3.75" Collecting Thread

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I know its been less than a week, but not even close to 2,000.:(

I know there's still 40 days to go, but this thing is being pushed on every SW collecting site, so you'd think the news would have reached most of the potential buyers by now.

I would have assumed it'd be close to half way by now. Amazing that they are trying to reach that 5,000 on domestic buyers alone. To say this is a mega-expensive mega-niche item is an understatement. I just wouldn't have thought you'd find 5,000 people that would jump on this due to cost and commitment to space (think of all those spouses who have tolerated hundreds of hasbro SW items for years... now a SW kayak for the living room that costs as much as a decent kayak.)

Here's where you start to realize that the everything-including-kitchen-sink ambition and the only-domestic-buyers idea may not have gone together.
I would have sacrificed one of the smaller rooms so as to make the main chamber bigger. That area was pretty big in the movie and was able to house most of the same aliens that were in the palace. Doesn't seem like you'd be able to fit a huge amount of those aliens inside the main chamber room of the toy as they designed it.
Yeah I definitely got the feeling from the movie that it was just one big room, based on what you mostly see. I like the cockpit though. Would seem kind of strange if nobody was piloting the thing. Kind of a standard part of most SW ships.
Y'know what, the more I look at it the more I think that they probably made the best choices they could. Even if you eliminated either the armory or the kitchen or the prison cell you still have to have that stairwell in the middle of it all that leads up to the top deck. So no matter what the main chamber would have been broken up. The slanted sides would have prohibited having any sort of a realistic stairwell recessed against a wall so it seems to me it's exactly where it had to be.

So probably the most unfortunate thing is those 4 supporting pillars taking up space in the main chamber at the back of the barge.
The vintage collection box is definitely part of the appeal for many. But not showing it at the time of solicitation is a head scratcher.

Just put in my order by the way. Don't know where on earth I'll put this thing, but I wanted to support this to see what future endeavors they do (assuming this even makes the 5,000)

Well if they don't have it fully developed and painted that explains why they wouldn't have one to photograph for the box art.

So let's say that this thing gets greenlit and they make additional high ticket items. What would you guys want? A giant Cloud City gantry or freezing chamber? New Death Star playset? Padme's apartment on Coruscant? ;)
I thought Star Wars 3.75'' collecting was over so it's been years now since I was actively thinking about things I wanted.

The Sailbarge was always number one on my list though, I know that much.

I can list some other things I probably wanted back in the day

-a properly scaled Falcon cockpit
-anything Echo base-related
-a decent cantina (plastic rather than cardboard)
-a decent Jabba's palace (as above)
-a Star Destroyer bridge environment
-a larger Carbon freezing chamber environment
-a decent sized Sandcrawler (the existing one might aswell be a lorry)
-a bigger Desert Skiff
Theys should have put this thing up months ago. Giving only one month to get the required backers, while not allowing international fans in on the deal, plus having no box art or even a fully painted sample ready to sell this to potential backers just seems incredibly short sighted. Still can’t see this going into production, but I hope I’m wrong.

As far as a Wishlist for potential future offerings, I would love a well scaled Mos Eisley cantina, Jabbas Palace, Carbon Freezing Chamber/Bespin Gantry or a Sarlaac Pit with a larger skiff.
It's still early with 40 days to go.

I think it'll steadily snowball as more people see it getting closer to the goal.

And I think there might be folks who think they're going to be charged immediately when backing so they're waiting till it's closer to the deadline. They should make it clearer and more prominent on the site that payment won't be processed till after the campaign and only if it's successful.
Wishlist for me is mos eisely cantina and some harder to get figure sets: Pong Krell, obscure cantina multipack.

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Considering the ignominious death Ackbar just had, a really cool decked out playset with Home One's briefing room on one side and through the doors to the other side would be the bridge. probably not as popular as say... a SandCrawler though... so Sandcrawler is my vote. :lol
I thought Star Wars 3.75'' collecting was over so it's been years now since I was actively thinking about things I wanted.

