1/6 Hot Toys lines you wish they would complete

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Because it's probably not a clear-cut thing, they most likely don't buy a license and decide immediately (or even after the first figure) all the figures they will and will not release.

In the case of '300' they might've been clear on their plans for a while now but for others (like 'Sucker Punch' where they haven't even released a figure) it might not be. They might not know if there's demand, previous figures from the line might've sold less than expected or are still lining store shelves, they might not know if they have the option of doing more or it might be complicated, other more sure things might come up, time might go by and interest might die, etc, etc.

As well, maybe I'm wrong but they released a number of figures from the film 'The Spirit' and I thought that sold poorly for them, wasn't that line viewed as a failure? If so, it seems not unreasonable that they might fear a repeat of that. If 'The Spirit' wasn't a failure then certainly something they released at some time must've been a failure, no? It's not a situation of 'Release it, no matter what it is, and they will buy the entire run of what we make, we'll be fine.'

I took this in consideration before I posted this thread. As far as popularity goes, HT know what's hot for the most part. You announce a license to world and not complete it, that's bad promotional business. Now I'm not talking about doing every single character in the movie, but what's needed
are the main characters, and the ones that made a difference in the movie. Not just 1 or 2 figs. Example: Planet of the apes, they made the General, a captain and a Gorilla soldier. That's fine but where are the main characters? Dr. Zaius, Taylor, Zira and Cornelius?

Now, HT has a large following but they'd have lots more if they finished lines! Just as they gain fans I'm sure they're losing some because of this. If they, for whatever reason, can't continue a line then the least they can do is announce it. If the line is delayed but still in production they should advise us. In other words, we need more open communication with HT.
Look at how many lines are pending, and some for some time now.

We just need info is all
Terminator and Batman would be my list. I'd agree with these:

T2 BD T-800
T1 Police shootout/BD T-800
T1 Kyle Reese 1984 outfit

Batman Returns Catwoman
Batman Returns Penguin

TX human form

I'd probably add:

Keaton Bruce Wayne

T2 Young John Connor
Salvation Blair Williams
Now, HT has a large following but they'd have lots more if they finished lines!
I'm not so sure about that. There are limited resources at HT. One more line being finished could be one less line started up. If they had spent money giving us Alfred from Batman, or another POTC chick, maybe we would have never got the one 300 figure we had. I'm not sure there would be many more collectors interested in HT simply because they finish off lines. In fact, quite the contrary. I figure they pick up many more collectors when they introduce new licenses that collectors previously indifferent toward HT care about are interested in. Then, these collectors may become Hot Toys fans in general.
T2 Young John Connor

Would buy more than one for scene recreations. I just usually don't see the point in mentioning him as he'll never be made sadly. From T4 I'd consider young Kyle Reese more important than Blair but I doubt they'll ever return to that film at this point.
IMO HT should strike while the iron is hot and focus on the things that are making them successful -- top caliber licenses, high quality headsculpts, good tailoring. Where they seem to be falling down is in the areas of character selection/diversity, line depth, some QC, and definitely follow-through on announcements. These are the things that will hurt them in the long run as buyers get frustrated.

That said, while they are just starting the Star Wars line, I'd really like to see them complete core human cast:

Luke Skywalker (ANH, RotJ)
Han Solo (ANH, Hoth, Bespin)
Leia Organa (ANH, Slave)
Lando Calrissian (Bespin)
Ben Kenobi (ANH)
Grand Moff Tarkin (ANH)
Anakin Skywalker (AotC, RotS)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (AotC, RotS)
Qui Gon Jin (TPM)
Padme Amidala (TPM queen, AotC arena)
Mace Windu (AotC)
Darth Maul (TPM)
Count Dooku (AotC)
Darth Vader Masked/Unmasked (RotJ, RotS)
Aayla Secura

I wonder if Sideshow's 12" would match up with HT 1:6 though when it comes to aliens, droids, etc.
Terminator 1 we seriously need T-800 Police shoot out and both versions of Kyle Reese.
T1 Police shootout
T2 Cyberdyne battle damaged

And the long forgotten "Alien" line... we got Dallas and some weird substitute for Kane -- perhaps the oddest choice HT has ever made -- but where's RIPLEY from the first? Or the missing third astronaut, LAMBERT.

So I'd add (useless as this is)

ALIEN: Lambert in Space Suit
ALIEN: Ripley in Lucky Star suit
Would buy more than one for scene recreations. I just usually don't see the point in mentioning him as he'll never be made sadly.

Is there a specific reason you say that?

From T4 I'd consider young Kyle Reese more important than Blair but I doubt they'll ever return to that film at this point.

Given that we've gotten at least one KR already and most seem agreed on wanting the T1 1984 version, I don't think having a TS KR is that critical. Personally, I'd rather see other characters first. I just wanted TS over the weekend and was reminded just how cool (and how HOT!) she was in that. Given she was also the focus of the little animated thing they did I'd say she's important enough - if they continued the TS line, which of course they won't likely.
T1 Police shootout
T2 Cyberdyne battle damaged

And the long forgotten "Alien" line... we got Dallas and some weird substitute for Kane -- perhaps the oddest choice HT has ever made -- but where's RIPLEY from the first? Or the missing third astronaut, LAMBERT.

So I'd add (useless as this is)

ALIEN: Lambert in Space Suit
ALIEN: Ripley in Lucky Star suit
I don't think the decision was so odd considering that, at the time anyway, they seemed hamstrung by likeness rights. John Hurt and Sigourney Weaver weren't keen on allowing the use of their likeness (and such a thing wasn't included in the film contract in those days). So HT was stuck with a dilemma of wanting visually interesting figures, and of reasonably well known actors. Apart from Skerritt, Weaver, and Hurt, there's not much else to go with from that movie IMO. Only one allowed the use of his likeness, and of the other two, only one had a very cool alternative display option where the facial sculpt was a moot point. So, that's the route they went with. I'm happy they did, honestly. As a generic woman wearing Ripley's suit wouldn't do me much good. I'm sure Lambert wasn't considered as they were already pushing it doing those 2 characters (none of those 3 were the two stars of the film--Ripley and the Big Chap). Kane is the only non Big Chap Alien figure I own, and I display him with the face hugger. I would have liked to have picked up Dallas, as well, but he's just not as visually interesting on the shelf.
Iron Man.... oh wait! They did those! In fact, they KEPT doing those instead of making a lot of the above mentioned characters before the license/interest expired.

All they have to do is go on facebook and say "due to licensing agreements we will now no longer be producing figures from [BLANK] thank you for your support"

And that would be it, no more collectors wishing & hoping something further would come to pass
Is there a specific reason you say that?

They most likely wouldn't consider it worth their money developing the child body they'd need to make a character that too many people wouldn't buy. I'm not sure if they've ever explicitly stated as such but thats likely why he hasn't happened already. And its highly doubtful they'll announce their return to Terminator with a child John Connor figure - it'll be a BD T-800 if anything. Then, once they've made all the T-800s they can make, it also seems unlikely they'd close out the license with young John. :dunno
All they have to do is go on facebook and say "due to licensing agreements we will now no longer be producing figures from [BLANK] thank you for your support"

And that would be it, no more collectors wishing & hoping something further would come to pass

WOW! YES! This is what I've being conveying on this thread and FINALLY I'm reading what should be done!!! HT, just give us the skinny! That's all we're asking!!!
Terminator 1 and 2. Metal Gear Solid. Oh wait they didnt even start that line.

Right! This is another point I want everyone to support! If a line is delayed for some time we need to know what's up! HT, we love your figs and I'm not hating, we just need to be IN THE KNOW about what to expect!