Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Wow thats a mad amount of views! You seriously have too much money, can I have some :)

For me as time goes on I think the definites for this line, money allowing as always, will be Hawkeye and Cap.

I was saying a yes to Iron Man but it will depend on if they fix the issues with joints the Mark 42 has and as for Widow, Thor and Banner/Hulk it will depend on how much I have free. Captain America is already destroying my non duplicates rule (Iron Man has a limited pass on that) but I will likely only display the AoU one and one of the WS versions (probably Stealth Suit with the Steve Rogers head).

I would like to have a full Avengers team even if it ends up a bit of a hybrid between Avengers and the solo films (Ideally AoU Cap and Hawkeye, WS BW, whichever Thor and Banner I can buy and right now probably the Mark 33)
That's crazy I only seen it 3 times, with different people but I'm not sure why 16+ times is necessary
That being said I've seen it 10+ times at home :lol
I haven't kept track at all with how many times I've seen it, I know it's in double digits.

For me, the figures I am most looking forward to are Ultron and, hopefully, Hulkbuster. The rest I either already have a great iteration of the character already and don't need more, or it's just not for me. We'll see of course :)
All in all I've seen the movie about 29 times and saving viewing number 30 for the inevitable marathon I will have before AOU. Hehe.

The AMC theaters here do marathons and I will most definitely be going to the AoU one. The Avengers Movie Marathon is what made me a marvel fan in the first place...and eventually I found Hot Toys and you guys :)
The AMC theaters here do marathons and I will most definitely be going to the AoU one. The Avengers Movie Marathon is what made me a marvel fan in the first place...and eventually I found Hot Toys and you guys :)

That's just ****ing awesome to hear and glad to hear that the movies are what turned you into a fan.

I'm seriously loving how comic book films and media has skyrocketed. But you'd think that more people would read the comics nowadays. Like with book to film adaptions, people ALWAYS go and seek out and read the books before seeing the film.

I sometimes wonder why it isn't the same a with comics. Is it just too much to read? Or is it too hard to find a good place to start?
That's just ****ing awesome to hear and glad to hear that the movies are what turned you into a fan.

I'm seriously loving how comic book films and media has skyrocketed. But you'd think that more people would read the comics nowadays. Like with book to film adaptions, people ALWAYS go and seek out and read the books before seeing the film.

I sometimes wonder why it isn't the same a with comics. Is it just too much to read? Or is it too hard to find a good place to start?

It may be that it is difficult to find the right story line. I mean how many avenger comics are there?! Not to mention the book usually ends being better than the movie...I have seen a lot of complaining about how costumes or actors don't look right or that the story line is wonky. I'm going to stay a fan of the films for my own good :wink1:
That's just ****ing awesome to hear and glad to hear that the movies are what turned you into a fan.

I'm seriously loving how comic book films and media has skyrocketed. But you'd think that more people would read the comics nowadays. Like with book to film adaptions, people ALWAYS go and seek out and read the books before seeing the film.

I sometimes wonder why it isn't the same a with comics. Is it just too much to read? Or is it too hard to find a good place to start?


The average person aka Mr. and Mrs idiot, would have a hard time navigating through the hundreds of different variations in comics, not to mention multiverses, characters and multiple versions of those characters, stories, arcs etc.....

can be very confusing if you don't have solid foundational understanding of the subject....

The average person aka Mr. and Mrs idiot, would have a hard time navigating through the hundreds of different variations in comics, not to mention multiverses, characters and multiple versions of those characters, stories, arcs etc.....

can be very confusing if you don't have solid foundational understanding of the subject....

I just said with all the different variations It'd be hard to figure out what is what but ok. Sorry I don't understand the fundamentals of comics.
I'm seriously loving how comic book films and media has skyrocketed. But you'd think that more people would read the comics nowadays. Like with book to film adaptions, people ALWAYS go and seek out and read the books before seeing the film.

I dont especially if its part of an ongoing book series when the films start coming out, for instance my sister is a big Harry Potter fan and has constantly over the last decade to read the books, but as I first saw the films I do not see the point in blurring over the 2 mediums as there are always differences (some small some massive) and so I always said I would finish the films before the books (bad example though as I have not even read page one yet!)

I sometimes wonder why it isn't the same a with comics. Is it just too much to read? Or is it too hard to find a good place to start?
I find graphic novels easier to read now I am older, yes I know many are compilations of several ongoing issues, but I always end up missing one part and so getting the compiled form is more satisfying these days where as in my youth Saturday was new Batman and 10p mix day.... Oh to grow up in the 80s/90s before Fredo's cost 20p!
I just said with all the different variations It'd be hard to figure out what is what but ok. Sorry I don't understand the fundamentals of comics.

I wasn't calling you an idiot, not at all, I hope you didnt consider my comment to be directed at you, and if you did I apoligise

I was simply implying that the average person is stupid
I wasn't calling you an idiot, not at all, I hope you didnt consider my comment to be directed at you, and if you did I apoligise

I was simply implying that the average person is stupid

I didn't think it was directed at me. It seems like I'd be considered an average person which according to you would make me stupid. Not saying your intentionally calling me that but...
Stop it, you two, you're making Scratchy cry!