Is Ironman costing hot toys customers?

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Dec 28, 2012
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So I didn't know where to start this thread but felt like hot toys needed to see this I just wanted to see if anyone think's Ironman is costing hot toys customers?

Everyone know's that Ironman is a decent film but does anyone agree hot toys have over killed it? I mean common guys at this moment in time it feels like you've given up all licenses including back to the future and batman to make what a plastic robot that lights up in a different armour?

I feel this is costing them customers because everyone seems to know there is gonna be mark 20 billion and now you have millions of Ironman's all over the world, there is making a master piece and there is over kill....... Sorry hot toys but your killing ironman!

Make something new give us these new licenses you have, your customers will thank you!

If this is in the wrong thread please move it other than that does anyone agree they are over killing ironman?
Count me in as one of those folks who is "Iron Man'd Out".

Sure the movies were good, and the armours very cool, but we're getting armours that are shabby repaints, or were on screen for < 1 second.
Opportunity cost. In this case, Iron Man is a sure bet over all other opportunities.
I don't think they are losing enough customers over Iron Man to matter to them. They are probably gaining more customers than losing.
They are putting on over the top Iron Man displays with original set pieces and custom IM figures by famous artists. You do not do that for something that is making you lose customers.

I love IM but i would love to see HT make some original figures that they have never done before.
Why do you actually care whether or not they are losing customers? Sounds more like you're bummed 'cause you're sick of Ironman and want a Marty McFly and Ra's al Ghul :lol
Why do you actually care whether or not they are losing customers? Sounds more like you're bummed 'cause you're sick of Ironman and want a Marty McFly and Ra's al Ghul :lol

I'm just curious to see if anyone else wants them to change ironman aha! Last hot toys figure I bought was dx08 was the last too!
Stupid but who's Ra al Ghul? :dunno
Actually, iron man is probably creating customers.
It's stupid popular in this side of the planet, and all of the incarnations are practically sold out as preorders before they get into the stores.
Not my thing to be honest. I got a Mk1 coz its so cool looking and the Tony workshop figure coz it's got so much going on.
In the mean time we had another Supes, Spidy, Bats... Lots going on.
I suppose I got my answer aha!

It wasn't made for a war or anything haha it was just seeing what people thought. Saying that the crow and robocop look pretty neat!
Obviously it is not costing them customers cause they keep making more.

Business is buisiness.
Over here locally it's a bit boring to see most figures shops displaying at least a Iron Man suit.
As long as people keep buying and the line thrives; they'll keep pumping them out. Bidness is bidness.
BTTF and Batman Returns etc are more niche in terms of being old licenses and have a lesser chance of financial success than Ironman so I see why they've parked them up.
Sad though coz it's just getting boring right now
I specifically collect Iron Man statues and toys. The Iron Man 3 license has made me a Hot Toys customer. Now that I'm just entering the 1/6th world, there's a chance I might buy some Hot Toys from other licenses in the future.

IM3 line just snagged Hot Toys a new customer here.
it is definitely a shame that other licences are being ignored. i love iron man but im not collecting the figures- just cant afford to get another line but there are other figures they have mentioned that i will buy.....
They aren't losing the people that are buying.

Are you asking if the people who want something other than Iron Man will not buy from them now if they make figures that aren't Iron Man?
Asians love mech/robot **** so dont expect it to go anywhere :lol

Sure id like some other stuff but im fortunate to be a huge iron man fan and the next immediate thing I collect is predators, and HT is still doing those too, so I cant really complain. especially cause 2 preds a year allows me to fill up on IM, though I only have 2-3 more armors im buying until I call quits
I don't know. I know it has cost them some of my money. I have 2 Iron-Men. That's enough. I don't know if I'll ever buy another. The way the prices are sky-rocketing, I doubt it.
At the end of the day they can and will make what they want.
If it's not for you just move on. It's not like they're waving a big stick and saying buy or else :dunno
IronMan is not killing them by any means. Its creating more and more customers as they are becoming more well known. Anything IM sells, and it sells BIG TIME all over the world!!! They don't make millions of these figures either, we are talking a few thousand pieces. But there are millions of fans and tons of potential new customers each and every year. As kids get older and discover more high end toys, they will want them and new collectors pop up.

Also from all we know delays for other licenses could be delayed from the actors/movie company approval. Sometimes they have to wait a long time for approvals. So the delays are not always their fault.

Sure maybe long time collectors are sick of IM figures, but IM is definitely their biggest money maker, especially in the Asian market. Stuff like Back To the Future is definitely more niche market. Far fewer of those will sell and be made.
People still love Iron man, as shown by the healthy secondary market. Just because you're burned out doesn't mean other people are.

There are plenty other lines to buy and enjoy.

With more Avengers and Iron Man releases, I'd say their will be many more to come.
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