12" ANH Leia

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It's rough when I think "I'm 9 years older than Sean Connery was when he played Bond in DR. NO."

Now, I realize I'm the same age as Harrison Ford when he played Indy the first time.


I've felt the same way, and it's funny to hear someone else gauge their age in the same way. For years I looked "up" to Connery and Ford, couldn't wait to get to that age...now I'm looking back. :) Dirty trick.

I still play that game with my friend. We call each other and say: Hey dude, do you realize you're as old as Bond was in Goldfinger".... then Thunderball.... now YOLT... I fear the "Diamonds" era. Or worse, Never Say Never. :)
It's the GG minibust head; that's why I was reticent about posting it. I didn't want to bother anyone at Sideshow (or Gentle Giant, for that matter).


The inset is my tweak; the main pic is the factory paint.

Your picture isn't working for me. So the only thing from Sideshow you used was the dress and the gun? No offense, but you might want to mention that first off, since I think everyone was assuming that you had repainted the Sideshow head sculpt to get that effect.

I do think that people don't really remember Leia as having so much makeup, which can make it seem like there's too much makeup on a figure, even though it's pretty much screen accurate.
Your picture isn't working for me. So the only thing from Sideshow you used was the dress and the gun? No offense, but you might want to mention that first off, since I think everyone was assuming that you had repainted the Sideshow head sculpt to get that effect.

I do think that people don't really remember Leia as having so much makeup, which can make it seem like there's too much makeup on a figure, even though it's pretty much screen accurate.

He did post that he didn't use the Sideshow head along with the body changes in post #934 before he put up his pictures in post #937.
He did post that he didn't use the Sideshow head along with the body changes in post #934 before he put up his pictures in post #937.

I must have missed that. I did see the part about the body change.

Adam, can you post a picture of the GG head alongside the Sideshow one? I ask because the head doesn't really look that different in size to me.
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Adam I love what you've done with it !

I'm sorry that I was the one who asked the question , I hope that I didn't make you feel awkward . I love your work, I really loved what you did with Old Ben , so knowing your flair with the ladies Leia was a no brainer - she'd be stunning !

If you're happy with it then that is all that matters. Thanks for taking the time to show it off !
Thanks for the curiosity! Its 90% done. I will post it completed tomorrow (I hope).

Here is another.


and what I was listening to while making it.


See, I'm thinking Prog's not surprising us with Leia customization, but a custom enviro, no one else notice a red, grated floor like a certain cell block?
While I like everything else Adam did with his Leia, this one (like the Old Ben) looks like its neck is too long.

Lets see what you did Prog. :rock

Again, for the fifteenth time, the Leia is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I only posted pics because someone asked to see what my Leia was looking like.

It'd be really nice if the people who do nothing but criticize would take a 5 minute break from their nagging to read back a few pages and see if there hasn't been a post already about the subject they're complaining about.
Again, for the fifteenth time, the Leia is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I only posted pics because someone asked to see what my Leia was looking like.

It'd be really nice if the people who do nothing but criticize would take a 5 minute break from their nagging to read back a few pages and see if there hasn't been a post already about the subject they're complaining about.

So I guess Adam's WIP are hands off for criticism. Gotcha.

I also like that I am now someone who does "nothing but criticize."


I still think your paint job is good. Was that ok to post about?
Again, for the fifteenth time, the Leia is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I only posted pics because someone asked to see what my Leia was looking like.

It'd be really nice if the people who do nothing but criticize would take a 5 minute break from their nagging to read back a few pages and see if there hasn't been a post already about the subject they're complaining about.

No offense, but I think you're being just a tad too sensitive here. I posted my work-in-progress Leia and was told that it looked like a monkey with a skin condition. Now that's harsh. :lol Most people (including me) think yours looks very good. The worst you got was that the neck seemed a little too long.
No offense, but I think you're being just a tad too sensitive here. I posted my work-in-progress Leia and was told that it looked like a monkey with a skin condition. Now that's harsh. :lol Most people (including me) think yours looks very good. The worst you got was that the neck seemed a little too long.

I think his issue is that people (including you, since I pointed out the GG head post for you) aren't reading the posts very carefully and pointing out issues that have already been covered, not about the criticisms themselves.
I think his issue is that people (including you, since I pointed out the GG head post for you) aren't reading the posts very carefully and pointing out issues that have already been covered, not about the criticisms themselves.

So if someone else has expressed the same opinion we shouldn't post our own? Sounds like a pretty lame and sterile way to handle things too me. I especially think the presumption that I didn't read any of the previous posts was lame. But whatever. Nice little derailment we had here. :lol
So if someone else has expressed the same opinion we shouldn't post our own? Sounds like a pretty lame and sterile way to handle things too me. I especially think the presumption that I didn't read any of the previous posts was lame. But whatever. Nice little derailment we had here. :lol

Whatever. :rolleyes: I was speaking in general terms about reading the previous posts. I wasn't saying that YOU didn't read the previous posts but since the world revolves around YOU, I guess that I was in the wrong.

The point I was trying to make was that in several previous posts, people were already pointing out the neck issue on a WIP. Adam made a point to tell everyone on several occasions that it is a WIP and the neck was an area to be worked on. Why continue to :horse?
I think his issue is that people (including you, since I pointed out the GG head post for you) aren't reading the posts very carefully and pointing out issues that have already been covered, not about the criticisms themselves.

I can understand that being annoying, but I still think he's being overly sensitive. Any criticisms he's gotten here are extremely mild.

And in my own defense, I went back and found that somehow I had read every single post in this thread except the one where he mentioned changing the head, and so when I saw Monk's subsequent question about the head, I assumed that he simply hadn't mentioned it before.
Whatever. :rolleyes: I was speaking in general terms about reading the previous posts. I wasn't saying that YOU didn't read the previous posts but since the world revolves around YOU, I guess that I was in the wrong.

The point I was trying to make was that in several previous posts, people were already pointing out the neck issue on a WIP. Adam made a point to tell everyone on several occasions that it is a WIP and the neck was an area to be worked on. Why continue to :horse?

Okay.... Well since icruise was posting on a comment that was made SPECIFICALLY about me, I think your GENERAL comment can be filed under not needed as well.

He (Adam) shouldn't feel the need to notify everyone that its a WIP more than once. Nor should he expect people only to comment when it's okay (ie when he says so). If he was willing to post the WIP he should also accept that people are going to weigh in their opinion. However redundant that becomes.

I understand other people expressed the same criticism. I also understand that (all though the world doesn't revolve around me-and what a revelation that was. Thank you so much for pointing that out) I wanted to express my opinion, redundant though it was.

Thanks. :wave

Anyhoo, as Adam says "Yay Toys!"

Can we get back on topic now?
So if someone else has expressed the same opinion we shouldn't post our own? Sounds like a pretty lame and sterile way to handle things too me. I especially think the presumption that I didn't read any of the previous posts was lame. But whatever. Nice little derailment we had here. :lol

Honestly, reading the posts he's referring to, it does seem like the posters haven't read the previous posts about the exact same issue. It does get kind of annoying when you keep reading the same criticism that has nothing new added to it.