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Yeah I know I'm in a definite minority in here, but I've never really cared for his Bespin fatigues for some reason. They've always looked a bit drab and boring to me, and maybe a little too ordinary and real world.

Yup. It was a sexy outfit, but I frankly thought Fisher looked a lot cuter in ANH. And plus it's also where the character was her most feisty and badass. By ROTJ she had just become way too quiet and passive, and seemed to be just along for the ride.

Uhhhh..... She killed an elephant sized man-slug with her bare hands and the leash she was help captive with, and more storm troopers on Endor in ROTJ than ANH+ESB.
Uhhhh..... She killed an elephant sized man-slug with her bare hands and the leash she was help captive with, and more storm troopers on Endor in ROTJ than ANH+ESB.

Yeah she did some cool things, but still seemed to be missing the feisty attitude that made her so awesome in ANH. There was very little bantering with anyone or fiery temper, and she suddenly became this much more gentle and maternal kind of figure. Which even Fisher thought at the time was an odd change.
For me, its Bespin Luke. That middle ground where he had powers but was not all-powerful. Plus, the military style fatigues kept him grounded in the Alliance and 'real word'.


Part of why I would keep DX07 if I had to have only one Luke. Well, technically two.
Lol goes to show you how soft the world is now. Lol she would never have taken a pose like that for a "kids" movie today.


Sex appeal, stakes, basically mature content in general is something the studio heads just did away with completely in tentpole movies.

Sci-Fi and Action throughout the 80s and up until the 90s was the golden age. Nobody was worried about being PC, about appeasing SJWs, about the kids being frightened or offended. The suits robbed us of that and took us from McTiernan's DIE HARD to Wiseman's Die Soft.

Just hoping Rian Johnson gets free reign for Episode VIII and is allowed to give us something truly evocative of that golden age rather than of today's Disney tentpole standards (don't even get me started on the Marvel Studios movies. No weight to anything, no gravitas. Just inconsequential action and a barrage of jokes).
Yeah she did some cool things, but still seemed to be missing the feisty attitude that made her so awesome in ANH. There was very little bantering with anyone or fiery temper, and she suddenly became this much more gentle and maternal kind of figure. Which even Fisher thought at the time was an odd change.

Yep. I don't disagree with that...
Yeah she did some cool things, but still seemed to be missing the feisty attitude that made her so awesome in ANH. There was very little bantering with anyone or fiery temper, and she suddenly became this much more gentle and maternal kind of figure. Which even Fisher thought at the time was an odd change.

The last time she was feisty or fiery was on Hoth. Han pointed out that she could use a good kiss. Then she got one on the way to Bespin.

It mellowed her out for the rest of the trilogy.

Han was right.
I like to think of it as her (the character) just maturing. Perhaps falling in love with Solo precipitated that and softened her a bit.

The same thing sort of happened with Solo, but not to the degree of Leia.
Yeah I've tried to rationalize it that way too, as them simply mellowing and maturing with age. But whatever the reason I still very much prefer the Han and Leia of ANH and ESB, when they still came across as bold, interesting, and dynamic characters.

The recent Making Of book makes it pretty clear that by the time of ROTJ, Lucas was getting pretty burnt out and was focused more on wrapping things up with the Luke and Vader part of the story. Han and Leia were there just to move the plot along and help out with the final mission and not much more.
I don't see that happening TBH.

Rey and Kylo on the other hand...it's going down.

In that case it better not turn into "Love can redeem him..." garbage.
Kylo the patricidal mass murderer needs to die ugly for his crimes.
In that case it better not turn into "Love can redeem him..." garbage.
Kylo the patricidal mass murderer needs to die ugly for his crimes.

You mean the same garbage that turned out to redeem Vader? Just love from a father-son perspective though.
I don't think much of the likeness yet I'n going to get this anyway... I'm a die hard Luke completist and hopefully there'll be a better sculpt for 8 that I can put on this. Plus, I love the weirdness of this outfit - it's like Luke is the space-Pope or something.
He's essentially become the Obi-Wan of ANH with this outfit.For those getting this figure without ROV, I think he'd look pretty neat next to ANH Obi-Wan.
You mean the same garbage that turned out to redeem Vader? Just love from a father-son perspective though.

You mean the same garbage that turned out to redeem Vader? Just love from a father-son perspective though.

Not exactly the same.
Let me preface by saying the morality system in the galaxy far, far away is a tad screwed up or perhaps it's just the Skywalker family that's morally retarded.
Why are members of the Skywalker family the only ones in the galaxy seemingly worthy of "redemption?"
Why is every body so eager to kill Dooku, Maul and Palpatine, but Anakin and Kylo (who by themselves are responsible for the deaths of trillions!) should be exempt from any sort of meaningful justice or at the very least permantly ostracized? Because they're the only ones with relatives that are morally handicapped that's why.
Who in their right mind would think that a relative who's a mass murder is worth trying to redeem? What kind "Hero" wants a homocidal maniac for a lover?
A bad boy who's misunderstood? Is that where it's going to go? Lol

The most fantastical thing about the StarWars universe isn't the tech,worlds, aliens or even the Force.
Its that supposedly "good" or "morally healthy" characters can't recognize true evil.
It's highly unlikely that Disney would risk putting Poe and Finn in a romantic relationship. It would have to be extremely subtle and open to interpretation. Disney is already nervous about protecting their brand and this would be an almost absurd risk especially in foreign markets.
Finn also seems like he's hitting on Rey at times. "You got a boyfriend? Cute boyfriend?" Just seems like Internet nonsense. If there's anything controversial about Poe it's that they managed to make Isaac a bit cheesy in TFA, hadn't seen that in his other roles.
I've got every Luke released so far but this one doesn't do anything for me. Cool looking figure and nice duds but I just can't bring myself to get it. Don't know. Maybe I'll change my mind but right now I'm not feeling this release.