12" lotr line on hold

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I would say its practically a certainly that Joe and Indy are going to die early deaths.

these lines are SO freakin' slow....I do not understand why Indy and Joe figs aren't already shipping....especially Indy. I think these need to come out quicker..strike while the line is hot...how excited was everyone when these were announced...heck the 1st Joe won't be shipping till 1st Qtr 2009!
Man I didn't realize this place could be so sad! Lighten up dudes, I bet when the next announcement comes it'll be awesome. It may take a bit, but I bet it'll be sooner than you all think.

You wouldn't happen to be a big fan of Faramir, would you?

I was thinking the exact same thing...
and then I got pissed of again since I got burned big time by "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"...:mad:

I would say its practically a certainly that Joe and Indy are going to die early deaths.

I agree ...
None. Hence where I said "Maybe this time..."

They did revisit Buffy...briefly.

This is truely a sad day. My second favorite line and one of the only two lines that I am an unconditional completist at. The line meant a lot to me because the story meant a lot to me.

I'll be watching for another 1:6 scale LOTR figure...

I will take this at just what it says on hold. Until we hear it OFFICIALLY.

I know some of SW figures have not sold out and went up for 2nd chance. With LOTR it was just the hobbits. So i don't really buy that.
Sideshow should release one or two less Star Wars figures every year and shove the development time onto other lines they do. SW will always sell... SS should pride themselves on the licenses they own and do them justice.
I think Indy was never planned to be a huge line... but I still think GI Joe has a good shot at some longevitity. So far the first two figures have sold well and look awesome! Also, the are ones that really play to Sideshow's strengths so I think fans will be happy.
As much of a massive Ringer I am I knew this was going to happen eventually. You really can't blame Sideshow for pulling the cord, they just weren't selling. While Tolkien's books are a completely different thing from the movie the hype of the movies just is not as strong as it was a few years ago.It would be nice though if when the hobbit starts getting out they may continue this collection because I know as soon as that first trailer hits it will be pure Ringer pandamonium.:banana
I will take this at just what it says on hold. Until we hear it OFFICIALLY.

I know some of SW figures have not sold out and went up for 2nd chance. With LOTR it was just the hobbits. So i don't really buy that.

People need to buy up the remaining hobbits :)

That goes on the assumption that pure sales is the only reason to drop the line. They could be sold out of every figure right now and still want to pull the plug. As a company, it's a decision as to whether they're behind a product line enough to continue to devote their resources to it. When LOTR started, Buffy/Angel was sorta on it's way out, T2 was going, SW starting, and X-Files winding down, so basically SW was the only really strong going line at the time, so adding LOTR wasn't a big deal. Now they're getting into more complex things like armor, new bodies, 2 new 1/6 licenses, and that's just 1/6, they continue to add dios and things to existing properties, new licenses. I'm sure they sit down collectively, look at what they're making, how it's being met by fans and stand behind the things that do best. LOTR 1/6 has been quite an ugly mess with delays and a few weak production figures, few announcements, all leading to a less than excited fan base. As far as I can tell from around here, the LOTR dio line and PF line have both pretty consistently won over the fanbase, so the Spook comment posted about supporting those and putting 1/6 on hold makes sense. Put resources into the things that the majority of the fanbase continues to enjoy, and take resources away from less successful lines and beef up the strong.
That goes on the assumption that pure sales is the only reason to drop the line. They could be sold out of every figure right now and still want to pull the plug.

Yeah they COULD. But $ talks!!! They won't be putting the SW line on hold anytime soon. Lets just face it, LOTR is not the Juggernaut SW is.
And these are prime examples of threads it would be nice to see SSC come in once in a while. Not to take a beating, but to at least drop a little info. Tell us what we need to do. Does it take us buying 2 of every figure? Cause I can do that if you release Orcs, Uruks or Ringwraiths.
Star Wars isnt the issue. They spread themselves to thin, who buys Dinosaria or Mummy figures, or all these kiddie lines, Mickey and Minnie this or that, Pokemons Digimons WTF??

I was to late to cancel my Gandalf, but cancelled my Ex Indy, congrats to whomever gets it.

If the Joe line shows the same lag, Ill cancel both those also.
What killed this line was many things. Sales are a big factor I'm sure I mean they are a business and pacing is the other major reason. You could never get enough push in the line to make people go gotta have this, this, this, etc. I know it was said these where the hardest 12" for SS to do because of the costumes which didn't help either of the two options I mentioned. SS didn't handle this line well and honestly we as fans didn't get behind it very strongly either.
Yeah they COULD. But $ talks!!! They won't be putting the SW line on hold anytime soon. Lets just face it, LOTR is not the Juggernaut SW is.

Absolutely not, but depending on circumstances, the success it is having might be enough to support it, I imagine it's the current success weighed against the overall company successes. Basically just getting at, even if all the rest of the 1/6 LOTR sold out after tonight, it wouldn't make a difference. I think something needs to get cut, and this is likely to get the nomination.

With the economy and all, they may be bound to only so many factories they can afford to keep going, so when they want to do more products or other lines, things need to be cut and LOTR 1/6 is probably the least successful thing they've got going.

I'm sure they don't want to put it on hold, but they want to do other things and I'm guessing trying to keep this line going gets in the way of doing those things.
Is it fair to then say SS should have done their homework before jumping into it? I understand the "in business to make money", but at what point do loyal collectors of many of their lines, say "Im done with this", and SS loses much more then just one line dropping off.
If they had brought out a wraith or a saruman you know this line would have sold better. Come on.