Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

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Johnny Utah

A whole jolly club with jolly pirate nicknames!
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Jul 21, 2007
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Toyzhobby posted this pic today, it was then shared by Mark and One Sixth Republic. Can someone translate if they can make anything out?
I will say this, while the DCCU has me picking and choosing and apparently mostly choosing Batman, the DCTVU would have me all in for all, especially The Flash. Every and all even folks like Cisco and Caitlyn which would just be people in standard clothing :lol
Oh Please god, yes. If this happens, I'd be in on sooooo many of these. Obviously Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl would be definites but even folks like Canary, Atom, Martian Manhunter and civilians like Diggle and Cisco and the like could be doable.
I will say this, while the DCCU has me picking and choosing and apparently mostly choosing Batman, the DCTVU would have me all in for all, especially The Flash. Every and all even folks like Cisco and Caitlyn which would just be people in standard clothing :lol

I like Flash, and Supergirl has been a pleasant surprise. I don't like Arrow though... but strangely that is the one Hot Toys figure i would pick up - if they did his costume from the current series. He wouldn't look out of place next to the BvS Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman, and although I like the Flash TV series, the Justice League costume looks to be far better, so i'll wait.
These and the Netflix Marvel shows would be hot toys goldimines...in America. The problem is of course if they would move at all in Hong Kong and overseas abroad in general. I'd be willing to pay a slightly higher premium for the figures if they were only made for the states. If I can pay 220-230 for most Hot Toys, I can pay 250 for Arrow and Daredevil if that's all it takes to get them made.
These and the Netflix Marvel shows would be hot toys goldimines...in America. The problem is of course if they would move at all in Hong Kong and overseas abroad in general. I'd be willing to pay a slightly higher premium for the figures if they were only made for the states. If I can pay 220-230 for most Hot Toys, I can pay 250 for Arrow and Daredevil if that's all it takes to get them made.

I don't get that post... Why wouldn't they move? Dude, we got TV abroad! Shhhh! Prejudices....:slap
Has Hot Toys ever made a TV character before? I don't think Batman and Robin count, because they even seemed to advertise them from the '66 Batman movie. I enjoy Flash, Supergirl and the Marvel Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD, but I don't think I'd buy figures from any of the shows. Arrow got too self-serious for me, same problem that DC movies have - sooo over the top dark and self-important.
Has Hot Toys ever made a TV character before? I don't think Batman and Robin count, because they even seemed to advertise them from the '66 Batman movie. I enjoy Flash, Supergirl and the Marvel Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD, but I don't think I'd buy figures from any of the shows. Arrow got too self-serious for me, same problem that DC movies have - sooo over the top dark and self-important.

Prison Break...
Huh, I didn't know that. Wow, of all the TV shows they could make figures for, I hardly think of Prison Break as very iconic - I'm surprised they did figures from that show.
Not sure about DCTV, but I used to think Netflix Daredevil was impossible simply because HK didn't have Netflix, but they finally got Netflix few months ago so there might be hope for Marvel Netflix figures, especially if they work out some kind of marketing type deal to get people to subscribe.

Actually I forgot about Daredevil - probably because I don't think of Netflix as TV or movies - but actually a DD figure would be pretty sweet, I could get into that.
I hope this is true. I'd buy Flash, Arrow, Arsenal, Black Canary, and Supergirl day one on preorder. I'd love to get the Marvel Netflix stuff in 1/6 as well just to get Daredevil. I'd love to see Hot Toys offer a side-line for tv and hit some of the older classic shows as well, I'd buy a Linda Carter Wonder Woman, Ferrigno Hulk and Bixby Banner two pack, and Yvonne Craig Batgirl without any hesitation.
Can anyone actually translate that? It would be nice to know......

My guess is that more in likely the Flash is from Rise Collectibles and the Arrow is the Urban Ranger or whatever the unlicensed figure was called. If it was Hot Toys, it would probably have the logo somewhere on the page.
Huh, I didn't know that. Wow, of all the TV shows they could make figures for, I hardly think of Prison Break as very iconic - I'm surprised they did figures from that show.

It was very early. Like they had very few license at all. I'd completly forgot all about it. I think it was more to do with trying to get anything they could and build a name.

As for this particular article, it's for BvS and is just providing back ground and whatnot. It was done by a third party Japanese magazine (figure king).

As for the pictures, they are from the shows I think. I'll take a look at the magazine when I get home. They are NOT hot toys figures.

It's from this magazine and article...these are what they do for hot toys. They did the same thing for avengers. Showed the new figures (hot toys, revolt tech, ect) and did a few pages on backstory of characters with stuff from cartoons and shows and past movies and comics,,,

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Would be great if true. I'd be down for Arrow, Flash and Reverse Flash.

:hi5: my dude!

I've been clamoring for a 1/6 DCTV line. I'm hoping the article is, at the very LEAST, teasing us on HT future plans. A tease is better than nothing!

Just about a year ago I started a thread wondering about the possibilities of a DCTV line:


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Untapped potential here. Whoever thinks otherwise is...well...foolish. It's time for HT to take risks again.
I think it roughly translates to:

"Does any of these look like Iron Man and Marvel to you? Of course not, so stick to your $1000 customs while we offer better value for money offerings. Good day"

Seriously though, about time Hot Toys diversify their catalog.
Who knows? If everybody winds up hating BvS and the figures sell like ****, maybe Howard will be like "Dammit! Why aren't these figures selling," and then JC Hong will be like "well, it seems like everybody hated the movie," and then Howard will be like "but how we gonna get some of that sweet, sweet DC money? We have to keep those fanboys believing we still give a ****," and then a lightbulb will pop over his head "but wait! What's all that stuff on TV that those westerners are going on about?"

JC's all like "you mean The Flash, and Arrow, and Supergirl," and Howard's like "yeah, yeah, yeah; tell me more about that stuff," and JC's like "well, you could always put out that Batmobile from the old TV show that you were gonna make," and Howard's like "nah, man; **** that ****. Them dudes are old, they ain't gonna be buyin' our product in 10 years, their wrinkly asses'll be dead by then. Nah, tell me more about this 'Flash' you speak of?" JC's like "well, sir. It's a really popular show with a lot of potential for cool figures," and Howard's like "cool. Okay, we'll start with the fiery office redhead, and then...ooh, let's do this one! What's her name? Bee-girl? You know? She's got all these cool robot bees," and JC's like "but wouldn't it make more sense to start with 'The Flash,'" and then Howard's like "nah, nah, nah; trust me on this one. These dudes are gonna go crazy for bee-girl."

One year later: Howard's like "what the ****, JC? You told me this stuff would sell," and JC's like "actually, I just told you about the shows, and how popular they are," and Howard's like, then why do we have 10,000 units of Bee-Girl left? The Sideshow Rep's getting all pissy and saying he wants to send them back to us at cost because nobody's buying them for anything less than 75% off," and JC mutters "I told him we should've started with The Flash," and then Howard's like "nah, nobody gives a **** about the Flash. Cancel it. Nah, what can we do from Marvel that's good? Ooh, I know! Let's do that Bee-Man from that one movie about the little guy!"
Id get a Supergirl if was true, shes so hot and cute (which is rare to be both). A dio of her private (public now) pictures would be so much better.
This would be amazing! Hot Toys Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl would just be the beginning!
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