1/6 Hot Toys Accessory Packs?

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Super Freak
Jul 10, 2009
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The Batcave
HT just announced one of these for the Iron Man 3 line. Something a lot of collectors have been hoping they'd do for years. So, with that in mind, rather than detailing the IM3 thread, I thought it'd be acceptable to create a thread where we could discuss possibilities, wants, etc. for DC licenses. I could see a lot of potential for both the Nolan and Burton franchises. For one thing, it might be an avenue where people could get an accurate TDK cowl without shilling for a new figure.:lol The other thing is that a **** ton of possibilities for Nicholson Joker opened up.
Maybe a couple years ago but in this day and age with HT's greed it sets a dangerous precedent. I could very easily see them including very little with a figure release, or nothing at all, and selling it in the accessory pack instead. I mean they are trying to sell styrofoam to the IM fans for like $60 bucks ffs. All of that stuff, the various accessories in the pack.. and the styrofoam display should have already been included with it's respective figure.

In this section, we can't even get a new HS on a $280 6 yr old Joker figure. It's getting ridiculous.

Actually it is beyond ridiculous.
Looks like a way to leave out accessories with the standard figures while still charging the high prices collectors have grown accustomed to and selling a separate accessory pack for an additional high price.
Looks like a way to leave out accessories with the standard figures while still charging the high prices collectors have grown accustomed to and selling a separate accessory pack for an additional high price.

Very true. There was a time when an iron man figure would have come with all of that stuff for about $180. That's why I got MK IV and left it at that.
Still could see this as being a nice alternative for non-completists wanting accessories, which looks exactly like what the IM pack is.
It depends on how they handle it. If it starts becoming a reason for them to leave accessories out so people will want these it'll suck. If it's a way to get some stuff we might not otherwise it could be beneficial.
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It depends on how they handle it. If it starts becoming a reason for them to leave accessories out so people will want these it'll suck. If it's a way to get some stuff we might not otherwise it could be beneficial.
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And that's how it will start!!! It would be nice, but either way they pulled this off with the armory, you can buy the armory or batman or alfred or all of them.
I'd love to see some accessory packs but agree that it may lead to less accessories included with the figures. There are a lot of great possibilities if HT does it right, though
Im for weapons and other accessories of the type.

But I'm not a fan of getting outfit packs. These arent Barbies. And how tight the clothes are to begin with, I dont even try to take anything off, or put things on.
Iron Man and Nolan Batman would probably be the only lines that'd get any.

As a Nolan fan, I've got to say there is probably NOTHING that would make sense to be included in an accessory pack.

Batarangs? Mini-mines? Utility Belts? All are pretty standard with EVERY HT Nolan Batman release so far. Besides those things there's only a few props of any prominence/significance in the films like the Sticky-bomb gun, EMP Gun, and Backpack....but even if you bundled ALL of that together, it's not a very interesting accessory pack. No point to it.
As a Nolan fan, I've got to say there is probably NOTHING that would make sense to be included in an accessory pack.

Batarangs? Mini-mines? Utility Belts? All are pretty standard with EVERY HT Nolan Batman release so far. Besides those things there's only a few props of any prominence/significance in the films like the Sticky-bomb gun, EMP Gun, and Backpack....but even if you bundled ALL of that together, it's not a very interesting accessory pack. No point to it.

Original Costume Manglers, DX 02 Cape packs, Sonar head, more face plates, grapple gun holsters . . .

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I have all that stuff already and would hate for them to rerelease that gear, but I could see Hot Toys pulling that kind of shenanigans for those that "missed out" on MMS 67 and MMS DX 02.
Still could see this as being a nice alternative for non-completists wanting accessories, which looks exactly like what the IM pack is.
I agree, but I could see us getting more basic regular releases in the process. . .for ever increasing prices, while the supplemental packs would be overpriced as well. Meaning we may end up paying 30% or so more for a figure just to get stuff we previously would have had included with the figure for a standard price. But maybe that's cynical, worst case scenario thinking. I don't really see HT going so far with all this, or see it having a huge effect on their existing process for developing figures.

Iron Man and Nolan Batman would probably be the only lines that'd get any.
Aren't they the only lines that get figures at all now? So yeah, that makes sense.

As for figures I would like to see extra accessories for, maybe non-damaged shirt and jacket for the T1 T-800. If we ever got a Kyle Reese, alternate outfit could be released this way and I would be OK with it. Same with Marty McFly and Doc from the sequels. Though I know that the reality is HT would rather charge us way more by including the figure with those kinds of releases.
Original Costume Manglers, DX 02 Cape packs, Sonar head, more face plates, grapple gun holsters . . .

Lucky for me, all that stuff would bore me to tears as a separate pack. Like I said, most of it has been released already, and more importantly, none of it is particularly interesting.

I have all that stuff already and would hate for them to rerelease that gear, but I could see Hot Toys pulling that kind of shenanigans for those that "missed out" on MMS 67 and MMS DX 02.

If you have it all, (like I do) why would you hate if they released it separately? If you're not a completist, there's nothing to worry about, it's an easy pass.
I think the Nolan movies have been pretty covered, accessory-wise. I could see this for a Batman '66 pack, though, similar to the one Figures Toy Company is making:

Has that come out for the figures yet?

I've seen them all at my local comic store, but have passed. That accessory set might make me rethink that and purchase Batman and Robin though.
And that's one franchise where all the little nicknacks really add to the appeal of a display IMO, whereas it might not so much with some of the "gritty and realistic" displays folks might want for, say, Nolan stuff or Man of Steel.
If they were ever going to do a Nolan accessory pack, they ought to make a Bruce Wayne/Batman Batman Begins DX complete with the "first night out" treatment. Then, they could have an accessory set with airbrush, gas mask, alternate prototype suit sans Bat symbol, The weird cape/glove thingy hands, table and power sander, Batarangs, and alternate Wayne outfit. That's legitimately the only thing I can think of.

I'd greatly prefer stuff for West, though.