Grim future for Star Wars 1/6th?

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Super Freak
Nov 28, 2005
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With a confirmation that Disney's license being a driver in the new prices of these figures...i have to wonder how many of us will be priced out of Star Wars? $240 for a Luke figure with no accessories means future figures will be even more expensive. Im sure Hot Toys has to pay a higher license fee i feel like over the next couple years...we will be seeing the end of 1/6 Star Wars from both companies. How many of us will pay $300+ for a 1/6th scale action figure on a routine basis? Its on the horizon....
would you kindly post your source? Thanks -

And yes, if $240 for Luke with minimal accessories is the new norm, I am just about done

Sideshow Alex page 161 of the xwing luke thread....
would you kindly post your source? Thanks -

And yes, if $240 for Luke with minimal accessories is the new norm, I am just about done

With Alex chiming in, it seems this will be the new norm. Not good at all, but Disney has been known to focus on the $$, and with owning SW, it was only a matter of time.
Hot Toys must be paying the same kind of fees that Sideshow is, but is keeping the figures within a realm of acceptable costs. I'm not too worried about it, but I would be if I were concerned with any of SSC's Star Wars output.
Hot Toys must be paying the same kind of fees that Sideshow is, but is keeping the figures within a realm of acceptable costs. I'm not too worried about it, but I would be if I were concerned with any of SSC's Star Wars output.

You are assuming the same price hike that kicked in for luke has already been factored into HT current figs. A $5.00 difference between a basic figure like luke and a fur covered giant like Chew tells me we are in for a shock from HT....
Hot Toys must be paying the same kind of fees that Sideshow is, but is keeping the figures within a realm of acceptable costs. I'm not too worried about it, but I would be if I were concerned with any of SSC's Star Wars output.
This about sums up my thoughts too. I think its possible that certain Star Wars output from Sideshow may be higher as already evidenced by the X-Wing gear Luke, but I would have to imagine that Hot Toys' deal with Disney is relatively new seeing as they've only recently announced figures other than the DX07 which was done a while ago already.
Yep it's expensive but I would prefer to pay hot toys for an amazing 1/6th figure (yes I know they screw up occasionally) than give $400+ to SS for an eggshell thin PF with poor QC and which in most cases ends up poorly painted to boot.

I'm done with 1/4 and I'll be more selective with my 1/6 scale purchases.
Yep it's expensive but I would prefer to pay hot toys for an amazing 1/6th figure (yes I know they screw up occasionally) than give $400+ to SS for an eggshell thin PF with poor QC and which in most cases ends up poorly painted to boot.

I'm done with 1/4 and I'll be more selective with my 1/6 scale purchases.

Ouch...what did you get burned on?
You are assuming the same price hike that kicked in for luke has already been factored into HT current figs.
True, but the SSC vs. HT prices of X-Wing Luke vs. Han and Chewy actually fit a pattern where HT's 1/6 output just seems like a better deal than what SSC gives you, all things considered, suggesting they're more cost effective (think of SSC's last Snake Eyes and Batman vs. HT's movie Snake Eyes and '66 Batman). And on top of that the post about the recent contract by HT also makes a lot of sense. Would be strange for HT to sign a contract, do a handful of figures in quick succession, then have to sign a different contract. I'm assuming the expensive contract SSC is referring to is the one HT signed. In fact, Disney's involvement may be the reason HT was able to negotiate a contract on its own instead of working through Sideshow as a middle man as appeared to be the case with Bespin Luke.
I almost wonder if their license is for two packs. :lol All of HT's SW figures have either been available as a two pack or only as a two pack, which wasn't something they used to do until they made Luke. Just seems like a strange coincidence that all of their SW figures have gone this route (even though the last three have been available as singles too). Got to imagine Luke and Leia, R2 and 3PO, Vader and the Emperor or Boba Fett or Tarkin would be other likely OT pairings.
SSC would not have been effected by the Disney sale. First SSC has no direct license with Disney for SW (nor does HT) Hasbro has the license for any action figures (until 2020) and SSC has always leased that from Hasbro. HT finally got the Asian lease (Medicom formally had it) and likely had to outbid competitors resulting in a more expensive license. Also if Disney was a reason then why are all the 1/6 in last couple years not on par with the price of X Wing luke and why is Chewy so cheap?

Now back to the regular scheduled sky is falling discussion.
Too early to worry about HTs deal with Dis, also being in the Asian market, could be a totally different ballgame. HT may still be working with the same people pre Disney that they've dealt with for Star Wars all along. Remember, this isn't their first Star Wars line.

Compared to Medi's pricing schedule in the past, it doesn't look like HT has had to budge an ounce on pricing. (Darth Maul being on the skimpy side @ $220 and Vader being more decked out @$300) and its not like these are new releases, which makes HTs offerings look even better.

If anything, it looks like the HT's ascension has DECREASED overall pricing from the East.
SSC would not have been effected by the Disney sale. First SSC has no direct license with Disney for SW (nor does HT) Hasbro has the license for any action figures (until 2020) and SSC has always leased that from Hasbro. HT finally got the Asian lease (Medicom formally had it) and likely had to outbid competitors resulting in a more expensive license. Also if Disney was a reason then why are all the 1/6 in last couple years not on par with the price of X Wing luke and why is Chewy so cheap?

Now back to the regular scheduled sky is falling discussion.

HT may have a collectibles license with Disney, much in the same way George circumvented Galoob and Hasbro in the 90s and gave a direct contract to Lego, I'd say its pretty easy to say that Hot Toys are "collectibles" and fall out of the "toy" market, but, I haven't seen the contract, so if you got links, post em up.
SSC would not have been effected by the Disney sale. First SSC has no direct license with Disney for SW (nor does HT) Hasbro has the license for any action figures (until 2020) and SSC has always leased that from Hasbro. HT finally got the Asian lease (Medicom formally had it) and likely had to outbid competitors resulting in a more expensive license. Also if Disney was a reason then why are all the 1/6 in last couple years not on par with the price of X Wing luke and why is Chewy so cheap?

Now back to the regular scheduled sky is falling discussion.

Agree. It don't get why we are now seeing "the full effects of Disney". The licence for Hasbro is until 2020, how can Disney affect that contract?

Either way, it looks like we have a new pricing structure. Sad to say that R2 and the Biker Scout will be my last SS figures. Think I'll settle for the Black series Luke X-Wing and Tie Pilot, and stick with my Tamashi 3PO.
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Well no one here knows the details of the contract and anything can be written into it. All we know Is Alex stated in a response regarding the pricing on red five that we are in full swing of the Disney price affects. No real way of knowing.
If other figures start hitting that price range regardless of the reason, I'll become much more selective. I may pay over $200 for one version of a few main characters, but I can't see paying that much for background characters. I already have several versions of Luke and I don't need X-Wing Luke, but if he was under $200 I probably would have picked him up. I'm definitely getting Chewbacca, but may just skip Han and keep the Sideshow version I have. Depending on C-3PO's price I may skip him too.
Hot Toys must be paying the same kind of fees that Sideshow is, but is keeping the figures within a realm of acceptable costs. I'm not too worried about it, but I would be if I were concerned with any of SSC's Star Wars output.

yeah except they have a solid factory, and all their workers in house, I dont know what cost of living is like over there, and they dont have to pay to ship the stuff, SS does. So i think maybe we'll see HT's being the cheaper of the two (or more value packed), damn shame
Also the thing I hate about companies like Disney is they just want their cut... and they always fail to realize that we only have a finite amount of $$ to spend, then they cranked up production... its over