Speculation: Hot Toys "Solo" Movie Figures

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Wait -- something's amiss. Is that domestic or international or overall BO?

I could have sworn we were just discussing this a few days back in the movie thread and there was (is) a chart and everything showing that each consecutive SW Disney movie has done worse than its predecessor?

I think that might have been me ?? I quickly checked Box Office Mojo, and that order matches for Global turnover. Perhaps what you're remembering is simply the chronological order they were shown from right to left.

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Ya, but if they went on movie hype/box office outcome they never would have released an Alden Solo figure, nevermind 2 of them. And I bet you there is a Rose Tico and Jar Jar prototype sitting on Howard's desk as we speak. :)

Yeah, well I guess they probably plan to make a minimum of a couple of figures per "BIG" name film. They invariably will have always have buyers for those within reason.

But I'd bet we don't see nearly as many figures for Solo as we got for TFA or Rogue One. Even TFA hasn't had many.

Guess in the end it's just a mix of common sense and business sense. All happens in Howards gut :lol
Could be but it wasn't an actual copied chart like that.

I think Khev solved it, indirectly. He suggested it was declining video sales... but when I went to look I also discovered an article about the Chinese boxoffice drop-off for each film that has a steady decline and I think that may have been what the chart was about. China only.

So, going back to my thought, that's even better news for Krennic.... since China is mostly what HT cares about. And in China RO is #2.

(I can hear the "poo" jokes gestating now)
All the movies in the $2 billion club got there on multiple viewings. I recall watching the news while Titanic was in theaters interviewing teenage girls bragging that they've seen the movie in theaters like 15X. Same goes for Avatar and TFA. I watched TFA 3X and enjoyed it. Once was more than enough for The Last Jedi and Solo. My crystal ball tells me Episode 9 box office returns are going to be even worse than TLJ.

I wonder how much of this info Hot Toys marketing takes into account when they release figs for pre-order. I am sure they make prototypes of everything, but what is the criteria to actually put one into production?

Episode 9 is going to tank massively at the box office. The lukewarm reception of Solo will be nothing compared to the swerve that will get. 8 just crushed the life out of the trilogy :(
If I can say anything positive about Disney Star Wars, it would be the wide variety of new trooper designs they have introduced. SW Trooper collectors must be in 1/6 heaven.

It’s a double edged sword because they don’t release everyone. It’s like getting a combo meal but you don’t get the soda. You really shouldn’t complain, but a soda would be nice to complete the meal :lol
Episode 9 is going to tank massively at the box office. The lukewarm reception of Solo will be nothing compared to the swerve that will get. 8 just crushed the life out of the trilogy :(

Disney/Lucasfilm has to put forth a positive face, but behind the scenes I'm sure they are scrambling like crazy. While Ep VIII wasn't bad, and in my opinion was actually a pretty good sci-fi movie, it was a terrible Star Wars movie. It was almost as if Johnson said, "let's tear up the formula that makes these movies successful and beloved by millions of fans, and do a desperate submarine movie in space, with a failed side mission, a flying sorceress, a mutiny, and a creepy love story while deconstructing the original optimistic hero, not answering the burning questions from the previous movie, sucking out all the fun, and doing a bait and switch on the big bad." The fact that everyone went along with the pitch (except Hamill) is mind-boggling.

I haven't had the chance to see Solo yet, but everyone I've talked to says it's good to very good. But the bad taste left over from Ep VIII combined with crap marketing sank Solo. The pressure is now on Ep IX, which in many respects could be a make or break for the franchise. I don't envy JJ. He has to undo or gloss over several of Johnson's bad choices, tell a great story, wrap up the narratives, and show fans that Star Wars is still fun. I personally think he will pull it off. I'm hoping Ep IX makes $2 billion+ at the global box office and gets the franchise back on track.

I don't understand why any Star Wars fan would want to see the movie fail. What then? It's not like there would be some kind of a reboot a year or two later that brings back Han and rewrites Luke's story. It would be at least five years, with maybe a TV series or two in the interim, before the franchise returned to the big screen. I'm hoping this trilogy wraps with a triumphant bang, and then a new trilogy is launched three years later. As for Johnson, unless his new trilogy is something absolutely spectacular, and includes fun characters, jedi and siths, laser swords, aliens, creatures, and Saturday afternoon matinee-style adventures, Disney should quietly show him the door. The last thing they need is another "reinvention".
I don't understand why any Star Wars fan would want to see the movie fail. What then?

Kennedy is fired, Johnson is fired. Neither of them is allowed near a Star Wars film again. Disney takes some time to get the right people in place to make a decent Star Wars trilogy a few years later. Mark Hamill makes some more money as a ghost.
Disney/Lucasfilm has to put forth a positive face, but behind the scenes I'm sure they are scrambling like crazy. While Ep VIII wasn't bad, and in my opinion was actually a pretty good sci-fi movie, it was a terrible Star Wars movie. It was almost as if Johnson said, "let's tear up the formula that makes these movies successful and beloved by millions of fans, and do a desperate submarine movie in space, with a failed side mission, a flying sorceress, a mutiny, and a creepy love story while deconstructing the original optimistic hero, not answering the burning questions from the previous movie, sucking out all the fun, and doing a bait and switch on the big bad." The fact that everyone went along with the pitch (except Hamill) is mind-boggling.

I haven't had the chance to see Solo yet, but everyone I've talked to says it's good to very good. But the bad taste left over from Ep VIII combined with crap marketing sank Solo. The pressure is now on Ep IX, which in many respects could be a make or break for the franchise. I don't envy JJ. He has to undo or gloss over several of Johnson's bad choices, tell a great story, wrap up the narratives, and show fans that Star Wars is still fun. I personally think he will pull it off. I'm hoping Ep IX makes $2 billion+ at the global box office and gets the franchise back on track.

I don't understand why any Star Wars fan would want to see the movie fail. What then? It's not like there would be some kind of a reboot a year or two later that brings back Han and rewrites Luke's story. It would be at least five years, with maybe a TV series or two in the interim, before the franchise returned to the big screen. I'm hoping this trilogy wraps with a triumphant bang, and then a new trilogy is launched three years later. As for Johnson, unless his new trilogy is something absolutely spectacular, and includes fun characters, jedi and siths, laser swords, aliens, creatures, and Saturday afternoon matinee-style adventures, Disney should quietly show him the door. The last thing they need is another "reinvention".

I think Solo wasn't too bad. It wasn't great, but it was a decent salvage. However to be honest I think Disney made Solo as hard as possible for themselves.

They forced the release to be rushed so it was close to TLJ which many still had a bad taste in their mouth about. They put it directly after IW and Deadpool 2 ! They messed up with the directors, they had a poor marketing run and chose a film which was tough for fans to accept a different actor.

They should have just released it in December, like the others, and I'm sure it would have done far better.
Man, did this movie die fast.

So I guess hopes for Qi'ra, Range Trooper, young Lando -- or any Lando -- are pretty much done.

Shame about that Death Star Trooper.
I think we'll still see a Lando. Donald Glover is mighty popular. The figure has the potential to be like the SS Deadshot - a figure Will Smith fans bought because it was Will Smith.
I think we'll still see a Lando. Donald Glover is mighty popular. The figure has the potential to be like the SS Deadshot - a figure Will Smith fans bought because it was Will Smith.

Figure itself is very cool and criminally underrated just because of movie where it comes from. Which is of course case of almost every figure from that line. Just btw.