ThreeZero Game of Thrones!

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i feel the exact opposite. understand they are a smaller company, understand that they dont want to show anything until its ready to avoid and sort of mass backlash if its off.
It's not like other companies are clamoring for the rights, anyway. And of viable alternative companies, would folks care much about the end product? HT won't touch stuff like this. SSC would be a possibility (albeit a remote one). Star Ace would seem like the one company that could do something like this, but they've got a lot on their plate already.
i feel the exact opposite. understand they are a smaller company, understand that they dont want to show anything until its ready to avoid and sort of mass backlash if its off.

Im new to the GOT stuff but At least for TWD it's been YEARS. I cant think of anyone who works at that pace. Even if youre a small company theyve had ample time to advance this. The alternative is that theyre too small and bit off more than they can chew.

And if you really want to put out the fire give people some development shots, give non-bot answers. But do something that lets ppl know that youre on the case.
The other reason i dont buy the argument of waiting until it's ready is that in the years between the pets and their next release we got a B/B+looking rick grimes. In fairness it was priced accordingly. But lets not act like theyre meticulously crafting HT quality stuff that takes that much time to produce.
we have no idea whats goin on behind the scenes, we have no idea how long it takes them to produce a figure they are happy with then get approval via the license holders. we dont know how many they have on the team or what challenges they have as a smaller company also juggling the work load presented by threeA(their sister company).

i get it, you want your toys now and cant understand why its not as fast as you would like. no amount of complaining will change that. i can relate but can understand why their release schedule isnt as fast or is abit odd when comparing it to other larger companies who have most likely have twice the staff and resources.
The GOT line is my first ThreeZero figures. I was aware of the company and 3A previously but nothing really caught my attention. Having seen their works in progress over the time since GOT and Walking Dead were started, it seems like they have one room with tons of stuff being worked on by three or four people. Their work benches are usually cluttered with bits of Walking Dead, bits of Chapie, bits of Titanfall, and that was before they got the TMNT and other lines.

I think they have a skeleton crew of devoted artists but I am surprised HBO isn't more demanding of their contract. Darkhorse and other companies are cranking junk out (well most of it, that silver Night's King bust looks badass but it is as much as a high end figure). I seriously have lost all hope in the Walking Dead line. They would have to release an amazing Governor and Daryl for me to even contemplate a figure.

If this lengthy delay was due to uping their head sculpt/paint application quality I could defend it but it just seems to be their usual pace.
That's cool if those are all these reasons they can't do figures that quick. But I hate when I hear the statement from a company "there just wasn't' enough interest in the line to continue it."

Today's age of instant resources and news has spoiled us quite a bit. So to hear nothing for 6 months makes it hard to stay interested in something these days. I personally don't have that kind of time to wait around with all the other products being released. There's a lot to choose from. If something else grabs my interest between now and then, see ya ThreeZero and GOT. That's just how I am. There may be a few patient people out there, but my guess is most are ready for more figures and more news about this then we're getting.

Funko did the same thing with the line. They were behind on updated characters by 2-3 seasons. They didn't release any info about what was coming out or planned. They did have quality issues and didn't address them. These are all things that lead them to cancel the line. TZ is on the same track.
I get on this soapbox every blue moon about 3Z. They have 2 major properties and cant get their act together. And i havent heard a reasonable explanation yet for their actions. NO ONE is this field operates like they do. And when you argue we dont know whats goong on behind the scenes, i argue that they face the same issues as every other manufacturer. So why is the lack of progress unique to 3Z? Why does everyone else seem to handle the tumult of producing figures in a relatively busniess like fashion? Did 3Z just happen upon the 2 franchises that are particularly difficult. I dont buy that.

And my big fear is that these lines will just be lost in time. Other properties will come and manufacturers will feel like the demand just isnt there and focus on whats hot now.
I've found this line to be quite frustrating as well. The rate of figure releases wouldn't be as disappointing if the final product were of a higher quality, but with each Game of Thrones figure they release, there's always something a bit off with the headsculpt, and that ruins the entire figure for me despite how great the costumes look.

It's so disappointing to me because high quality Game of Thrones 1/6 figures are probably the biggest collecting desire I have, and now we stand 2 years away from the series finale, and it seems like the peak time for these figures to be made is dwindling away.

I'd love to see another company get this license and see what someone else can do, maybe we will, maybe we won't, guess we just have to wait.

And I actually liked the Funko Legacy Collection Game of Thrones figures. I thought they were great for the price and remember searching online all the time for any news on a series 3, only to finally read that the line had been cancelled.
Jon and Danni are my only buys. And maybe Cercei and Aya. But this looks good. I wish it the best for seeing the light of day but 3Z does better on GOT than TWD.
The "Coming Soon" made me smile. more appropriate would be "Another figure that will need a replacement head sculpt and some aftermarket work." I would like Hound, but after Dany, Cersei, Tywin and a White Walker.

Bummer they didn't go with Danny next, but this looks terrific. And I hope they keep deviating from the original list. (There are SO many other characters I'd want more than Drogo.) Now fingers crossed they might think about doing something about the pacing of their releases!
Fantastic choice! He'll be an awesome figure :rock

Glad to see they aren't stuck with only the Danny, Drogo, and White Walker figures they initial announced.