The Sailbarge was always number one on my list though, I know that much.

I can list some other things I probably wanted back in the day

-a properly scaled Falcon cockpit
-anything Echo base-related
-a decent cantina (plastic rather than cardboard)
-a decent Jabba's palace (as above)
-a Star Destroyer bridge environment
-a larger Carbon freezing chamber environment
-a decent sized Sandcrawler (the existing one might aswell be a lorry)
-a bigger Desert Skiff

Yeah, well back in the day (later 90's and 2000's) Hasbro just didn't want to do more elaborate playsets/dioramas even though a lot of people were asking for them. They did a few like the Carbon freeze chamber and some basic ones like the homestead, but refused to do stuff like a more significant cantina or palace.

My guess is that all those people asking for them got older and more importantly richer so maybe Hasbro will come to the table with more if the Barge pans out (though the Barge is still technically a vehicle, which Hasbro never lost faith in, even for very large toys.) I would love to see a really extensive Cantina and Palace.
Considering the ignominious death Ackbar just had, a really cool decked out playset with Home One's briefing room on one side and through the doors to the other side would be the bridge. probably not as popular as say... a SandCrawler though... so Sandcrawler is my vote. :lol

Oh yeah actually I wanted something like that aswell. I had a Home One Briefing Room diorama using the hubcap of a car as the primary base, some old POTF2 endor thing in the middle and the small DSII Hologram that came with a black R2 unit from the POTJ line.

also thought of 2 other things

Yoda's house
Properly scaled Tantive Escape Pod.

Whether I want to own any of this stuff now is another question. I haven't been able to display my Star Wars collection in years. I really have no idea what I'd do with the Sailbarge.
Whether I want to own any of this stuff now is another question. I haven't been able to display my Star Wars collection in years. I really have no idea what I'd do with the Sailbarge.

Thats awesome about your homemade Home One playset A-Dev, but I'm in your boat, I don't have anywhere to display the barge, as cool as it is, I'd spend $500 on something that would probably remain MIB until the day I died, which really makes your idea about the escape pod appealing, wouldn't mind picking up smaller, well done, even if at a collectors value sets.
I'd like to see an updated Death Star playset in the tradition of Kenner's original 1978 toy. What's great about that playset is that you get all these great vertical levels with a comparatively small horizontal footprint.
1667! I think the progress is pretty good considering the price. Remember, many folks join on crowd sourced projects late in the process and many more as the time nears end. I too think offering it internationally would give us a better chance of reaching goal. But hey, well over 1 month to go and it's Hasbro's deal, so even if we come close, they could choose to extend if needed.
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Well if they don't have it fully developed and painted that explains why they wouldn't have one to photograph for the box art.

So let's say that this thing gets greenlit and they make additional high ticket items. What would you guys want? A giant Cloud City gantry or freezing chamber? New Death Star playset? Padme's apartment on Coruscant? ;)

I am interested in a Falcon, AT AT, Sand Crawler and AT ST.
I'd like to see an updated Death Star playset in the tradition of Kenner's original 1978 toy. What's great about that playset is that you get all these great vertical levels with a comparatively small horizontal footprint.

Still have mine, one of my favorites as a kid, would love to see something done to update it, and agree 100%, the best thing you get is that bang for buck on the footprint for a display.
A Death Star play set seems the best next step. Maybe a two- or three-part modular one to bring the cost down for each installment. You want places where lots of figures can be used (like the Barge), so with that line of thinking bases in general seem good, Hoth, Death Star, plus places like the Cantina that have lots of aliens that have been made already, and there are always some extras that can be created.

But Hasbro does like ships. I think a better scaled Skiff would be a smart one at some point down the line (though maybe that could be at retail), then a new B-Wing, Y-Wing (I believe those are both still the old molds, but I might be wrong there).