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This movie is going to open big because the marketing hype is out there, adolescents need something to discuss about at school, old comic book farts like me who never grew up are a given and women love RR.

70 would be a HUGE win for this.

Want to see a HUGE rated R failure look no further than Dredd's 41 million box office with a 45 million budget.

Through no fault of its own. The marketing team for ****ed it hard with no lube wrapped in sandpaper. That movie should have done much much better than it should have but reviews and word of mouth can only go so far and by that time it was too little too late.
not been following this thread ,the movie doesn't seem to be my piece of toast but i saw this on the united boards i use and thought it was a smart bit of cross pollination of movies and sports ,thought if noone else had posted it you guys would like it ,
heres the read up if anyones interested

Video: Deadpool dreams of Reds - Official Manchester United Website

This movie is going to open big because the marketing hype is out there, adolescents need something to discuss about at school, old comic book farts like me who never grew up are a given and women love RR.

70 would be a HUGE win for this.

Want to see a HUGE rated R failure look no further than Dredd's 41 million box office with a 45 million budget.


They got this into people's heads in the best possible way. They should teach the marketing for this movie in film schools. I'd venture to say it's had the best marketing for a CBM, or if not THE best then second only to The Dark Knights


His face. So perfect.

Through no fault of its own. The marketing team for ****ed it hard with no lube wrapped in sandpaper. That movie should have done much much better than it should have but reviews and word of mouth can only go so far and by that time it was too little too late.

Yeah. I loved that movie, when I eventually saw it, but had next to no awareness when it was coming out in theatres

This director will now become the Whedon/Russo of Fox.

Don't wish that curse upon him. Look what happened to Whedon, because of the worship and pressure and expectation he left.

Would be best if Miller occupied the Singer/Del Toro Level of being respected and praised but not adored and given too much attention so he continues on delivering good movies without having to bow out due to the crazy fandom pressure
Just read an interview with the writers, very good read, they said this about Negasonic, spoilers about the character

Spoiler Spoiler:

if you want to read the interview here's a link, beware, there are spoilers in the first paragraph