it really isn't taken too personally or seriously. Which is always best... because this is the freakin' internet, not a hospice.

But, yeah... histronics. It now appears as if all you truly seek by these posts is attention.
I'm simply saying that going out of your way to trash someone else's seems a bit excessive to me... not to mention unnecessarily rude.

Trust me, no one was going out of their way :lol:lol

Dude, it's just commentary based on some photographs uploaded to a public forum on the interwebnets.

Get over it and join in.
thats being a bit harsh on us. if you were a fellow freak and showed us your collection then we wouldnt have been so hard on you.

Forgive me, but I find that very difficult to believe, just judging from some of the comments I've read some of you post to one another.

Furthermore, I would have gladly showed my collection here (as I've done elsewhere), but that matter was taken out of my hands. Someone who I did not know had decided to post a link to photos of my collection here (without my knowledge) and the flaming session began.

ive never seen your collection myself. i must have missed that thread.

Then you are not one of the people who I am generally referring to when I speak of "lack of respect among collectors".

And as I said before, (in my initial "long-winded post") it is my sincere hope to find like-minded friends here... not adversaries.