Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Even if we look beyond our own expectations, as a movie, as a story, this thing is mess with so many plot holes, and the only reason people are ignoring it, it's because their fandom

Yeah, it's denial. The apologists are in hell because they just can't fathom the notion that Johnson and Lucasfilm may have just dealt the franchise an irreparable blow. The notion of a world where SW is dead is terrible so its understandable what they're going through. I'm not suffering as much as I thought I would because even though I'm a SW maniac I expect nothing less from the scum and villiany of Disney suits.

I always feared Disney would ruin SW.
I agree second highest opening in cinematic history just screams massive failure and the death of SW around the world lol

Oh Snikt you so cute I could just pinch your little chubby ruby cheeks.
I agree second highest opening in cinematic history just screams massive failure and the death of SW around the world lol

Oh Snikt you so cute I could just pinch your little chubby ruby cheeks.

For the 8th million time: MONEY DOESN'T EQUATE TO QUALITY.

A bad movie can make $2 Billion at the Box Office for all I care. Doesn't magically make it a good movie.

For me, I feel like how I feel about TLJ will depend on if there is a time skip from 8-9. I feel like TLJ sets it up so, if it wants, 9 can skip ahead a few years or more and we could see the First Order under the reign of Kylo, probably the Knights of Ren, etc... gives time for other planets to rally so it's not just ragtag resistance... and Rey can put those books she stole to use.

Wishful thinking, probably... But I feel like 9 NEEDS to have a time skip, because the first two movies taking place over like 3 days is a bit silly
Yeah, it's denial. The apologists are in hell because they just can't fathom the notion that Johnson and Lucasfilm may have just dealt the franchise an irreparable blow. The notion of a world where SW is dead is terrible so its understandable what they're going through. I'm not suffering as much as I thought I would because even though I'm a SW maniac I expect nothing less from the scum and villiany of Disney suits.

I always feared Disney would ruin SW.

You were right Snikt. Tell Jye you were right about Disney

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The current SW franchise will have the same fate as the prequels as far as monetary success. They have an initial peak with TPM and TFA, and subsequent sequels will drive people away, the casuals won't go see them, and the hardcore fans will have less repeat viewings over time.

SW will always make money, but it won't be long until other franchises are making more money, just like Spidey, LOTR, and Harry Potter were all beating the prequels at the box office.

When that does happen, when the hype is gone, and it's just another hit and miss franchise at the box office, then we'll see what really stands the test of time.

The idea is yeah, it wouldn't fly. He was taking it apart and using the parts for things he needed to survive on Ach-To. And his X-Wing has been underwater for 6 years. No engine would start after that much water intrusion. His only way off was the falcon.

That does put an interesting layer onto phantom luke now.

Yeah, I stopped looking for good Star Wars films after TPM, and then AOTC sealed my expectations back into the 80’s forever. I think that helped me suspend a lot of disbelief in subsequent SW movie plot points, including this one. I mean if we survived a trilogy of movies which established Midichlorians, Jar Jar Binks, and that the Jedi were really blind and dumb... then this movie isn’t as bad as the hate. People will say, well RO was great... yeah, RO was not a Star Wars movie, it was a war movie with elements from Star Wars. It didn’t have to carefully preserve the Skywalker arc.

Now we have a movie that took risks and sure, it went off the rails in some aspects, but all the checkmarks were apparently handled:
- who were Rey’s parents(possibly a lie, we’ll see)
- can Leia use the Force
- what happened between Luke and Ben Solo
- is there a romantic connection between Finn and Rey(nope, insert Rose to remove all doubt)
- why did Luke leave and how powerful had he become
- Luke and Leia reunion
- Leia finally hugged Chewbacca(so much hate about that from TFA and speculation about a link between Leia and Rey)
- who is Snoke(nevermind the man behind the gold robe curtain apparently)

I think the one question from TFA I was most looking forward to that they didn’t answer was the Knights of Ren. I was hoping for some anime style action having to fight through the team of quirky bad guys before facing the big bads Snoke and Kylo. Anyway, it’s even more interesting to see people pining for Lucas after wanting to string him up after the PT. The reason there’s such a huge disparity between the critics and the viewers is that the critics for the most part don’t give a hoot about canon and a good portion of the people going to see the movie opening weekend are fans with certain preconceived notions. I’ll be the first one to admit, it was not a great Star Wars movie... we haven’t had a great Skywalker arc Star Wars movie since the 80’s. But it wasn’t a hands-down atrocious movie... it answered questions that needed to be answered and it establishes what Disney has been trying to do since it wrestled this away from Lucas’ cold, cash-laden hands: the ending of the Skywalker arc to continue making Star Wars movies without those plot shackles.

I’m sure JJ will return the story-telling to safer, less riskier waters again... makes me wonder what direction that Jurassic World director was wanting to take it to though...
Very true.

But it certainly wouldn't mean SW is dead.

Thing is what is there to really look forward to now? Most people aren't excited about IX anymore. I want nothing to do with Johnson's trilogy, Solo will probably suck...

The Obi-Wan film is really the only movie I'm curious about at this point and It's mild curiosity.
Cool. I like Kylo and Rey together. And Hux had that foreshadowing thing re Kylo. What happens to Finn and Poe? I'm gonna guess one of them buys the farm...probably Poe, after getting inspired re self-sacrifice.

Poe is being groomed to leader of the resistance....Finn and Rose settle down and have the next Tiger Woods
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