Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Celebration '17 falls in line with the trailer unveiling. For TFA it was Thursday, April 16 when the first full trailer was revealed. Its gonna be the same thing this time around with it dropping Thursday, April 13.

****, come to think of it we're 9 days away from the trailer.

I am excite
Hopefully it'll make me tear up the way I did after Han said "Chewie, we're home."
I just want to see some Darksided mofo's :lol

Pure evil

I wonder if they are going to put Luke saying " Who are you? " in the trailer. That would be so eerie :panic:

I for one need to see that outfit of Rey's in clarity because with Rey's hair down it reminds me of the Hobbit tree elf, forgot her name :horror

I wonder why Rey is also wearing a black shirt when she isn't a Jedi being trained yet :dunno
Hearing about Darkside Rey always reminds me of the ancient chatter about Darkside Luke prior to the release of ROTJ because of his black uniform. People were convinced he was going to turn evil and Han Solo would take up the lightsaber to save the day.
Hearing about Darkside Rey always reminds me of the ancient chatter about Darkside Luke prior to the release of ROTJ because of his black uniform. People were convinced he was going to turn evil and Han Solo would take up the lightsaber to save the day.

I wonder what the very last scene will be in this film..Rey with red eyes :panic:

I can't picture her marrying Finn yet like Anakin and Padme in the AOTC ending :lol
Hearing about Darkside Rey always reminds me of the ancient chatter about Darkside Luke prior to the release of ROTJ[.B] because of his black uniform. People were convinced he was going to turn evil and Han Solo would take up the lightsaber to save the day.

Man, I'd like to hear those telegraphs :lol :monkey3
I teared up with the "Chewie, we're home" line in the trailer which came right after the Falcon being chased by the Tie on Jakku that everyone assumed was being flown by Han and Chewie!

That scene in that trailer is now legendary.
Predictions for TLJ:

-As the movie opens we learn that Kylo has turned to the Light
-Rey and Kylo hook up (romantically)
-Rey turns to the Dark Side (at least for now, she's really a Grey like Kylo)
-Snoke's identity is revealed
-Leia Organa dies
-Poe Dameron dies
-Kylo begs Luke for forgiveness and joins him in getting Rey back from Snoke

*Rey's identity is not revealed though Luke knows who she is
Predictions for TLJ:

-As the movie opens we learn that Kylo has turned to the Light
-Rey and Kylo hook up (romantically)
-Rey turns to the Dark Side (at least for now, she's really a Grey like Kylo)
-Snoke's identity is revealed
-Leia Organa dies
-Poe Dameron dies
-Kylo begs Luke for forgiveness and joins him in getting Rey back from Snoke

*Rey's identity is not revealed though Luke knows who she is

It'd be great if they made that the opening crawl and don't include it in the movie. :lol
Predictions for TLJ:

-As the movie opens we learn that Kylo has turned to the Light No way, not after killing Han and then supposedly returning to Snoke to complete his training - his whole arc in the first movie undone between the films?
-Rey and Kylo hook up (romantically) Positively no way
-Rey turns to the Dark Side (at least for now, she's really a Grey like Kylo) Very much doubt it, Rey is the hero for the female fanbase, they won't make her turn evil
-Snoke's identity is revealed Possible
-Leia Organa dies Possible-Probable
-Poe Dameron dies I wouldn't think so but meh
-Kylo begs Luke for forgiveness and joins him in getting Rey back from Snoke IF Rey turns to the dark side and Kylo returns to the light I could see this happening in Episode 9 - feels more like a final chapter sort of thing

*Rey's identity is not revealed though Luke knows who she is

My response edited into your post.
No way, not after killing Han and then supposedly returning to Snoke to complete his training - his whole arc in the first movie undone between the films?

The novelization confirms that after killing Han, Kylo didn't feel empowered but rather weakened, which means he's basically not working out as a Dark-Sider. The encounter with Rey that followed where he recognizes what she is "It is you." is a continuation of the mind probe scene where Rey voices his greatest fear - that he will never become as powerful as Vader.

I think Kylo is a failed villain and his return to the Light will be fueled primarily by his feelings towards Rey. I think he's going to play Snoke and pretend to be the Dark-Sider Snoke is grooming him to be but then betray him and the Knights like in Rey's vision of the future (where Kylo kills one of his own men).

I believe The Force stopped Rey from killing him because The Force has plans for the two in starting a new age of Force-users via their offspring. "The Resolution of Grey" The Whills talked about begins with the children of Rey and Kylo. The age of the Grey Jedi.
Okay, a bunch of stuff there I knew nothing about. Assuming they haven't casually decided to drop the novelisation's take on the events of TFA I would still think Episode VIII would have to show this process of Kylo coming back to the light - rather than leaving such a significant thing offscreen to only be mentioned in the opening crawl or something.
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